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White Minority in Leicester and Birmingham


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There will come a time in the distant future where there will be no colours or races, everyone will be the same boring bland beige colour, there will be no ethnicity or distinction between peoples, some may say that will be a good thing, others may think that is a tragedy.

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couldn't really care less tbh.


I have mates from all cultures. Do I judge them by the colour of their skin or their race? Do I fuck!!!!


It's people like you who maintain a 'siloed' society....

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I am going to email Louise Taylor about this shocking islamaphobia.



Make the most of it and tell the Daily Mail and The Express too.

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt



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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt


Live his life as he always has as nothing has changed has it? :icon_lol:

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt


Why is it the logical outcome. Minorities are by definition still minorities in GB and England as a whole. They would need to gain a huge foothold in Parliament to make any changes to the law. Even then changing law is incredibly difficult ask Tony Blair. Also why would they seek Muslim law. Do you mean Sharia Law because not all Muslims want to live under that. Also you talk as if every non white is a muslim you may find they are not. So I think what I am saying is............




.........Thick Fucker

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt

If it means they lop your hands off and you can't post any more, bring it on... :icon_lol:

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt


If you read the article properly Adolf it actually says that the white race in still the majority, though non white outnumber whites.

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt


'Muslim laws' :icon_lol: Fuck me gently.


I've noticed a trend that it's only the ones who stoop to personal abuse that can see the beginnings of the Big British Holocaust on the horizon. Funny that

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Great thread. :razz: What a thick fucker.


after Leicester and Birmingham, where next ? Liverpool, Bradford, Newcastle ? What are you going to do if its Newcastle, and what will happen if they want to impose muslim laws it's the logical outcome and if you can't see that then youre the thick cunt


I'll probably become a slave or something.

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