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Is it just me or has anybody else had any issues with stevieintoon, PM'S in particular, doesn't seem like he knows how to play nicely. There's a name for naughty boys like that!

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steve for me is one of the more knowledgeable people on this board.


never had an argument with him so can't say.


Seems he just likes to pick on girls then

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Guest Toplass-101

Salt of the earth type of lad, his one liners have me in stiches, he knows a shit load about footy and I wish he would hurry up and finish his book.



oh and he knows the best places to get HUGE takeaways!

Edited by Toplass-101
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Guest stevieintoon

Just to let yous know what has been going on tonight, a pm from the lanky streak of shite that is peasepud.


repeat what you've heard to me then you better do it with enough distance between us. It'll take me two days max to find out where you live then we'll have the conversation you seem happy to have with others.


The cowardly twat wants my address. I offer to meet him tomorrow to save him the hassle ask him for his mobile, and I get the reply


nah you're alreet, I'll see you in a couple of days


The guy is a cowardly wank, he's been offering smooth operator on in pm as well.



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Must just have issues with me then for some odd reason :razz:

Cos you're with pud, wants him for himself.


Lol ahhh now I understand. Ohh jealousy is a green, green colour, tut tut

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I would like to know though Stevie, what exactly is your problem with me? as far as I know I've not been rude to you or upset you so why do you feel the need to send me disturbing PM'S

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I would like to know though Stevie, what exactly is your problem with me? as far as I know I've not been rude to you or upset you so why do you feel the need to send me disturbing PM'S


Its probably his primitive way of trying to get into your knickers to be honest.

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I would like to know though Stevie, what exactly is your problem with me? as far as I know I've not been rude to you or upset you so why do you feel the need to send me disturbing PM'S

Think you should post some of the stuff he's been sending you so we can make an informed judgement of his character and therefore post an acurate opinion of him.

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Guest stevieintoon
I would like to know though Stevie, what exactly is your problem with me? as far as I know I've not been rude to you or upset you so why do you feel the need to send me disturbing PM'S

Can you put the disturbing pms in here please.

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Call me a Nazi mod if you want but I'm shutting this fucker down too, its just a negative bitch-fest, and publishing PM's is out of order in my opinion, no matter what the content.


I wish you fuckers would all just go off and have a wank or something to get out this negative energy.

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Guest stevieintoon

Right no twat is bottling anything, Peasepud or me, but differences have been settled. I reacted to something that was said, and a few words in pm got oot o hand. I accept the issue has/had nothing to do with me, and given the fact I don't know anything for a fact I shouldn't have commented. Things got out of hand when I was threatened, the threat had been withdrawn with a slight apology for the nature of it, so that's the end of the matter.

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Yep, thats pretty much my take on things as well, yes a threat was made and based on what was happening I would still do the same (as Stevie has confirmed he would do if the roles were reversed), the manner of which though was a little underhand which isnt really on though so thats been cleared up.


Hes alreet really :razz:

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