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  On 04/01/2013 at 20:36, McFaul said:

I'm embarrassed reading mine tbf :lol: Especially the Meenzer one. Young and Daft then. Old and not quite as daft now. I stand by a few though, especially The Fish and ewerk.

Never been specky. I've got better vision than Superman, you daft bastard.

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  On 04/01/2013 at 23:13, Dr Gloom said:

Blue Star too.


He donated me a tin of Jupiler in Bruges for the walk to the stadium shortly after introducing me to his mates as "Jill from the internet". :lol:

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didn't do this first time around so here's my effort now. i've added a few that were logged on that didn't make the cut last time and left off a few old names i can't remember


@yourservice - photoshop legend. one of TT's most valuable posters.

aimaad - doesn't post very often but when he does, it's mainly in the football forum. seems canny enough

alex - prickly character. not always the most welcoming chap but a dry sense of humour and has good taste in whisky. still living in the 90s when it comes to music though

Ally - good lad. doesn't seem to post as much these days.

Ant - good lad. Irish tech guru that doesn't take shit. respect for handling of leazesmag situation

alreetlike - one of the few lasses kicking about on here. don't see her much on the football board these days. enjoy her contributions to the fitness thread.

Ayatollah Hermione - Good poster, with a dry sense of humour - young lad i think but he's made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion.

Baggio - used to enjoy his baiting of leazesmag. don't see him around too much these days.

Barney - irish toon fan. good poster; one of the old school TT crew stick kicking about. enjoy his contributuions

bobbyshinton - old school TT legend and teller of crap jokes

Bombadil - Not sure if this kid used to be Swissmag - could have got that totally wrong. not sure he even posts these days tbh.

Bridget - Old school poster, now an MP.

Brock Manson - Reading fan and without doubt one of the best chefs on the board

canofbeans - nice lad

catmag - Another one of our lasses. Nurse by night, Mother by day. Canny lass

ChezGiven - Good on numbers and the economy. Less so with his views on how the football club should be run

Craig - Old School TT crew. Doesn't post much anymore. Wears glasses.

Christmas Tree - I'm genuinely fond of him, even though he talks more nonsense than most. Worst taste in music on the board. Worst dieter. Biggest flip-flopper and without a doubt the worst cook. Credit to him for coming back despite the constant piss taking.

David Kelly - knows his football

ewerk - Old School TT crew. Solid poster, though always used to get him confused with khay for some reason

Fancy Dan lecturer - Legend

Gejon - Boxer. Leazes-baiter. That makes him a good lad in my eyes.

Gemmill - Makes me laugh more than anyone else on here. TT legend

Happy Face - Loves a stat. Good poster

Howmanheyman - good poster. knows his football and enjoy his sense of humour too, especially his cockney impressions.

Holden McGroin - Not sure if he posts that much anymore but I've always enjoyed his username

Howaythelads - Total dick

Howaythetoon - ditto

Isegrim - resident Kraut. Tends to lurk and post very rarely these days.

J69/The Rollingstones/Kid dynamite - likes a pinball machine and motorbike. doesn't like a drink. definitely has a high opinion of himself and seems to wind a lot of people up but I've never found him that bad really.

JawD - Old school TT legend. Had the patience of a saint when it came to dealing with Leazesmag. Good poster.

Jimbo - old school legend. Shame he fucked off really

Jonny2J/Tooj - I'm sure we actually agree about a lot of stuff and share the same tastes but never really got on with him that well.

Kevin Carr's Gloves - I know the name well but can't remember if he still posts much or not

khay - got him confused with ewerk for ages. not sure why or whether if he still posts much.

LeazesMag - genuinely worried for the man's mental health. The day he was banned was a breakthrough moment for TT

Li3nZ - Lurker. Old school poster. Think he's from ponteland, my hometown. Used to enjoy seeing him wind up Blaydon back in the day.

luckyluke - Think he lives in Leeds though might be mistaken. Been kickign around a while.

manc-mag - old school TT legend, the grey man seems to have fucked off these days, which is a shame. He was a legend when it came to baiting LM.

MattM4 - used to always kick off with me for never writing in upper case, which made me think he was a bit of a bellend. don't see him post much anymore

Meenzer - top lad and old school TT legend. enjoy his posts and dry sense of humour.

Noelie - grumpy old man exiled in the states. hope he gets laid one last time before he kicks the bucket.

Optimistic Nut - can't remember if he's still here under a different name. one of the old school TT crew.

Papa Lazaru - old school TT legend. absolutely hates the 3-5-2 formation. knows his football

Parky - TT legend. exiled in hamburg. good lad but a bit of a nutter with his conspiracy theories. Boderline anti-semite but i let him off for the all-round quality of his posts.

Peasepud - owns this place i think along with a few others. doesn't post so much anymore. i share his pessimism about the the club's direction under ashley

Renton - likes a stained glass window. guardian reading, namby pamby do gooder. probably seen his share of fancy dan lecturers.

Rob_W - is he still alive? hates f1 with a passion

Shearergol - haven't seen him post for years. was he from scunthorpe or something?

Smooth Operator - used to enjoy his posts. bit of an old perv.

snakehips - another old school TT legend that doesn't seem to be with us much these days.

stevieintoon - frustrates and entertains in equal measure - bit like laurent robert. has a bit of an inflated view of our standing in the game currently. some of his posts about rival clubs and the size of nufc make me cringe. but to be honest, this place would be far poorer without him. definitely needs to shift a few pounds though.

sweetleftpeg - old school TT legend and all round good poster.

T-Keith/Tom - i think this is tom these days? not sure. but if so, he's got long hair, plays guitar and is an all round good poster.

Taylor27 - absolute bell end from back in the day

The Fish - got an even dodgier geordie accent than me. good lad and poster, if a bit verbose. fellow adopted londoner

Toonpack - don't agree with him about much whether it's football or gun control. articulate chap though. every message board needs its anti-consensus posters.

Ugly Mackems - think he organises coach trips to the match

Wacky Jnr - Old School legend. Vertically challenged. Used to crack me up so shame he doesn't post anymore really.

wellsy - not sure. was he an aussie?

wykikitoon - used to always get him confused with luckyluke. pretty sure he's a good lad.

Zathras - yank poster that needs silly pictures to stop him feeling down

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  On 07/01/2013 at 19:59, Andrew said:

at least you got one!

Yours is coming in the latest patch




(I computer gamerised that for you)

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  On 07/01/2013 at 19:59, Andrew said:


at least you got one!


Soz like. I just used the old lot of names and added who was online at the time to the mix. For the record I'd say you're a good young poster from the north west who happens to be a bit of a computer whizz. I'm sure you're thrilled to have my verdict.

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2bias - Balanced poster. Sticks to Football stuff mainly

@yourservice - Unrivalled Photoshoppery.

alex - Back from his sabbatical and the board is better for it.

Ally - Decent Poster

alreetlike - Doesn't spend much time in football chat, because she's knows her place.

Andrew - Brought the Games section back to life. Cruelly left by the pavement but some thundercunts, but shall rise again, like the Phoenix... or something :D

Asprilla's foreskin - Goes unnoticed for ages, then pops up with a flurry of posts. Decent contributor

Brock Manson - I definitely want him to make me dinner some time. Nice bloke and decent poster.

canofbeans - Cyclist... um... and stuff

catmag - Boards mum and everyone fucking knows it.

ChezGiven - Clearly knowledgeable but lately I've noticed a nasty side on here.

Craig - Precious. ;)

David Kelly - Not sure why, but I always get the impression he's fairly pessimistic. Knows his football though.

Dr Kenneth Noisewater - Haven't noticed anything he's posted in a while, didn't he have a health scare?

ewerk - Can be a bit sensitive at time imo, but generally sound

Gejon - Decent poster

Gemmill - Full of himself, bit of a shit, but absolutely vital for this place and a poster I enjoy seeing pop up in threads.

Greg - Was involved in Football Manager, if I remember rightly... other than that :dunno:

Happy Face - One of the voices I look for in any argument. Often seems considered amongst the furore

Holden McGroin - Optimistic fan, bit of a film-buff too, unless I'm mistaken

Isegrim - My garden is in tatters since his post count diminshed

J69 - For someone who states loudly and often how litle he cares about what people think is cool, spends an awful amount of time telling other people what he thinks isn't cool

JawD - Patience of a saint, balanced contributor and a good choice for admin/mod

Tooj - recently got me into Steelbooks and as such both my bank balance and I, fucking hate him.

Kevin Carr's Gloves - Decent poster, no massive opinion one way or the other I'm afraid

khay - Aussie that needs to learn his place

Lazarus - Creepy Creepy Facebook voyeur

LeazesMag - Still stalks me via twitter. Mentally unhinged bigot that the board is better off without.

Li3nZ - suddenly reappeared when we're not doing great, worried he's just going to doom and gloom his way about the place

luckyluke - Kung Fu Doctor, takes himself too seriously imo

manc-mag - St George, now that the Dragon's dead he's got fuck all to offer ;)

Matt - Doesn't post a lot, never gets embroiled in the nonsense, pops up with useful thoughts on financial matters. Can't cook

Meenzer - Gen Chat stalwart. Terrible influence

Monkeys Fist - One of the few people I'll send the really offensive shit that rattles round my head. So... he's canny :good:

Noelie - Wish he'd post more about the old days. I'd be interested to know about some of the things he remembers

Papa Lazaru - I mistake him for SLp at times.

Parky - I find him at times fascinating and at times outright offensive. I personally think he's anti-Semitic.

Peasepud - Never posts, but pulls the strings from behind the curtain. One to be afeared of.

Renton - Assured of his own position, sometimes comes across as arrogant, but I think that's just the internet

rikko - Nuclear Sorcerer, who is made out of Lego Bricks.

Rob_W - disappeared and his absence isn't really felt. Says a lot imo.

sammynb - typical Aussie

Scottish Mag - Hardly ever posts anymore, good craic whenever I see him though

Stevie - Lodestone of the board imo. Occasionally ott, but undeniably knows his stuff, glad he's dropped the Leazes fad though

sweetleftpeg - Often get him and Papa Laz mixed up. :dunno: sorry

Tom - Loves his guitars, loves the club, prone to twitter explosions, but we all have our faults ;)

The Fish - better in real life.

The Mighty Hog

Tom_NUFC - often goes under the radar, but knows his stuff, and is a keen club historian.

Toonpack - Has foolish views on gun control, but seems canny other than that.

Toonraider - Yokel who is justifiably proud of her family

Wacky Jnr - Should come back.

wykikitoon - Angry angry man whose face will be first seen as it's bundled into the back of a police van after his killing spree is brought to an end. ;)

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  On 07/01/2013 at 21:44, TheRollingStones said:

Care to expand on mine :lol:


I gave up on the anti alcohol patter years ago on here

Nah, not the anti-fun stuff. Just noticed you're quick to tell others whatever they own/do/enjoy isn't "cool". No big deal, I wouldn't worry if I were you, it's only the internet :D
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Stevie - Fat racist. But seems canny otherwise

Fish - bald and posts lots of gifs

Gemmill - Makes me laugh on a daily basis

Alex - borderline PD. Better than me at arguing and I dislike him for it

Parky - His true mentalness is starting to come through

Brock - Cant hide his distain for me but he sings to his webcam on YouTube so I couldn't give a fuck

CT - Seems canny enough in an embarrassing dad sort of way

Renton/Chez/Happy/Tooj/Gejon/Luke - Cant really distinguish between them all for some reason

Your service - Very witty and I love his pictures

Gene - Tapped. Genuinely

Monkeys Fist - Seems like a nice bloke

Tom - Seems ok. Posts pure shite about our games on twitter though

Wiki - must be a pain in the arse to work with ;)




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  On 07/01/2013 at 21:38, The Fish said:
2bias - Balanced poster. Sticks to Football stuff mainly

@yourservice - Unrivalled Photoshoppery.

alex - Back from his sabbatical and the board is better for it.

Ally - Decent Poster

alreetlike - Doesn't spend much time in football chat, because she's knows her place.

Andrew - Brought the Games section back to life. Cruelly left by the pavement but some thundercunts, but shall rise again, like the Phoenix... or something :D

Asprilla's foreskin - Goes unnoticed for ages, then pops up with a flurry of posts. Decent contributor

Brock Manson - I definitely want him to make me dinner some time. Nice bloke and decent poster.

canofbeans - Cyclist... um... and stuff

catmag - Boards mum and everyone fucking knows it.

ChezGiven - Clearly knowledgeable but lately I've noticed a nasty side on here.

Craig - Precious. ;)

David Kelly - Not sure why, but I always get the impression he's fairly pessimistic. Knows his football though.

Dr Kenneth Noisewater - Haven't noticed anything he's posted in a while, didn't he have a health scare?

ewerk - Can be a bit sensitive at time imo, but generally sound

Gejon - Decent poster

Gemmill - Full of himself, bit of a shit, but absolutely vital for this place and a poster I enjoy seeing pop up in threads.

Greg - Was involved in Football Manager, if I remember rightly... other than that :dunno:

Happy Face - One of the voices I look for in any argument. Often seems considered amongst the furore

Holden McGroin - Optimistic fan, bit of a film-buff too, unless I'm mistaken

Isegrim - My garden is in tatters since his post count diminshed

J69 - For someone who states loudly and often how litle he cares about what people think is cool, spends an awful amount of time telling other people what he thinks isn't cool

JawD - Patience of a saint, balanced contributor and a good choice for admin/mod

Tooj - recently got me into Steelbooks and as such both my bank balance and I, fucking hate him.

Kevin Carr's Gloves - Decent poster, no massive opinion one way or the other I'm afraid

khay - Aussie that needs to learn his place

Lazarus - Creepy Creepy Facebook voyeur

LeazesMag - Still stalks me via twitter. Mentally unhinged bigot that the board is better off without.

Li3nZ - suddenly reappeared when we're not doing great, worried he's just going to doom and gloom his way about the place

luckyluke - Kung Fu Doctor, takes himself too seriously imo

manc-mag - St George, now that the Dragon's dead he's got fuck all to offer ;)

Matt - Doesn't post a lot, never gets embroiled in the nonsense, pops up with useful thoughts on financial matters. Can't cook

Meenzer - Gen Chat stalwart. Terrible influence

Monkeys Fist - One of the few people I'll send the really offensive shit that rattles round my head. So... he's canny :good:

Noelie - Wish he'd post more about the old days. I'd be interested to know about some of the things he remembers

Papa Lazaru - I mistake him for SLp at times.

Parky - I find him at times fascinating and at times outright offensive. I personally think he's anti-Semitic.

Peasepud - Never posts, but pulls the strings from behind the curtain. One to be afeared of.

Renton - Assured of his own position, sometimes comes across as arrogant, but I think that's just the internet

rikko - Nuclear Sorcerer, who is made out of Lego Bricks.

Rob_W - disappeared and his absence isn't really felt. Says a lot imo.

sammynb - typical Aussie

Scottish Mag - Hardly ever posts anymore, good craic whenever I see him though

Stevie - Lodestone of the board imo. Occasionally ott, but undeniably knows his stuff, glad he's dropped the Leazes fad though

sweetleftpeg - Often get him and Papa Laz mixed up. :dunno: sorry

Tom - Loves his guitars, loves the club, prone to twitter explosions, but we all have our faults ;)

The Fish - better in real life.

The Mighty Hog

Tom_NUFC - often goes under the radar, but knows his stuff, and is a keen club historian.

Toonpack - Has foolish views on gun control, but seems canny other than that.

Toonraider - Yokel who is justifiably proud of her family

Wacky Jnr - Should come back.

wykikitoon - Angry angry man whose face will be first seen as it's bundled into the back of a police van after his killing spree is brought to an end. ;)


Here man, where's mine?

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sorry tl:dpr


Dr Gloom - Isn't half as gloomy as his moniker purports

Clee - Likes a lot of American things. Inexplicably.

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Monkeyfist - the abseiling king of smut. Funny lad and family man.

Monroe transfer/tecato - used to be overly pessimistic about the toon. Now has. Go at others when they do the same

LBT - athlete like physique but funny shape head. Annoying views on football. Possible sex offender

Aeris - LBT's alter ego unless she posts a pic of her tits with I'm not LBT written on them



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