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Worst pub toilets in town?

Smooth Operator

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They are minging like. Went into O'Neill's very briefly the other night too. I dread to think what the bogs are like as the whole fucking bar stinks of piss.

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The Lane has the worst toilets, easily. We used to go there for a drink after work on a Friday (cheap) and anyone who went to the toilet brought the smell back... plus there was one in the lasses toilets that wasn't even plumbed into the wall for months yet people still used it.


Special mention to the Blackie Boy for labelling theirs 'Dick' and 'Fanny' too...

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Always remember the pig and whistle as being being a urine filled paddling pool with people just pissing anywhere.


But for me if you want to get down right dirty you've got to go local and I would like to take this opportunity to give a special mention to the Raby Hotel on shields Rd. Stinking like a Cess pit and no lights, so you're basically going in blind. Always imagined caving to be similar. Come to think of it the only decent pub toilets on Shields Rd are the quay club so if you're ever caught short avoid the rest at all costs, much like the bars tbh.


'Don't go in unless you cap blows in' is always a good rule to follow.

Edited by Wacky Jnr
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