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mp3 player

Brock Manson

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I'm planning to start going out jogging again as I need the exercise (well I dont but healthy body healthy mind and all that) as one day when I'm all grown up I want to run the marathon as me Dad did it as well.


Anyway I'm looking for an mp3 player as my CD player, whilst portable is cumbersome so cant run with it.

Does anyone know of a decent player I can get bearing in mind I want about 1GB space on it but dont want to spend a silly amount of money (nothing over 80 and ideally a lot less than that).



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If you just want a cheap and cheerful one, aria have some canny ones. Never had a 1 gig one cos I jumped from a 516meg one to an ipod, but worth a look:




They've got one of their own brand "value" models with 1 gig for about £50, and some posher looking one;s like this for about £75




Can't recommend a specific player like, but I've bought from them before and they've been alreet.

Edited by BlueStar
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