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O2 Broadband


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Anyone use it or know anybody?


It reads well, and as an O2 customer I would get a tenner off the monthly cost bringing it down to £10 p/m for 16Mb unlimited compared to the £25 or so Im currently paying BT for 8Mb.


Just very wary of changing providers because although BT are robbing bastids Ive not a minutes problem with them in over 2 years.



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All well and good, but would you actually benefit from the higher download speeds? For example when I was in student digs we had "8mb" download speeds but were lucky to get anything close to 2Mb, let alone the purported maximum. I'm 900 metres from the exchange now, so I get a decent download and upload speeds, but I still lose 2Mb somewhere on the way.


I'm saying is it worth while switching, bearing in mind BT will probably have better technical support with them being more established in this area?


by the by, aren't O2 a subsidiary of BT?


if they are, then my all my thoughts are pretty mute

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Are O2 giving away free laptops to people who take out there bb?




I'm saying is it worth while switching, bearing in mind BT will probably have better technical support with them being more established in this area?


If BT told you they could sell you BB for a tenner but pay an additional £15 p/m for tech support, would you pay it?"

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Cable all the way man.


None of this exchange bullshit.


If only, my little Run DMC dressing friend :) I cant get cable :(



Shite isn't it?? How, in this day and age and with the money they pull in, are BT still running large proportions of their network on old-style copper wiring? Download rates should metered and your monthly costs should be based on what you've actually managed to use and NOT on what they claim is achieveable for a couple of seconds on a hot day in December with a blue moon and a pig flying past the window...


The line of "you live too far away from the exchange" is a perfect excuse for them justifying why the customer is not getting what they're paying for whereas if they started charging along the lines i've outlined above, they might think differently about getting the technology up to speed. (s'cuse the pun!)

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by the by, aren't O2 a subsidiary of BT?


No, they used to be BT Cellnet in the 90's, then they went out on their own iirc and were recently bought by a Spanish company I think.


Part of Telefonica now.

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