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foa meenzer


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Hey Martin I was recently given the following list of nordic bands to listen to and knowing you have a thing for music from there and a sveedish heritage, I thought you might have heard one or two of them.

Any opinions on the following?


Stafraenn Hákon, Gummi (Iceland)

Kim Hiorthøy, My Last Day (Norway)

Jan Mayen, So Much Better Than Your Normal Life (Iceland)

Murder, The Stockholm Syndrome (Denmark)

Mugison, Mugiboogie (Iceland)

Valgeir Sigurdsson, Ekvilibrium (Iceland)

Washington, Astral Sky (Norway)

Edited by sammynb
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I've been meaning to follow up on this thread, because I know Ben would want me too but with all the moaning to get Allardyce sacked and the subsequent celebrations I've been busy.


After a bit of a search I've had a listen to all and only stafraenn hakon, Mugison and washington stood out for me.

Below are their myspace pages if you want a listen.


Stafraenn Hákon, Gummi (Iceland) http://www.myspace.com/shakon

Mugison, Mugiboogie (Iceland) http://www.myspace.com/mugison

Washington, Astral Sky (Norway) http://www.myspace.com/washingtonband


Also the same person that recommended the above also listed a few flemish bands, the following are worth a listen.

washington http://www.myspace.com/washingtonband

absynthe minded http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=54649577

de portables http://www.myspace.com/deportables

zita swoon http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=88458680


Also the afghan whigs (I think patrokles has mentioned them before) http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=109067167

and the band that supported BRMC in Sydney last week black ryder (mazzystartastic) http://www.myspace.com/theblackryder

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I've never understood why FOA threads aren't just PMs!

I've never understood why they aren't FAO.



The aussie seems quite keen to called them FOA (this isn't the first one! :lol: )

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I've never understood why FOA threads aren't just PMs!

I've never understood why they aren't FAO.



The aussie seems quite keen to called them FOA (this isn't the first one! :lol: )



You twat craig.


Acronym Definition

FOA Failure to Obtain Action

FOA Farmers of America

FOA Fate of Atlantis (Indiana Jones computer game)

FOA Federal Odometer Act

FOA Federal Order Administrator (GSA)

FOA Fiber Optic Adapter

FOA Fiber Optic Amplifier

FOA Fiber Optic Association

FOA Fiber-Optic Attenuator

FOA Field Operating Activity

FOA Field Operating Agency

FOA Field Operations Assistant

FOA File Originator's Address

FOA Fill on Arrival (prescription fulfillment)

FOA First of All

FOA First Office Application

FOA Fitting-Out Activity/Ability/Availability

FOA Follow-On Acquisition

FOA Forced Oil and Air (cooling power transformer)

FOA Forests Owners' Association (RSA)

FOA Form of Address

FOA Form of Authorization

FOA Formula One Administration Ltd.

FOA Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (Swedish Defence Research Establishment)

FOA Forward Operating Agency

FOA Forward Operating/Operations Area

FOA Foundation for Outdoor Adventure (Britain)

FoA Foundation of Annihilation (Counter-Strike gaming clan)

FOA Franchise Operating Agreement

FOA Freaks of America

FOA Free On Air

FOA Friends of Al-Aqsa

FOA Friends of Amtrak

FOA Friends of Animals

FOA Front Office Appearance

FOA Full Operational Assessment

FOA Functional Operational Area

FOA Functioning Outer Aspect (Dental)

FOA Funding Opportunity Announcement (NIH)

FOA Futures and Options Association

FOA Fuzzy Origination Approach

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