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Shannon Matthews


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Its looking more and more like they saw the Madeline McCann fund and thought "we could do that", and staged the whole thing.

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Its looking more and more like they saw the Madeline McCann fund and thought "we could do that", and staged the whole thing.


That's what I said when they first found her. The circumstances were far too suspicious.

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Its looking more and more like they saw the Madeline McCann fund and thought "we could do that", and staged the whole thing.


One of the first things I said


The Police should come out and say what is true


"Tha family are a set of scabs like the whole fucking estate is"


Fucking waste of oxygen the lot of them!

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Just gets better and better this one....


Claims the Madeleine McCann fund was approached for money to assist the search for Shannon Matthews are being investigated, police have said.


It is understood during the time nine-year-old Shannon was missing, the McCann family was asked for money towards helping find the schoolgirl.


One man has been charged with Shannon's abduction. Her mother, Karen Matthews, has also been arrested.


Police have until Wednesday lunchtime to charge or release Ms Mathews.


The Madeleine fund was set up to help in the search for the three-year-old who has not been seen since she went missing in Portugal in May last year.


It is understood one request to the fund was made by a man claiming to be a freelance journalist who was seeking money to help in the search for Shannon.


The Madeleine fund later received a one-line email asking for money, and on another occasion someone claiming to be close to Shannon's mother made a call to representatives of the McCanns.


Officers from West Yorkshire Police confirmed they are investigating the alleged approaches to the McCanns.


Meanwhile, Karen Matthews is being held on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.


It is understood the 32-year-old is being quizzed about alleged inconsistencies in her version of events.


Police want to know if she had any contact with Michael Donovan, the man charged with abducting Shannon.


Detectives are comparing comments she made when her daughter was missing to remarks she is alleged to have made to friends, which were heard by a police family liaison officer.


Michael Donovan, 39, has been charged with abducting Shannon, who was found safe on 14 March, 24 days after she went missing.


Mr Donovan, of Lidgate Gardens, Dewsbury, was treated in hospital after committing what was described as "serious self-harm" while in jail awaiting trial for kidnap and false imprisonment.


Following treatment for what were believed to be cuts to his wrists, he was returned to Leeds prison where he is on remand.


A provisional trial date has been set for 11 November.


Mr Donovan, who was formerly known as Paul Drake, is the uncle of Shannon's stepfather Craig Meehan.


Two other women, 49-year-old Alice Meehan, the mother of Shannon's stepfather, and his sister, 25-year-old Amanda Hyett, were held on Friday.


Ms Hyett, of Moorside Road, Dewsbury Moor, was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender while Ms Meehan was arrested on suspicion of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Both were released on police bail.


In a separate inquiry, Craig Meehan was remanded in custody by Dewsbury magistrates last Thursday after being arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.


Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bradford/7336803.stm


Whatever you think or say about the McCanns, if this turns out to be true its a fucking disgrace.

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The lass probably never had a chance in life anyway and in light of this trauma i severely doubt she has a chance now.


Her mother is an utter mong and this looked like a cash in from the start.

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they're probably on some Govt program that gets it free for them



and people are against immigrants


FFS I'd rather have Cap'n Hook next door than this lot of losers

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they're probably on some Govt program that gets it free for them



and people are against immigrants


FFS I'd rather have Cap'n Hook next door than this lot of losers

I was thinking last night like - it's hilarious how people think immigrants are the reason this country is fucked.

I don't think it is btw, but it seems to be a common perception.

Edited by alex
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Just read they allegedly got the abduction plot idea from an episode of Shameless?


a Cull.... I'm telling you it's the only way.

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How many people were yelling that the McCann's were only getting the coverage they were because of their social class and that if they had been considered lower class, it'd never have happened?


These dickheads have done wonders for that argument, haven't they? :icon_lol:


The parents of such kids such as Susan Maxwell, Sarah Payne, Milly Dowler, Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman, James Bulger, Madeleine McCann, and many many more who've had to endure this living hell must be absolutely fucking fuming...

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they're probably on some Govt program that gets it free for them



and people are against immigrants


FFS I'd rather have Cap'n Hook next door than this lot of losers

I was thinking last night like - it's hilarious how people think immigrants are the reason this country is fucked.

I don't think it is btw, but it seems to be a common perception.



It's all part of the same issue though really.



Benefits are a great idea, so long as they are for those that absolutely need them, but of course that soon morphs into those who just know how to/want to live on them and take advantage..... let it go on long enough and you have an entire "class" of people like that.


We're a vastly soft touch for immigration too (for many of the same reasons our benefit culture has flourished), hence the problems with that (and absolutely NO benefits as was shown by the Lords report).

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West Yorkshire Police have been questioning Shannon Matthews mum.


Not about the dissapearnce of Shannon but how the hell she convinced 5 blokes to shag her!


Looking at her they may not have had any choice in the matter. :icon_lol:

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a Cull.... I'm telling you it's the only way.


The only victim in all this being one of the people you want culled?


Lol, you never know, it may have been her idea all along.

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a Cull.... I'm telling you it's the only way.


The only victim in all this being one of the people you want culled?


Lol, you never know, it may have been her idea all along.


Can't believe I was so blind. :icon_lol:


She's played them all like keys on a bontempi keyboard.


Got herself a nice middle class pad out of it.

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