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Reeeeeeeeeeally crap joke.


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Three blokes in a bar talking about playing instruments, octopus overhears them and starts to brag about how he can play any instrument ever invented. Englishman spots a piano in the corner and tries to call the octopuses bluff, 'Play that piano, clever shite', he says. Octopus goes over and is shit hot on it. Irishman spots electric guitar hanging on the wall. 'Let's see if you can play that guitar, big head', he says. Octopus goes over, takes it off the wall, plays it and is shit hot on it. Scotsman says, 'You'll never be able to play this', then gets his bagpipes out to show the octopus. The octopus just sits staring at the bagpipes mouth wide open in awe. 'Aye, told ye you couldna play that'. Octopus replied, 'Play it? When I get its tartan jarmies off I'm going to fucking ride the arse off it!'

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