trophyshy 7325 Posted July 24, 2011 Share Posted July 24, 2011 what a fuckin mess . QFT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CleeToonFan 1 Posted July 24, 2011 Share Posted July 24, 2011 That's it, he's gone now, I can't see him playing another league game for Newcastle. Thanks for everything José, staying with us through all the mess of the Championship and always playing with the upmost respect for the club and fans. Sorry our owners continually disrespect you and the players just like they do us fans. He's loved the fans and I don't blame him leaving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OTF 8409 Posted July 24, 2011 Share Posted July 24, 2011 I'm at the stage where I can't take Christmas Tree remotely seriously anymore. WUM or moron, take your pick. If the club can come out and make statements about what they have done to 'try' to keep Enrique then he's entitled to come out and comment on then from his perspective. Truth is the club won't have given him an improved offer despite insinuating that they have, though doubt there is some sort of cursory offer 'on the table'. They want to sell him, and making it look like they want him (ala Carroll) is something that has worked in driving prices up in the past. Enrique has got nothing to lose. The club has been a shambles since he arrived here, with ambition that has clearly moved backwards over the same time. There can be no disputing this. Worst case for the club is that he stays and plays out the season here then leaves for nothing next summer. That's no problem for Enrique as it will increase the interest in him and could result in higher wages at a more ambitious club. The club could try to devalue him by not playing him, but paying 40K a week to your best player to have them not play is idiotic when it will clearly impact upon the performance of the team - so I expect that's what we could see happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
citizenerased 0 Posted July 24, 2011 Share Posted July 24, 2011 When reading Spastictree's posts, 1984 always comes to mind with the way he laps up whatever bullshit Mike Ashley dishes out : "Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StoneColdStephenIreland 74 Posted July 24, 2011 Share Posted July 24, 2011 CT's been hitting the sunday sass, I see Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEADMAN 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 enriques right this club officials ie i think hes having a pop at ashley and lambeyarse that theres lies and horrible owners we have Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acrossthepond 979 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Does anyone think it's a coincidence that Keegan, Carroll, Nolan and Enrique were all 'out for themselves?' Keegan, a man whose love for our club is equalled only by SBR's. Carroll, a Gateshead lad. Nolan, the club captain, and Enrique, the fan favourite who said he wanted to retire at NUFC. Four men - five if you include Barton! - who had no reason to walk away are all gone or going, and the common factor is not that they are mercenaries and not that they are out for more money. It is that they have all been continuously shit on by the liars who run our great club, not that it will be great much longer. But the club tells us that they were only out for themselves. Barton and Nolan want a 5-year deal which we can't afford. Carroll handed in a transfer request. Keegan would've destroyed us with his lawsuit. Enrique didn't respond to our 'fantastic' contract offer. I wonder who we should believe: the players who gave it all on the pitch and the manager who put his heart and soul into this club, or the 'businesspeople' who have been proven liars again and again and again. Only an idiot couldn't see where we are heading, to be quite honest. We have an owner and chairman who know nothing about football, a manager who was last seen in the 3rd fucking division and who doesn't have a thought that Derek Llambias hasn't had first, and the spine of our first team is being stripped and sold for profit. No wonder they want out. Who can blame them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ohhh_yeah 3053 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 But dont drag the club (of the fans you luv) through the mud. Seriously, I have never responded to your tripe. Ashley has done this for how many fucking years you maggot? Keep eating Mike Ashley's shit, you fucking bellend. Way to piss all over your fellow supporters CT!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harrynufc 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Must be the fucking youth of today Everyman and his dog has known he's been trying to fuck off for a long time. He could of put a request in, he didnt? He could have turned down the contract, he didnt? But you dont go and slag the club off in public. Can you imagine Rob Lee doing it or countless others who have worn the shirt with pride? Wanker. end of. Hopefully the bloke gets sent home and transfer listed. What a way to piss all over your team mates. Pissing over what team mates? His team mates have already gone; Nolan to west ham, Carroll to pool;or are u referring to these new free transfers we brought in. If he had turned down the contract without going public, the club would have come out and said hes refused to sign and not telling us the real facts about them not giving him the contract he deserves. He has every right to go public in this case because he isnt the first player who is making these comments about the board. Cannot you see CT, its a common trend! You talk about having respect for the club but you need to open your eyes and see that Nolan, Carroll and Jose were the players that made the club. Show them some respect too! They were the core of Newcastle Utd and i have 2 theories on why you post the way you do: 1) Youre related to fat mike or hired by him to post such drivel OR; 2) You like being controversial just to get a reaction from other posters on here. (what fish said) Either way the comments you have made about Enrique and other players who have been forced out are fucking disgusting. I genuinely believe you should get a week ban just to reflect on what you have been saying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4564 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Being 100% right about the owner and the other cunts in charge doesn't mean he hasn't acted like a wanker himself - just saying. At least Keegan, Nolan and Barton made a "positive" move to force the situation - they didn't leave everyone in limbo. If he chucked in a request he'd earn my respect for doing things right and for telling the truth - the fact that what's stopping him doing that is money means he's just another modern footballer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noelie 103 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 I find it quite puzzling; (1) If Pardoo says there is an excellent contract offer on the table for Enrique why is there no negative, affirmative or maybe, response from Enrique's side ot the table. (2) If Enrique really wants away from Newcastle, a scenario put forth by gossipers and typical newspaper fable & fairy-tale seekers, then why doesn't Enrique ask for a transfer or make a public statement to the Press and set the record straight for us fans. (3) Why is there no mention of any bid or any real interest, from any Club, only paper-talk with no foundation. (4) Would the Board stalemate his leaving before the season starts by putting too big a price on his head, then sell him in the January window for the best offer rather than let him walk away on a free. (5) Given that Enrique may have been disappointed at the sale of Carroll & Nolan, surely it must have given him a lift to see the signing of the 3 French players and the return to action of BenArfa & Gosling which should indicate a step in the right direction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaddockLad 19004 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Being 100% right about the owner and the other cunts in charge doesn't mean he hasn't acted like a wanker himself - just saying. At least Keegan, Nolan and Barton made a "positive" move to force the situation - they didn't leave everyone in limbo. If he chucked in a request he'd earn my respect for doing things right and for telling the truth - the fact that what's stopping him doing that is money means he's just another modern footballer. I dont think the club have had as much as an enquiry for him so this appears to me to be a pretty clumsy and desperate attempt by jose and his agent to bring the issue to a head...doesnt reflect well on the player like but can anyone blame him for wanting to leave?.....regardless of the ins and outs of it, the lack of ambition at NUFC is sending all the wrong signals to our better players. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Must be the fucking youth of today Everyman and his dog has known he's been trying to fuck off for a long time. He could of put a request in, he didnt? He could have turned down the contract, he didnt? But you dont go and slag the club off in public. Can you imagine Rob Lee doing it or countless others who have worn the shirt with pride? Wanker. end of. No you're right it would have been implausible to imagine Shearer, Lee or any of those players doing this kind of thing. Why? different class of player? different generation? nope, different owners. What we have here, now is an owner that knows no shame, has no interests in anything but making money for himself, anyone who says otherwise is talking out of their arse frankly. Cue yourself of toonwhatever stepping in and saying "hes taken nothing out", "hes forked out money year on year" etc etc. Yes, he has but its all been building to this, 4 years in and we are now in the first year of Ashleys 5 year plan. The only reason we're not in year 4 of it is because previous attempts to get it in place have backfired and Ashley found out that unlike some retail business he buys he cant just kill off a football club, businesses dont have fans, they dont have brand loyalty in the way a football club does and it doesnt make major news when a sports retailer goes to the wall. We are now in full on money making mode for Ashley, all his lies all the bullshit have been leading upto this. We now have a manager that will be guaranteed to toe the party line and a scout capable of making it happen. In 2 years time we wont be having these conversations because there wont be any players who have been here long enough to get attached to before theyre sold. We no longer buy players to plug a gap or fit into the managers style of play, we purchase purely on resale value, the hunting out of clauses in contracts, potential talent from abroad and taking chances on players with dodgy histories that other clubs strangely dont seem to want. The only excitement we, as fans will gain from this is seeing fleeting flashes of brilliance amongst the durge. Ben Arfa, Tiote both appear to be quality, it'll be sickening when they follow the rest out of the door. Bring em in cheap Pop in the shop window Sell em at a profit Use money from sale to buy other players explain away remainder under the "wages" scam Then move onto whatever else, plaster the place with Sports Dire logos, East Stand ffs! the words "Newcastle United", the name of our club to be replaced by that tat, its inconceivable but its happening and no matter how many arguments are put forward Team Positive will come out with something random to explain it away. Idiots will back the move in the name of "accounting" and more WUMs will appear from the woodwork. We better hope that the currently decimated team spirit is restored before the Sunderland game otherwise revenge will be obtained and our season will be shot before its even started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barney 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 How come Dummet can be flown from Holland to the states, but Cabaye can't? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaMoUsE 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Well said Mr Pud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4564 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Being 100% right about the owner and the other cunts in charge doesn't mean he hasn't acted like a wanker himself - just saying. At least Keegan, Nolan and Barton made a "positive" move to force the situation - they didn't leave everyone in limbo. If he chucked in a request he'd earn my respect for doing things right and for telling the truth - the fact that what's stopping him doing that is money means he's just another modern footballer. I dont think the club have had as much as an enquiry for him so this appears to me to be a pretty clumsy and desperate attempt by jose and his agent to bring the issue to a head...doesnt reflect well on the player like but can anyone blame him for wanting to leave?.....regardless of the ins and outs of it, the lack of ambition at NUFC is sending all the wrong signals to our better players. Yeah but it's a shit way to do it imo - I don't blame him for wanting to leave but as I said I'd admire non-money driven honesty a lot more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KeithJ 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Whilst I agree with Enrique and what he said I think he has been selfish and inconsiderate of how he has went about it. To use twitter to convey his message is rather unprofessional and has caused problems not only amongst the management but surely the squad moral. He wants to leave and I understand that but players of true professional behaviour don't set about twitter to get things done. A simple written transfer request would have been enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 I think theres more to it than meets the eye, why would Jose pick last night to suddenly have a rant? Personally, I think that while the club have been making the right noises about "fantastic offers" etc the truth is way different, my money is that hes been told theres an offer on the table and that they are going to accept it. Hes getting in there now before the club issue the usual "didnt want him to go, head turned, player requested move" statement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KeithJ 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 I suspect your right as well or there has been a bust up somewhere along the lines yesterday. The bust up with the club may not involve Pardew really. I don't know if Lamblias is with them or maybe his agent called to tell him Newcastle weren't playing ball. I suspect he has been told something and then got angry about it before taking to twitter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JawD 99 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Club in talking bollocks via the press shocker. Leopard / spots etc. I'm glad he is taking (what I see as) a parting shot. I wish more would tell it like it is when they left so people aren't under any illusion. When Pardoo goes on about this "fantastic" offer we have made him, I wonder if he actually knows what it is? Or if he is just lapping up the bollocks spewed by Llambias as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5104 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Nice to see a bit of common sense entering this thread this morning. As for what's kicked this off I would get that rather than some major conspiracy theory its pretty straight forward. Pardew, the coaching staff and I guess some of the players are just so pissed off with the way he's going on and the fact that his fucking about is preventing plans being made and action being taken. Im sure we've all worked with people who have chucked their notice in at work and then constantly give it Billy big bollocks about how shit it is and how everything will be better elsewhere. Just as we are seeing with Nzogbia at Wigan, here is a player who has probably had the nod off the agent to kick off and engineer a cheap sale. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoCo85 0 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Alot of the journos saying that team still look in good spirit which is reassuring - kinda makes me think its more of a come and get me plea. As for the comments on the transfer policy, I agree letting the best players go is pretty daft, but the signings seem decent, and they are at the right sort of age. It does make you wonder what sort of team we would have if we had some half decent owners. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5104 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Club in talking bollocks via the press shocker. Leopard / spots etc. I'm glad he is taking (what I see as) a parting shot. I wish more would tell it like it is when they left so people aren't under any illusion. When Pardoo goes on about this "fantastic" offer we have made him, I wonder if he actually knows what it is? Or if he is just lapping up the bollocks spewed by Llambias as well. Love to know what you think "it" is that we are under any illusion about. We all know about Ashley, Llambias and the meagre way in which he believes he can run the club. We all know it and the players have known it for years. Not have they all known it it but Barton, Nolan and Carrol have all said this year that they WANT TO STAY! WANT TO STAY. If it was so bad they would all be desperate to go ffs The bottom line here is Enrique wants CL football and is probably really pissed off that no one has yet come in for him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoveTheBobby 1 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Pud , that craic about East Stand signage - tell us it's not true ?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23630 Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 At least him going now might force the club to get a replacement in. I was fully expecting another final day of the window sale and a kuqi style panic buy replacement. Absolutely no blame attachedto Enrique in any of this. If I were him, I'd want away too. He's been an excellent servent. Shame for him he played for us while Ashley was owner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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