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Crumb Trays

Jusoda Kid

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on Toasters, whats the point? The cupboard where we keep our toaster still seems to need constantly wiped clean so who's bright idea was it to put crumb trays on toasters that basically don't work.


Can anyone shed any light on this or am I going to have to design a toaster that doesn't drop crumbs unless it's turned upside down.



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on Toasters, whats the point? The cupboard where we keep our toaster still seems to need constantly wiped clean so who's bright idea was it to put crumb trays on toasters that basically don't work.


Can anyone shed any light on this or am I going to have to design a toaster that doesn't drop crumbs unless it's turned upside down.





You could, but then after your house burnt down you might regret it.

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My toaster tray works fine, but I suppose I don't use it as often as most people and I clean it out pretty regularly...


It has the facility to toast bagels and croissant and the ilk.. which is nice.

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