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Smmeagain, just for Catm. have a good one


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Q: What looks like half a cat?

A: The other half!

Q: What happened when the cat ate a ball of wool?

A: She had mittens!


Q: What do you get if you cross a cat with a parrot?

A: A carrot!


Q: How do cats eat spaghetti?

A: The same as everyone else - they put it in their mouths!


Q: What is a French cat's favourite pudding?

A: Chocolate mousse!


Q: What do cat actors say on stage?

Tabby or not tabby!


Q: What did the cat say when he lost all his money?

A: I'm paw!


Q: How do you know if you cat's got a bad cold?

A: He has cat-arrh!


Q: How do you know if your cat has eaten a duckling?

A: She's got that down in the mouth look!


Q: What do you get if you cross a cat and a gorilla?

A: An animal that puts you out a night!


New added 17/3/05


Q: What do cats drink from when they're in space?

A: Flying Saucers!


Which pet is a librarian's best friend?


The cat-alogue!

What word best describes my cat?




Why do most people like cats?


They have pleasing purr-sonalities!


Why do cats lick milk out of bowls?


They do not know how to use straws.


Why do cats prefer milk?


It's purr-fectly delicious!


Why did Mr. and Mrs. Cat get married?


They were a purr-fect match.


Q) What is the difference between a dog and a cat?


A) A dog will drop everything and come when you call. A cat will check its schedule, and fit you in.


What did the cat call it when all the dogs left town?


Good mews!


What is the feline's favorite baseball position?




When is the best time for our cat friends to leave a place?


Anytime it's gone to the dogs!


What does a cat say when someone pulls its tail?




What did the angry cat say?


"I'm fur-ious!"


What did the cat say when it upset the milk dish?


Nobody's purr-fect!


What do they say about a cat who bites?




Why do cats sing in back alleys?


Well, that's shoe-business!


Why did the policeman arrest the young cat?


Because of kitty litter!



How did our feline friend put the iceman out of business?


Cat got his tong(s)!


What is the cats all-time favorite song?


Three Blind Mice!


What is another name for a cat's home?


A scratch pad!


What do you call a cat that likes to dig in the sand?


Sandy Claws!


How do you spell cat backwards?


C-a-t B-a-c-k-w-a-r-d-s!


How did our feline friend put the iceman out of business?


Cat got hit tong(s)!


What do you call it when our feline friends show good manners?


Eti-cat, of course!


What did the cat call it when all the dogs left town?


Good mews!


Why don't cats complain when other cats make noise all night?


Because it's meow-sic to their ears!



What was left when the cat's party was over?

Kitty litter

What do you call it when a cat bites?



Why do cats like to hear other cats make noise?

It's meow-sic to their ears!


What's every cat's favorite song?

Three Blind Mice!


Where do cats write down notes?

Scratch Paper!


Why does everyone love cats?

They're purr-fect!


What do you call a cat who eats lemons?

A sourpuss!


What do you call a cat who's joined the Red Cross?

A first-aid kit!


What's a cat's favorite food?



What's a cat's second favorite food?



What kind of cats lay around the house?



How do cats buy things?

From a cat-alogue!


What do you call it when a cat stops?

A paws!


Why do cats eat fur balls?

Because they love a good gag!


What do you call a cat when he first wakes up with the alarm clock?


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Dear me, I'm overwhelmed with cat-ness! :razz:


Cheers Berb. I'm heading off on my travels for the best part of a month tomorrow so I shall bid you all farewell now instead of in the morning when I will no doubt be running round like a headless... cat :D I shall report back when I can and those of you who are keeping up with the travel blog - keep in touch.

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Dear me, I'm overwhelmed with cat-ness! :razz:


Cheers Berb. I'm heading off on my travels for the best part of a month tomorrow so I shall bid you all farewell now instead of in the morning when I will no doubt be running round like a headless... cat :D I shall report back when I can and those of you who are keeping up with the travel blog - keep in touch.


hope you have fun and take care

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