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Speed camera rules change as quick as a flash

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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Christ Fop, you're one condescending twat.


And you're a self-righteous hypocrite that doesn't practice what he preaches. Different strokes I guess. :unsure:



The thing is I'm correct in what I say about speed cameras, where as you're.... well I don't know what you're doing really other than trying to pick a fight (you're certainly NOT answering any of the points put to you).



You keep saying I'm a hypocrite...I admitted to speeding occasionally on motorways (something that EVERYONE does) and being a bit of twat in my first year (four years ago by the way) to illiustrate an example of how speed cameras aren't just for revenue purposes.


Ah so it's motorways as well now eh?


As I said given your preached beliefs you should clearly never be exceeding 10mph in a 30 zone and 50mph on a motorway if you believe speed is absolutely dangerous.


Do you do that? Not even with speed cameras it seems.



All I have maintained is that speeding on city roads is dangerous, kills people and that if people don't know where speed cameras are all the time, then maybe they won't speed as much. I fail to see how these views make me a hypocrite.


Doing 40-50 mph in a busy 30 mph zone may well kill people and be very dangerous.


Doing 31 mph in a 30 mph zone whilst paying full attention to what you are doing is much LESS dangerous than doing 25-30 mph and not paying full attention to the road.


Speed cameras pick up the first issue, but police patrols pick up BOTH.



I don't understand why you've got such a beef with the authorites re speeding cameras if you're whiter than white as you claim to be.


For the reasons I've repeatedly stated, I have no problems with speed cameras USED CORRECTLY and in the RIGHT PLACES, I do however have many issues about going back to REVENUE CAMERA rules (which were rightly got rid of just a few years ago)



And I'm trying to pick a fight? You're the one throwing insults around and talking in your usual condescending manner.


As I mentioned before you started it, I just served it back, don't like it then don't start it in the first place. :)


Although I suppose that's the hypocrite issue again really isn't it.



:calmdown: I give up.

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Both are dangerous, for different reasons.


And police patrols stop both (and many other things).


Speed cameras only stop one (and nothing else).





But again speed isn't inherently dangerous if the road conditions allow it (or we'd simply have a 10mph limit absolutely every where), careless and dangerous driving however is dangerous almost irrespective of speed.


Speed cameras have their place, but hidden cameras stuck where they are going to gain most cash has NOTHING at all to do with road safety, nothing at all.

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Both are dangerous, for different reasons.


And police patrols stop both (and many other things).


Speed cameras only stop one (and nothing else).





But again speed isn't inherently dangerous if the road conditions allow it (or we'd simply have a 10mph limit absolutely every where), careless and dangerous driving however is dangerous almost irrespective of speed.


Speed cameras have their place, but hidden cameras stuck where they are going to gain most cash has NOTHING at all to do with road safety, nothing at all.

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:calmdown: I give up.


I don't think you really got started. :icon_lol:


I was going to say, while I usually agree with Fop, my god he doesn't half come across as nauseating with it.


Such is the burden of being...... right. :unsure::)

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