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3 Friends, a Turtle, a Rabbit, and a Buzzard decide to chip in together to buy some land and start a farm.



They immediately set to work on the garden and realize that fertilizer will be required for the job.




But the question arose as to who should be the one to go get it?




"I can't do it said the turtle. I'm too slow and it would take me forever."




to that, the buzzard replied, "And I'm too weak, I couldn't possibly carry all that fertilizer."




The rabbit, being both strong and fast agreed to do it and so he scurried off into town.


In the meantime, the buzzard and the turtle strike oil and now the land is worth a fortune.




Upon return, the rabbit finds a mansion where the house once stood.




He goes up to the door and knocks. A butler comes to the door and the rabbit asks, "Where is the turtle??"





The butler replied, "Mister TurTELL is out by the well."





The rabbit asked, "Then where's the buzzard?"




The butler replied, "Mister BuzzARD is out in the yard."



By now the rabbit is getting pretty pissed and says, "Then you tell Mister TurTELL and Mister BuzzARD that























Mister RabBIT is here with the Shit!!" :unsure:

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