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My cats got diabetes


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ahhh, you're right of course, by not owning a pet I can in no way begin to understand the attachment that a human being feels towards a pseudo-sentient creature of a different species, because I've had no pet I'm incapable of supposition, extrapolation, conjecture nor logic building from my own experience as a human interacting with the pets of other humans, be they friends, family or total strangers....


because I've not actually posessed a pet I'm entirely basing my beliefs on flights of fancy and imagination and have no real base to ground my opuinion upon...


well done Sima... you're a world class intellect


you truly are a master debater!

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You don't have clue what attachment you can grow to a pet over a number of years as you have never had one. They become members of the family and you grieve their illness and death like you would a brother, mother or father.


Feel free to be blazé about it, but if you have never had a pet you won't understand.

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not being funny pud, but is a cat worth it? I know they've got the whole independent buddy thing going on, but I've never found em particularly charismatic and as easily replaced as say... a  chair




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you're right of course, because only a chosen few have had pets and as such the feelings of attachment and that bond you bang on about is unique and special, and not simply a normal everyday thing that someone without a pet couldn't possibly imagine...


Sima, you've got opinions and that's good, but seriously to say that simply because I don't Have, nor have had a pet, means I cannot have formed an opinion about them is insane.


I've spent inumerable hours with pets, my ex girlfriends, my friends, my sisters, my my my, etc. etc. I'm quite capable of forming an opinion despite the lack of ownership.


have you ever been murdered or murdered anyone... if not how can you have an opinion on murderers?

have you ever driven drunkardly or been hit by a drunk driver? if no how can you have an opinion or drink driving?

have you ever been torn to pieces by a pack of hounds after rich people on horseback have chased you over the country, or chased a fox over the country with a few mates and a pack of hounds? if not how can you have an opinion on fox hunting.




/ _


^ that's me resting my case

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not being funny pud, but is a cat worth it? I know they've got the whole independent buddy thing going on, but I've never found em particularly charismatic and as easily replaced as say... a  chair







don't you bloody start


I know you love cats and have spent inumerable hours forging unbreakable links with them and that's something I don't intentionally mean to insult, your cats are like your family, you're as likely to let an insult against them slide, as you are to let someone insult any of your close friends.


I just don't get it and you can't get mad at me for that.


It's a different opinion, but one I'm sure you know I'm entitled to, even if it's polar to your own

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It's all very well saying your girlfriends have had pets, etc. Unless they are your own and you have seen them grow from being puppys, kittens etc you don't form that bond that comes from when they are part of your family.


You have got to relate to the situation before you can make comments like "cats are as easily replaced as chairs". Saying things that that makes you sound totally ignorant.


Congratluations on your 3 really rubbish analogys by the way.


Can you honestly say you felt exactly the same way as your girlfriend when her dog died (if it has)?

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of course I didn't, but that's the point, if I had felt the same way when Dillon died I would have been all in favour of Pud spending hours chasing down a cat with Diabetes instead of saying, whey lad... go get a different one from the cattery


sorry Sima, but your point is pointless, Catmag loves her cats and I'm not going to say she's wrong, or stupid or desperate or owt, because that's her opinion, her choice and her life...


if Cath, a staunch cat-lover, can disagree without dismissing my opinons, why can't you?


I enjoy pets company, I think they're entertaining and affectionate, but I just don't get as attached to them as others.




p.s. my analogys were not rubbish, they just proved a point about your ridicyulous claim that simply because I hadn't experienced a pet first hand I couldn't have an opinion on it.


can you have an opinion on "non-pet-ownership" unless you had never owned a pet? or course not, now go to bed little man

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I said I wasn't going to say any of those things


firstly because they're not true

secondly because it's damned disrespectful

and thirdly because you'll batter me three ways from sunday if I did...












p.s. oooooh if you could, tell Jodie to text me as I may have dropped my old phone in the bath and lost all my numbers...

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well I loves me cat and am not ashamed to say it, so yes shes worth it, no amount of money could make me say "Bollocks, Im not paying that, she'll just have to suffer" however Mr Fish I took your comment as it was meant, tongue in cheek, tek the piss sort of thing.
















Fookheed! :lol:

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ahhh, you're right of course, by not owning a pet I can in no way begin to understand the attachment that a human being feels towards a pseudo-sentient creature of a different species, because I've had no pet I'm incapable of supposition, extrapolation, conjecture nor logic building from my own experience as a human interacting with the pets of other humans, be they friends, family or total strangers....


because I've not actually posessed a pet I'm entirely basing my beliefs on flights of fancy and imagination and have no real base to ground my opuinion upon...


well done Sima... you're a world class intellect


you truly are a master debater!



I've had two dogs. When my first one died, I found it stiff as a board behind a chair, where it had lay down to keep warm. My second dog had to be put down as it's organs were failing or summit.


Didn't feel upset or owt. In fact I was slightly amused by the first one.

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pp, it won't be easy this as I'm sure you realise, think you will just have to do your best to stroke the cat gently etc sit it on your knee etc calm it down, rub the injection site gently, pinch a bit of skin and inject it as best you can - pinching gently is important because if you can do it well it might not feel the injection and in time may realise it's alright. Tall order but you never know. Giving it a small treat when it is over may be a good idea, even though it's for diabetes .... at least initially

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pp, it won't be easy this as I'm sure you realise, think you will just have to do your best to stroke the cat gently etc sit it on your knee etc calm it down, rub the injection site gently, pinch a bit of skin and inject it as best you can - pinching gently is important because if you can do it well it might not feel the injection and in time may realise it's alright. Tall order but you never know. Giving it a small treat when it is over may be a good idea, even though it's for diabetes .... at least initially




Sugar lump be ok?

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not being funny pud, but is a cat worth it? I know they've got the whole independent buddy thing going on, but I've never found em particularly charismatic and as easily replaced as say... a  chair







don't you bloody start


I know you love cats and have spent inumerable hours forging unbreakable links with them and that's something I don't intentionally mean to insult, your cats are like your family, you're as likely to let an insult against them slide, as you are to let someone insult any of your close friends.


I just don't get it and you can't get mad at me for that.


It's a different opinion, but one I'm sure you know I'm entitled to, even if it's polar to your own



That sentiment always amused me when spoken by pet lovers, only to then go on holiday and leave their pet at home or friends/kennels or the like??


My pet's like a member of my family. 'Taking it on holiday with you?' Fuck off! ;):razz:


I had the same sentiment when going on holiday with my kids. 'Taking them on holiday with you?' Fuck off! :razz::rolleyes:

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of course I didn't, but that's the point, if I had felt the same way when Dillon died I would have been all in favour of Pud spending hours chasing down a cat with Diabetes instead of saying, whey lad... go get a different one from the cattery


sorry Sima, but your point is pointless, Catmag loves her cats and I'm not going to say she's wrong, or stupid or desperate or owt, because that's her opinion, her choice and her life...


if Cath, a staunch cat-lover, can disagree without dismissing my opinons, why can't you?


I enjoy pets company, I think they're entertaining and affectionate, but I just don't get as attached to them as others.




p.s. my analogys were not rubbish, they just proved a point about your ridicyulous claim that simply because I hadn't experienced a pet first hand I couldn't have an opinion on it.


can you have an opinion on "non-pet-ownership" unless you had never owned a pet? or course not, now go to bed little man




That was exactly my point. Because you haven't had any pets you can't really berate peoples feelings when something happens to theirs


Oh, and your analogys? You've never played football for Newcastle so no opinions on people that do please :lol:

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That was exactly my point.  Because you haven't had any pets you can't really berate peoples feelings when something happens to theirs


Oh, and your analogys?  You've never played football for Newcastle so no opinions on people that do please :lol:




I didn't berate opinions or beliefs Sima... you did


and the point about the analogies...


I'm mocking your presumption that simply because I haven't had a pet, discounts opinions on them... you've just backed that up yourself...


you really are one of Jesus' special children aren'tcha

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not being funny pud, but is a cat worth it? I know they've got the whole independent buddy thing going on, but I've never found em particularly charismatic and as easily replaced as say... a  chair



I have two cats, and yes, they would be worth it.

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Whilst I respect your opinion, Mr Fish, I don't think that having to give a cat an injection a couple of times a day is justification for getting rid of it as an alternative. If you had a kid that needed medication that you had to give them you wouldn't say "ohhh that's too much trouble. Send it back and get me a healthy one!" And before you tell me that's a ridiculous analogy too, some people's pets are as important to them as children. They're still a responsibility and a committment.

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Whilst I respect your opinion, Mr Fish, I don't think that having to give a cat an injection a couple of times a day is justification for getting rid of it as an alternative.  If you had a kid that needed medication that you had to give them you wouldn't say "ohhh that's too much trouble.  Send it back and get me a healthy one!" And before you tell me that's a ridiculous analogy too, some people's pets are as important to them as children.  They're still a responsibility and a committment.




but rarely a direct descendant...

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