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I can't believe this fucking year so far.


A fortnight ago, tomorrow (friday) My cousin's boyfriend arrived home from work to find my cousin collapsed unconscious.

She was rushed to hospital in Leeds, and they found a blood clot in her brain.


Then last Thursday, one of my aunts (on my Mam's side) died from a disease she'd been suffering from for years.


Now tonight, I've just found out that my Cousin has died, and I'm just left feeling numb. She was 28, just under a year younger than me. In fact, there was only 2 years separating four of us, me and my brother and my cousin and her sister. We probably weren't mega-close because we live up here and they lived down on Merseyside, but we used to go visiting that side of the family 2 or 3 times a year, and we always stayed with them and because of the closeness in age, us 4 used to get on really well. And their mam, my Auntie Dot (not the one who died) and my Mam were the closest with each other (my Mam has 4 sisters and 2 brothers).


I can't take it in. It was bad enough with my aunt dying, but as stupid as it may sound, she was suffering from a nasty disease, which was getting progressively worse and had got to a stage where we all knew there wasn't that long left.


But my cousin, just came out of the blue, she was young and healthy, and then this happens suddenly.


My mam is in absolute bits, I was sad about my aunt, but not devastated, as I wasn't that close to her. But hearing about my cousin, has really fucking knocked me.


I'm just thinking of my aunt, who's lost a sister and a daughter in the space of a week. My cousins who've lost their mam, another cousin who's lost a sister, my two uncles, who've lost a wife and a daughter and my Grandma who's lost a daughter and a granddaughter.


Life just fucking stinks sometimes.


Sorry to put all this here, I just had to get it out my system, or something, I don't know.



Edited by Tom_NUFC
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cheers lads. I'm bearing up. I'm pretty shocked and dazed by the news of course, but I'm alright.


Like I said, I'm thinking about a lot of my relatives who have it far far worse than myself.

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That's rotten. It is absolutely no comfort to say that we all have to deal with awful tragedy at some point, but it's true.


Enjoy the good times while you can...


So sorry mate.

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  trophyshy said:
That's rotten. It is absolutely no comfort to say that we all have to deal with awful tragedy at some point, but it's true.


Enjoy the good times while you can...


So sorry mate.


Very true. Life can be shit, but you have to find a way to get on with it. 28 is no age like. RIP.

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Chin up petal. There's no rhyme or reason for things sometimes and it's hard to understand why they happen. Be there for your family and they'll be there for you and at some point it won't hurt quite so much. Stay strong ;)

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Thats shocking, and i think ive got problems im numb with grief for someone who is still here, split up after an 8 nhalf month relationship, it puts things into perspective reading this, but doesnt make me feel better, any tips welcome thanks!!!!!

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