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External HD

Kid Dynamite

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Very unlikely that you'll find an external drive as small as that, for value for money you'd be better for with one around 250gig.


Here's an 80gig for £50




Here's a 250gig for £53




I know which one I'd get.

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get a couple of 250 GB disks and USE ONE AS A BACKUP


A mate of mine has just seen all his home stuff, his kids homework and his wife's work go south on a HDD failure

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Yeah, there's no point getting anything small really, larger drives aren't proportionally more expensive and everyone's data storage needs are only going to keep going through the roof anyway.


There's a terabyte of external HD space in this flat now. :lol: 2x250GB and 1x500GB, Maxtor and Western Digital respectively - have never had any problems with either brand, though both have some shockingly bad online reviews as well as plenty of excellent ones.

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