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Liquid Nitrogen

Holden McGroin

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Okay, so I was in the GPs today to get a wart frozen on my elbow.


McGroin: Doc, can you freeze this bad boy on my elbow ?

Doc: Lets have a look

McGroin: Just here

Doc: No problems. Ooooh, i've got some new equipment this week

McGroin: Cool


* He then proceeds to botch the procedure and i end up with the fluid dripping down my arm. OUCH! *


I now have a beast of blister on my elbow and red marks running down my arm. Hurts like hell. Now, how the hell do I treat a "cold blister" and will the red marks be there forever?


Freaking GPs...

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Okay, so I was in the GPs today to get a wart frozen on my elbow.


McGroin: Doc, can you freeze this bad boy on my tip of my cock ?

Doc: Lets have a look

McGroin: Just here

Doc: No problems, it's a small area though. Ooooh, i've got some new equipment this week

McGroin: Cool


* He then proceeds to botch the procedure and i end up with the fluid dripping down my shaft on to my sack. OUCH! *


I now have a beast of a blister on my helmet and red marks running down my shaft. Hurts like hell. Now, how the hell do I treat a "cold blister" and will the red marks be there forever just I was hoping to have my hole again at some point in my life and tbh it doesn't look very appealing to a bird?


Freaking GPs...



Edited by Wacky Jnr
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Okay, so I was in the GPs today to get a wart frozen on my elbow.


McGroin: Doc, can you freeze this bad boy on my tip of my cock ?

Doc: Lets have a look

McGroin: Just here

Doc: No problems, it's a small area though. Ooooh, i've got some new equipment this week

McGroin: Cool


* He then proceeds to botch the procedure and i end up with the fluid dripping down my shaft on to my sack. OUCH! *


I now have a beast of a blister on my helmet and red marks running down my shaft. Hurts like hell. Now, how the hell do I treat a "cold blister" and will the red marks be there forever just I was hoping to have my hole again at some point in my life and tbh it doesn't look very appealing to a bird?


Freaking GPs...




Now that is out....any ideas? :lol:

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Surely a complaint against the GP is in order and he should have given you this advice before you left?


I didn't realise the extent of the damage until later in the day. I knew he fucked it up but wasnt expecting this. And he just said "you might get a blister". Great.


Thats GPs for you...

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Just going to reiterate what Cath said. It's a burn just as sure as if you'd spilled boiling water or steam on yourself. Cool compresses, keep the blisten intact as long as possible and for god's sake do not use a petroleum based ointment for an antibiotic just the now as that'll hold the heat in.



**Anyone else have a grandmother that used the old wive's remedy of butter on a burn?** (cringing)

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Just an update becuase I know you are all worrying about me.


The blister is just smaller than golf ball now. Rang the docs and they said:

"There is no treatment available, but if it starts going red around the edges come back in as it is infected"



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