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Rainy Days and Mondays


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It is being reported that up to 150,000 people are without drinking water this morning after all the flooding and the associated problems that have gone along with it. Apparently people have begun stock-piling bottled water and panic buying food supplies etc. It just seems incredible that as one of the most powerful countries in the world, and one that has never had anything other than a cool and rainy climate that we aren't better prepared for a greater-than-average rainfall. It's the same when we have more than a flurry of snow - all of a sudden the country grinds to a standstill and states of emergency are declared. It's just mental! <_<




Oh and welcome to Monday morning! :lol:

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The pictures on the news make us look like a third world country - it's not like we've even been hit by hurricanes or anything either, just some particularly heavy rain. Glad I'm not caught up in any of that shit though, it must be horrendous to have your house/car ruined and be living in shelters, knowing that you're going back to find your house an absolute mess.

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Ties in with the hosepipe bans (particularly in the sahrf) every summer even though we get plenty of rain - presumably there are some serious issues with what seems to be a totally inadequate/ageing infrastructure. Yay us.


Some of the picture are pretty :lol:.

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The pictures on the news make us look like a third world country - it's not like we've even been hit by hurricanes or anything either, just some particularly heavy rain. Glad I'm not caught up in any of that shit though, it must be horrendous to have your house/car ruined and be living in shelters, knowing that you're going back to find your house an absolute mess.


Apparently some of the 'luckier ones' will be back in their houses by Christmas :lol:

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The pictures on the news make us look like a third world country - it's not like we've even been hit by hurricanes or anything either, just some particularly heavy rain. Glad I'm not caught up in any of that shit though, it must be horrendous to have your house/car ruined and be living in shelters, knowing that you're going back to find your house an absolute mess.


Apparently some of the 'luckier ones' will be back in their houses by Christmas :lol:


Some residents in Carlisle still aren't sorted yet and how long ago was that? Be nowt worse than a flood I reckon, probably prefer a fire as long a I wasn't in the house at the time. At least with a fire there'd be no arguments from the insurance company with regards to what is salvageable and what isn't

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Free advice, there are lots of people from insurance companies or Brokers or whatever going round and saying they will help sort out the mess for a 20ù cut which is leaving people without full coverage. Unscrupulous bastards basically, so the govt says it will provide this service for free.


The insurance industry will foot the majority of the bill.

Edited by ChezGiven
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