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A jet is just coming into Newcastle Airport (cos the Mackems haven't got one) on its final approach.





The pilot comes on over the intercom. "This is Capt. Johnson, we're on our final descent into Newcastle.





I want to thank you for flying with us today and enjoy your stay in Newcastle."





Well the Capt. forgets to switch off the intercom.





The whole plane can now hear the conversation from the cockpit.



The co-pilot says to the pilot, "Well skipper, wotcha gonna do in Newcastle?"



Now all ears in the plane are listening in to this conversation. "Well", says the skipper, "First I'm gonna check into the hotel and go for a mega-huge dump.





Then I'm gonna take that new stewardess out for supper, you know, the one with the huge tits.




I'm gonna wine and dine her, take her back to my room and slip the old salami to her all night."




Well, everyone in the planes trying to get a look at the new stewardess.




She's so embarrassed she runs from the back of the plane to try and get to the cockpit to get the intercom off.




Half way down, she trips over an old ladies bag - SPLAT and down she goes.




The old lady leans over and says,
















"No need to run dearie, he's got to go for a shit first." :unsure:

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:unsure: Where the fuck do you get these, Shinners?


All over mate. Different websites. Some believe it or not come from the Rover Owners motor Club :D


Some are garbage (leave it alone)


Some or cracking.


But it costs nowt and it creates conversation and I hope a little mirth. :finger:

Plus it gets the little man a airing :D

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:unsure: Where the fuck do you get these, Shinners?


All over mate. Different websites. Some believe it or not come from the Rover Owners motor Club :D


Some are garbage (leave it alone)


Some or cracking.


But it costs nowt and it creates conversation and I hope a little mirth. :D

Plus it gets the little man a airing :D



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