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What would you do?

Glasgow Mag

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Away golfing for the day yesterday, called the missus to say I was just about to set off on my way home, and to expect me in at about 10pm. She asked me if I would stop off at the supermarket on the way to buy her some tampax super-strength compacts, and the latest edition of In Style. Had a bit of an argument over whether this was absolutely necessary, I don't normally like to enter into discussions about this sort of topic, but she insisted that she was 'flooding'.


I stopped off at Tesco but the only 2 checkouts open were being run by blokes, thought I couldn't do that so went to Asda - thank christ, I thought, they have self-service check-outs, so I went to the Womens Personal Aisle, felt like a right pervert looking up and down all the shelves until I could find the one she wanted (had it written down on a piece of paper so at least other shoppers should have been able to tell I wasn't shoppin for myself). Finally spotted it, grabbed it, lifted the magazine, popped in a copy of GQ and a four-pack of Corona to make myself feel/look more manly and to cover up my embarrassing purchases, quickly negotiated the self-service check-out and buggered off home to be met by a grateful missus. Told her never to put me throught that experience again.


My 2 questions:


For the lasses, is this a reasonable favour for her to have asked of me?


For the men, what would you have said/done, put in the same position as me?

Edited by Glasgow Mag
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Done it before and it doesn't bother me in the slightest tbh. A bloke no matter what his persuasion isn't going to have much use for a tampon so no one's going to think anything else thank I'm buying them for a lass.


I think it bothers the missus more than it does me really.

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What a fucking fanny! I'm not on about your lass either although by the sounds of it I could be. Just out of interest have you ever fucked her? It doesn't sound like it as your clearly insecure about your own sexuality......Oooh I've got to buy a box of jam rags

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Its not something I normally let myself run out of tbh, I'd hate to ask Hubby to get them for me too. I think in all the years I've been with him I have only asked him twice and he got them no problem, he couldnt give a monkeys what anyone thinks of him anyway!

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This is one of those threads where everyone sits waiting for someone to decide whether the post deserves to be agreed with or have the piss taken, then 30 other people jump on the band wagon like total dudes!


You loser GM, I buy tampons every day, and sanitary towels too!

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This is one of those threads where everyone sits waiting for someone to decide whether the post deserves to be agreed with or have the piss taken, then 30 other people jump on the band wagon like total dudes!


You loser GM, I buy tampons every day, and sanitary towels too!



He wasn't buying them for himself though...

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This is one of those threads where everyone sits waiting for someone to decide whether the post deserves to be agreed with or have the piss taken, then 30 other people jump on the band wagon like total dudes!


You loser GM, I buy tampons every day, and sanitary towels too!


You have a really strange view of the world.

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This is one of those threads where everyone sits waiting for someone to decide whether the post deserves to be agreed with or have the piss taken, then 30 other people jump on the band wagon like total dudes!


You loser GM, I buy tampons every day, and sanitary towels too!


You smoke tampons because you have a face like a cunt - fact

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This is one of those threads where everyone sits waiting for someone to decide whether the post deserves to be agreed with or have the piss taken, then 30 other people jump on the band wagon like total dudes!


You loser GM, I buy tampons every day, and sanitary towels too!


You smoke tampons because you have a face like a cunt - fact

that's the second time I have read that comment :lol:

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