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School days..

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What lessons did you really enjoy?


And then what did you really hate?


Any amusing teacher stories? Alcoholics, drug-users or just f*cked up teaching staff?


How about any aggro, bit of a trouble-maker? What was the worst trouble you got into? Bit of an egg thrower, bully or just a wind-up merchant?


Ever skip a few classes for a trip down the fields and a few fags? Or a grope of the school slut?


Ever get into any fights back in the day? Why?


If you could turn back time, would you have done anything different?

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What lessons did you really enjoy? .......


And then what did you really hate? all of them


Any amusing teacher stories? I got sent out for sharpening my pencil one time :)

But the best had to be when we were all sitting on a hill when Mr Sorr (english teacher) leaned out of his window and said "It's registration so get inside" to which I replied "you fucking queer" loudly. He leans out of his window and says "now boys it's not time for e chocolate"..... :taunt:


How about any aggro, bit of a trouble-maker? What was the worst trouble you got into? I think I got in trouble in primary for fighting. And then I put some guys tennis raquet in the shower and turned them on. His mother complained so I got done for it.


Ever skip a few classes for a trip down the fields and a few fags? Or a grope of the school slut? Not for fags as I dont do shit like that but I've skipped the odd class/assembly/prize giving. I wish we had a school slut. :blush:


Ever get into any fights back in the day? Why? Everyone else is a c*nt so yeah. Only got into ones I could win though.


If you could turn back time, would you have done anything different? Ask me in about 2 years.

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What lessons did you really enjoy? technology, total doss, the teacher did our course work and we found dirty pics of him and his missus on his pc


And then what did you really hate? all of them, particularly history. our teacher pronounced napalm, nap-fallum


Any amusing teacher stories? Alcoholics, drug-users or just f*cked up teaching staff? our PE teacher pulled a 16 year old student on a night out in newcastle. she was a grot too and he was married to the fit drama teacher


How about any aggro, bit of a trouble-maker? What was the worst trouble you got into? Bit of an egg thrower, bully or just a wind-up merchant? nowt for me but my mate made a home made bow and arrow in wood work one day and fired it out the window, only to hit the radgiest teacher in the school as he just walked round the corner


Ever skip a few classes for a trip down the fields and a few fags? Or a grope of the school slut?  my date to the sixth form ball was 2 hours late cos she was in court for stealing a car.  :blush:  sad but true


Ever get into any fights back in the day? Why? had a fight with the biggest lad in my year on my first day in school, and lost ......badly


If you could turn back time, would you have done anything different?


played football earlier, been with more girls, hit all the dickheads that bullied people and turned out to be soft as shit






All true as well!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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What lessons did you really enjoy? PE....


And then what did you really hate? All Of Them Apart From PE


Any amusing teacher stories? Alcoholics, drug-users or just f*cked up teaching staff? Seemed to have a teacher who was obsessed with Pilchards, and at the time when all this shit was on about laser pen's he took mine off me and instead of going offit starting playing with the fucker


How about any aggro, bit of a trouble-maker? What was the worst trouble you got into? Bit of an egg thrower, bully or just a wind-up merchant? Had aggro with this teacher all in me first year for whatever reasons, n the cunt told me i should go to the school next door "school for the handicapped" so i told him to fuck off... got into some right shit over that


Ever skip a few classes for a trip down the fields and a few fags? Or a grope of the school slut? Erm yes..... one time nicking off to the shops.... we heard the teacher shouting at us and we'd made it to the otherside of the road... and my mate who for some reason thought he was on the edge of the curb... was unaware of being stood in the middle of the road at the time with this Merc heading towards him... only suffered a broken finger n all the lucky bastard... boy do we have a good laugh about it :):blush::taunt:


Ever get into any fights back in the day? Why? One week in primary school i remember having 5 fights in the one week.... just cause i was a chewy bastard and had some "beef" as they would say in the states


If you could turn back time, would you have done anything different? Wished i''d have played footy for longer and found that slut :D

Edited by Jonny2J
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What lessons did you really enjoy? Geography, history and PE.


And then what did you really hate? Maths


Any amusing teacher stories? Alcoholics, drug-users or just f*cked up teaching staff? We had a teacher called Mr. T Coffey  :)  My history teacher is a ledged for calling me witty and someone who livened up the class.


How about any aggro, bit of a trouble-maker? What was the worst trouble you got into? Bit of an egg thrower, bully or just a wind-up merchant? only every got in trouble for talking in class.


Ever skip a few classes for a trip down the fields and a few fags? Or a grope of the school slut? only started to slip in my last year. By that i mean missing a few morning classes.


Ever get into any fights back in the day? Why? Nope, never.


If you could turn back time, would you have done anything different? Yes, put a lot more effort into everything.



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