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Ipod in recovery mode

David Kelly

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I got a new 80gb ipod for Christmas after my last one was goosed and it has worked perfectly until yesterday when I tried to plug it into my laptop at work and got the message the itunes had detected an ipod in recovery mode and I would have to restore it before it could be used.

Since I've got about 10k songs on it from various sources I don't really fancy going through the hassle of doing a restore and sticking all of those songs back on.

I tried restarting the ipod and reconnecting it but the same message came up (the ipod is still working fine away from the laptop) so I took it home with me and connected it to my computer there and it worked no problem.


I assumed this would have sorted it but I've tried it again on the laptop this morning and the same message is coming up. I've even tried reinstalling itunes but it's having no effect.


Anyone got any ideas?

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I had the same problem with mine.... think it was down to the USB drivers on my PC because my flash memory sticks weren't working either.


Tried hacking the drivers and deleting all references in the registry but no joy. Got fed up and formatted my PC in the end and, lo and behold, itunes started working fine.

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Music Rescue


Not sure if it will work but it lets you copy songs from your iPod to your desired folder. Only problem being, unless you purchase it, it gives you an annoying message after every 50 songs, which isn't ideal if you have 10k songs. Not sure if anapod explorer would be worth a go too?

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To be honest there's nothing wrong with the ipod as far as I can see. It plays alright and connects fine to my other laptop it's just I haven't got internet connection at home at the minute so I have been downloading some songs from Itunes at work that I wan't to put on. I can stick them on an external hard drive and them put them on to the other computer and then on to my ipod. It's just a bit of a fuck on so I was hoping there was a simple way to sort out the laptop.

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Yeah the iPod is absolutely fine, the issue is with your PC. If you google the issue you'll find lots of different ways of trying to fix it but none of them worked for me. In the end, the machine was that knackered that it needed a rebuild anyway...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to sort this by setting the ipod as drive w. Apparently the laptop was getting confused with drive letters (I think either because of me having plugged a hard drive in as well as the ipod at one point or because of a problem with the latest ituns) so I just needed to assign a specific letter.

It's worked fine since.

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