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Why people won't help themselves

The Fish

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As this has been bumped by others I suppose I should give some kind of update. She's been using the Wii fit thing for half an hour a day and has lost a little weight. She's still not doing enough and she's still eating shit, but at least she's exercising.


She's booked herself in for more blood tests and what not, but I think she's after excuses rather than solutions.

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Guest Stevie
As this has been bumped by others I suppose I should give some kind of update. She's been using the Wii fit thing for half an hour a day and has lost a little weight. She's still not doing enough and she's still eating shit, but at least she's exercising.


She's booked herself in for more blood tests and what not, but I think she's after excuses rather than solutions.

I think you feel in third place of the three siblings. That is one of the messages I'm getting.

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Guest Stevie
Is your sister happy that your discussing your disgust at her obesity on the worldwide web!


Even more so if, as people have stated, you were far from an athlete yourself

Bulgarian shotputters are classed as athletes.

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Is your sister happy that your discussing your disgust at her obesity on the worldwide web!


Even more so if, as people have stated, you were far from an athlete yourself

I thought you'd eventually turn up. :icon_lol:


It's nothing I haven't said to her face. Also, the point about my size at one time? I was over weight, this is true, but I lost the weight and am now, pretty average sized and (more importantly) healthy.


And Stevie I'm in now way anxious about the pecking order of my family. :icon_lol:

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Guest Stevie
Is your sister happy that your discussing your disgust at her obesity on the worldwide web!


Even more so if, as people have stated, you were far from an athlete yourself

I thought you'd eventually turn up. :icon_lol:


It's nothing I haven't said to her face. Also, the point about my size at one time? I was over weight, this is true, but I lost the weight and am now, pretty average sized and (more importantly) healthy.


And Stevie I'm in now way anxious about the pecking order of my family. :icon_lol:

It comes across that you think you've achieved so much more than the sister who keeps shitein herself, yet she gets all the sympathies and glories despite being a lazy cunt, when you're a hard worker who's achieved quite a bit. That's how it comes across to me.

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Then (unsurprisingly) you know nowt.


This thread was nothing more than a cry of frustration. It's been bumped for reasons unknown to me.

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Guest Stevie
Then (unsurprisingly) you know nowt.


This thread was nothing more than a cry of frustration. It's been bumped for reasons unknown to me.

I just wanted to know if her problems cleared up, and whether that immodium worked, because lets face it we've all had the Ertha's.

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So this:

It comes across that you think you've achieved so much more than the sister who keeps shitein herself, yet she gets all the sympathies and glories despite being a lazy cunt, when you're a hard worker who's achieved quite a bit. That's how it comes across to me.

Actually meant this:

I just wanted to know if her problems cleared up, and whether that immodium worked.



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Then (unsurprisingly) you know nowt.


This thread was nothing more than a cry of frustration. It's been bumped for reasons unknown to me.

I just wanted to know if her problems cleared up, and whether that immodium worked, because lets face it we've all had the Ertha's.


to answer your oddly phrased question


She's being forced to eat better by her circumstance (she's now working Full time and then going to volunteer at the Phoenix theatre in Blyth every other night) So she can't stuff her face 24/7, that's helping her guts. At the same time this Wii thing is helping her lose weight.


She's still her own worst enemy like, she'll still eat the fattiest thing on the menu whenever she has the option and she'll still rather clog her system with Imodium (which apparently stops the Brads by stopping you go entirely, which can be no good thing) than do something about prevention.

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Fat on fat hate crime. :icon_lol:


Twat on fat hate crime.


Jonny2J " :rolleyes: " incoming in....3....2.... :rolleyes:



Fat on fat hate crime. :icon_lol:

Dave's not fat though.

Chubby fat? Or Obese fat? (plus luckyluke seems to think he is, or that I am :rolleyes:)


But fatties almost always relapse. Although much like ex-smokers there's nothing more dangerous than a temporarily ex-fatty.

Edited by Fop
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't think I have irritable bowel syndrome, but fuckin hell when I'm on the drink, I seem to need a shit, all the time, many a time I've had to run in to a pub or a bookies for a shite, luckily it's a while since I followed through though.


With regard to not helping themselves, it's lack of motivation no other reason, I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life 16st8, and it's been because I've kept skipping the gym and drinking too much. There comes a point though where you have to say look I'm getting a fat cunt now do something about it, and that's me now.


They have bogs in the bookies?


aye, but you're supposed to stop on your way in and put a bet on first

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  • 1 year later...

as it's been brought up there is some good news. My other sister just had her second scan and the baby is moving around and doing great, this was made possible because she lost 7 stone. Now her losing the weight and getting preggo has finally, kicked the other one into gear. She's signed up tot he same gym as my eldest sister and has been going with her for the past month or so.


but yeah, she's still got IBS and takes immodium like they're tic tacs

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Seven stone? Fuck me, how big was she?


Has she always had a bloke or did the weight loss make her approachable again?

about 24stone, yeah she's been with this guy for years, they got married at that little church on the avenue between Deleval and Sluice. Really lovely little church, she got her dress from Irvin-GQ.

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