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Join Me - What can I do?

Happy Face

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I'm only half way through it but it's a great book. Very similar to Dave Gormans stuff, written by Danny Wallace - His producer.


I have been convinced to join him but I need ideas of nice stuff to do for strangers on a Friday. The best I could come up with was to go up to a stranger and give them a tenner but it'll get costly if I keep that up.


If you were a stranger how could I make you happy tomorrow without spending too much?

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Lou is into all that Gorman/Wallace stuff. She is in that "Join Me" thing. She'll no doubt point you in the right direction.



Lou? never heard of him.


Anyway, as my first act of kindness. I've gone to the trouble of finding a Calvin and Hobbes strip for you. I hope it makes you happy.



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*cough* Hi. I'm not a him.


I am a Joinee though. And a citizen (Danny's latest project).


My best Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) has been... umm... well, I actually spent a RAOK Day with my best friend last summer....

... we gave out flowers to random folks in the street

... then we gave out Werther's Originals to all the old people we went b

.... then we went into a toyshop, bought 5 yoyos for £1, and left them with the guy at the counter, who was under strict instructions to give them free to the next five people who bought stuff. We then hid in the shop across the road, spying on the shop, until we saw a lady come out with her two kids both clutching yoyos, with HUGE grins on their faces. YAY!


It was a really really awesome day. One old lady had turned down our offer of a flower... and then a few hours later very happily accepted a Werthers. We didn't recognise her, so didn't realise we'd approached her twice! She stopped and had a chat with us - "why are you doing this? are you advertising something?" and we replied that we just wanted to do nice things, to make random strangers happy. She thought it was absolutely LOVELY and told us "you've put my faith back in humanity"


FUCKING WOO!!!!! Danny was so proud!!


My first RAOK was the scariest - I gave random folks on the street a box of chocolates, then ran off.


Simple little ones are stuff like leaving change in vending machines or in phone boxes..... only costs you 20p, but it'll make someone smile a little.

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Just me again..... you'd never heard of me before, you're never gonna be able to get rid of me now...


Anyways, as an idea, be really nice to an old person. I mean, an OLD person. My grandma is 88 and doesn't think people are very nice. She was lost the other day and a lady did help her out, thankfully, but "it was an old lady - of course" (as she said to me).


I'm guessing you're not old... maybe you are, but anyway, still heed my words.... but yeh, just be nice to some old person. Sit on a bench and chat next to the 90-yr old dude next to you. Help the old woman next door carry her shopping home (just make sure she realises you're not gonna nick it).


Or, as I did, offer them Werther's Originals. It's true - old people LOVE them.

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Lou is into all that Gorman/Wallace stuff. She is in that "Join Me" thing. She'll no doubt point you in the right direction.



Lou? never heard of him.


Anyway, as my first act of kindness. I've gone to the trouble of finding a Calvin and Hobbes strip for you. I hope it makes you happy.






:lol: Very happy.


Good work that man!

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*cough*  Hi.  I'm not a him.


I am a Joinee though.  And a citizen (Danny's latest project).


My best Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) has been... umm... well, I actually spent a RAOK Day with my best friend last summer....

... we gave out flowers to random folks in the street

... then we gave out Werther's Originals to all the old people we went b

.... then we went into a toyshop, bought 5 yoyos for £1, and left them with the guy at the counter, who was under strict instructions to give them free to the next five people who bought stuff.  We then hid in the shop across the road, spying on the shop, until we saw a lady come out with her two kids both clutching yoyos, with HUGE grins on their faces.  YAY!


It was a really really awesome day.  One old lady had turned down our offer of a flower... and then a few hours later very happily accepted a Werthers.  We didn't recognise her, so didn't realise we'd approached her twice!  She stopped and had a chat with us - "why are you doing this? are you advertising something?" and we replied that we just wanted to do nice things, to make random strangers happy.  She thought it was absolutely LOVELY and told us "you've put my faith back in humanity"


FUCKING WOO!!!!!  Danny was so proud!!


My first RAOK was the scariest - I gave random folks on the street a box of chocolates, then ran off.


Simple little ones are stuff like leaving change in vending machines or in phone boxes..... only costs you 20p, but it'll make someone smile a little.



Sorry Lou, I was thinking more Carpenter than Redknapp :D


:lol:;);) Well done to you. I was thinking I'll take a pack of Hob Nobs onto the ferry tomorrow for everyone, bit daunting as a lone joinee though, I'll have to lend the book to a few mates so they can help out and I'm not seen as a weirdo (moreso).


I didn't watch any of make your own country as I wanted to read the book, now I realise there isn't a book ;)

Edited by Happy Face
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Yeah, that RAOK Day has been my only non-lonesome ones.... oh, except when we had a mini meet in York... and we gave stuff to a homeless dude (who had a pet hamster) and gave sweets out to everyone we went by. Giving Haribo to bouncers makes them happy, we found.


I have to admit, I'm not very good at doing stuff on Fridays religiously anymore. However, I do try my best to just Be Good as much as possible.... I make an effort to be polite to people and whatnot. Little things like thanking the bus/tram driver or whatever.... maybe having a little chat with someone who normally wouldn't be chatted with. Like one time the guy working in 7-11 in Melbourne did the normal "hi how are you" thing when he served me, and I replied "great thanks!!! how are you?" in a tone of voice that implied that i really cared. He stopped what he was doing in surprise, looked at me, smiled and said that actually he was doing ok. It was so small, but it seemed to make that little difference.


Also once left a note on a car windscreen saying "Nice Parking!!!" It was, as well. Very impressive. :lol:

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Also once left a note on a car windscreen saying "Nice Parking!!!"    It was, as well.  Very impressive. ;)



Quality, I like that one.


Thanks for the guidance (www.joinme.co.uk is down ;) ). I'll concentrate all my efforts on old people to start with and report back.


In the meantime, the first person to choose a single DVD (no box sets please, I'm not that nice :lol: ) from this list can have it gratis. First PM I get can have their choice.

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Glad to have helped out.  Let me know how it goes, or if you need any other tips, Joinee to Joinee.


Btw, have you read Are You Dave Gorman? and Yes Man?  If not, do.



Yeah, loved I'm Dave Gorman. MPDG chart was a thing of genius. Just ordered Dave Gormans Googlewhack adventure on DVD (only £5.87 - quite a bargain) and I'll be getting yes man once I'm done with join me I think.

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I got the googlewhack dvd a month or so ago....... my mate pointed it out to me on sale in HMV.. and i was suffering from comedy withdrawal.... so got it and watched it straight away. it's really good. he's got a lot of energy onstage (never seen him live, boo)... very entertaining, as well as funny. and i like my comedians to be fun to watch.... Mum started whinging about how much he swears in the last half of it though. Pfft. Mothers. ;) After 5 months of watching aussie comics, you kinda get used to that...!!


Yes Man's a really good read. Just wish I'd known he was doing it at the time... just think of the things I could've emailed him to make him say yes to.... mwahahahahahahahah!


NB: I am in no way slightly in love with my King and Leader :lol:

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Aww shucks!  Thanks Ms Raider.  *hands her a hat*



no its ok, ive remembered, i have a wooly nufc hat, i'll take that off to you!


I try to always be polite to people like shop assistants and taxi drivers, a smile and a thankyou goes a long way! Today i helped a young mum get her baby on the bus as she was weighed down with shopping and the pushchair, my friday good deed :lol:

I find it comes naturally to me to be helpful to elderly or disabled people as its my job anyway, its second nature to me, so i always help when i can. But i know from experience some of them can be just plain nasty and have this misguided belief that their age excuses them from showing any manners at all ;)


Still we'll all get old and grumpy i suppose :razz:

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could someone point me out to the book, or explain this or whatever. Seems like a cracking idea. I generally try to say please and thankyou, acknowlage a car stopping for me etc... but this RAOK or whatever thing sounds like a good thing to do if i have nowt else to do. is it just every friday. i'm quite new to most of this stuff. i watched around 1/2 of Dave Gormans astrological experiment but to my dismay it didn't come out on vid or DVD. and i caught about 1/2 of the Danny Wallace show as well.

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Yeah, that RAOK Day has been my only non-lonesome ones.... oh, except when we had a mini meet in York... and we gave stuff to a homeless dude (who had a pet hamster) and gave sweets out to everyone we went by.  Giving Haribo to bouncers makes them happy, we found.


I have to admit, I'm not very good at doing stuff on Fridays religiously anymore.  However, I do try my best to just Be Good as much as possible.... I make an effort to be polite to people and whatnot.  Little things like thanking the bus/tram driver or whatever.... maybe having a little chat with someone who normally wouldn't be chatted with.  Like one time the guy working in 7-11 in Melbourne did the normal "hi how are you" thing when he served me, and I replied "great thanks!!! how are you?" in a tone of voice that implied that i really cared.  He stopped what he was doing in surprise, looked at me, smiled and said that actually he was doing ok.  It was so small, but it seemed to make that little difference.


Also once left a note on a car windscreen saying "Nice Parking!!!"    It was, as well.  Very impressive. :lol:



deadly serious question. are you a university student?

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Yeah, that RAOK Day has been my only non-lonesome ones.... oh, except when we had a mini meet in York... and we gave stuff to a homeless dude (who had a pet hamster) and gave sweets out to everyone we went by.  Giving Haribo to bouncers makes them happy, we found.


I have to admit, I'm not very good at doing stuff on Fridays religiously anymore.  However, I do try my best to just Be Good as much as possible.... I make an effort to be polite to people and whatnot.  Little things like thanking the bus/tram driver or whatever.... maybe having a little chat with someone who normally wouldn't be chatted with.  Like one time the guy working in 7-11 in Melbourne did the normal "hi how are you" thing when he served me, and I replied "great thanks!!! how are you?" in a tone of voice that implied that i really cared.  He stopped what he was doing in surprise, looked at me, smiled and said that actually he was doing ok.  It was so small, but it seemed to make that little difference.


Also once left a note on a car windscreen saying "Nice Parking!!!"    It was, as well.  Very impressive. :razz:



deadly serious question. are you a university student?



Not until next week I believe. Which means she's going to get even worse. :lol:

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could  someone point me out to the book, or explain this or whatever. Seems like a cracking idea. I generally try to say please and thankyou, acknowlage a car stopping for me etc... but this RAOK or whatever thing sounds like a good thing to do if i have nowt else to do. is it just every friday. i'm quite new to most of this stuff. i watched around 1/2 of Dave Gormans astrological experiment but to my dismay it didn't come out on vid or DVD. and i caught about 1/2 of the Danny Wallace show as well.



HERE it is at its cheapest.


I wouldn't bother though. Don't get me wrong it's a cracking read, hilarious and uplifting. But it leaves you wanting to go and make someone happy, so you go to a forum and tell people if there's a DVD they want that you have, then they can have it. And the people in the forum turn their nose up at your random act of kindness, they provide an insight into the kind of response you get when you try to make strangers happy. They leave you dissilusioned by the whole notion and prove that people are just scum. Why bother?


Being of stern mind I realise that this Forum is like a collective in the name of Raymond Price! I will not let it affect my ongoing kindness, but weaker people might have been dissuaded.

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Yeah, that RAOK Day has been my only non-lonesome ones.... oh, except when we had a mini meet in York... and we gave stuff to a homeless dude (who had a pet hamster) and gave sweets out to everyone we went by.  Giving Haribo to bouncers makes them happy, we found.


I have to admit, I'm not very good at doing stuff on Fridays religiously anymore.  However, I do try my best to just Be Good as much as possible.... I make an effort to be polite to people and whatnot.  Little things like thanking the bus/tram driver or whatever.... maybe having a little chat with someone who normally wouldn't be chatted with.  Like one time the guy working in 7-11 in Melbourne did the normal "hi how are you" thing when he served me, and I replied "great thanks!!! how are you?" in a tone of voice that implied that i really cared.  He stopped what he was doing in surprise, looked at me, smiled and said that actually he was doing ok.  It was so small, but it seemed to make that little difference.


Also once left a note on a car windscreen saying "Nice Parking!!!"    It was, as well.  Very impressive. ;)



deadly serious question. are you a university student?



Not until next week I believe. Which means she's going to get even worse. :razz:



I don't like what both of you are implying...we're not all lunatics. :lol:

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no im all for being nice, just stuff like that seems all the more fun and interesting when you havent got a job to go to or bills to pay. i think if i walked around chester-le-street doing all that id either get locked up or punched for being cheeky

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