bobbyshinton 59 Posted July 9, 2007 Share Posted July 9, 2007 what you fucking at Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khay 10 Posted July 9, 2007 Share Posted July 9, 2007 Quick someone get the muzzle! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted July 9, 2007 Share Posted July 9, 2007 Shinton is seething. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33241 Posted July 9, 2007 Share Posted July 9, 2007 what you fucking at I've seen your photo, you're a big man but you're out of shape. :Runs away: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ketsbaia 0 Posted July 9, 2007 Author Share Posted July 9, 2007 Shinton is seething. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyshinton 59 Posted July 9, 2007 Share Posted July 9, 2007 what you fucking at I've seen your photo, you're a big man but you're out of shape. :Runs away: been on a strict regime since then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gejon 2 Posted July 9, 2007 Share Posted July 9, 2007 what you fucking at I've seen your photo, you're a big man but you're out of shape. :Runs away: been on a strict regime since then A finger food only diet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5106 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 2bias- odd decent post @yourservice- top 10 poster on this board aimaad- taaks shite, but harmless AgentFox- no real opinion Alan Shearer is God- no real opinion Albert Kirkey -no real opinion alex- steady, unoffensive, relatively interesting, seems a really canny fella Ally- intelligent lad, mature for his age alreetlike- who? Andrew Flintoff - sobering, but one of the best posters you'll find on a toon board Asprilla's foreskin - funnycunt at times Baggio - knowledgable lad, contradicts people but in a way where you think he's still not a twat Barney - noticed a lot of his posts lately, and he comes across well, in a Jim Beglin chip in now and again way Bazooka_From_Viduka - Complete nobhead Bizza - no real opinion BlueStar - cares bobbyshinton - he's like a mascot isn't he, you just want to pat him on the head, but wish he'd fuck off at the same time Bombadil - never heard o the twat Bridget - nee idea Brock Manson - geeky but harmless, should support Reading canofbeans - good poster catmag - very reserved but clearly a very nice woman chester mag - no opinion ChezGiven - canny enough lad, cares aboot the toon, but if you can speak Spanish, he can speak Urdu, Inca and of course Thai chip2388 - yank isn't he? ChocChip - no real opinion Craig - sobering lad for his age, but ye can tell how much he loves the toon, and I bet he reads The Guardian DanTheMan - divvint naa daveytait176 - aal he does is flirt with Toplass David Kelly - good name, clearly not a KBJ Definitely Maybe - NEE IDEA Django Reinhardt - who? donaldstott - nee idea Dr Kenneth Noisewater - reminds me of The Fish, but not as big a nob duckerDavies - no real opinion duffdowns - divvint naa the twat, but why abuse downs people? emperor_k - no real opinion ewerk - has an air of superiority about him in many posts, does my head in at times, but an intelligent lad all the same Fancy Dan lecturer - a bit of a cock Fat Boy-no real opinion FCUM - massive miss on this board Footsoldier - no real opinion Fop - likes a good row GafferTape - no real opinion Gejon - he's like the wops in world wars, he goes on whoevers side is winning Gemmill - has his moments, cares about the toon but his posts are 99% commenting on what other people say rather than holding opinions himself, funny noo and again all the same Geordie Boyo - looks like a hardcunt in his pic GeordieMessiah - well spoken Scotsman who used to support Sunderland GeordieShandy - nee idea Geordiesned- canny enough Glasgow Mag - nee idea Glen - no real opinion gram - no real opinion Greg - does well to get to as many games as he does as a Manchester based student, passionate toon fan Happy Face - taaks shite, I might be gettin him mixed up as it gans Hatful Of Hollow - no real opinion hggcraig - no real opinion Holden McGroin - bit of a nobhead Howaythelads - a more aggressive less knowledgable version of NE5 Howaythetoon - really believes he's Brian Woolnough, more like Brian Dowling if you ask me Hughesie - nee idea I'm on Speed - nee idea indigo -no real opinion IrishMag -no real opinion Isegrim - he tries hard to fit in, thats aboot it J69 - gets a harsh press JaMoUsE-no real opinion janu-no real opinion JawD - makes me laugh at times. Jimbo - I get mixed up with him and that Cumbrian hair bear off NO, not sure if it's him JJ - nee idea Jonny2J - best of the young generation of toon fans when it comes to knowledge of the past k4t0-no real opinion Kevin Carr's Gloves -no real opinion khay - scottish and reserved which is an astonishing mix kitty-sniper - no Lazarus- seems areet LeazesMag- sound bloke, not many cunts can ye pick things up off, NE% is one of the few ye can Li3nZ - racist Lou/Welshdragon - nee idea luckyluke - seems canny enough luckypierre--no real opinion Mad-on-the-rocks - theres onlt one Boris Johnson Magma- taaks shite Mags- yank but areet manc-mag - types with the attitude of a manc and the humour of a geordie Mark - bums Skol oh dear Matt - seems areet MattM4- I was on aboot him above Matty-no real opinion medina-no real opinion Meenzer - huckle isn't he? menace13-no real opinion Missed Sticks-no real opinion MrBass - Has affection for the boobs - good lad newcastlebroon - seems areet in radgie charva sort of way NJS - got upset when I mentioned Croatia being better than Serbia, if thats the same twat Nobby - harsh press, good lad in my dealings with him, never going to be a member of MENSA, but contributes well Noelie - canny nufc4ever-no real opinion ObaGol-no real opinion Optimistic Nut - canny lad Papa Lazaru - seems alright Parky - clever twat but in a nice way Patrokles - good lad, others feel intimidated by his superior intellect and support the myth that he's a twat as a result Peasepud - I bet there's more than meets the eye to that fucka Pilchard Chops - nee idea Radgina - some people are charva's when they're in their teens, but by their thirties they grow out of it, some however, don't rebellious - cracking motor, whinges though Renton - moral high ground person, but somewhere in there I'm sure there's a canny lad rikko - nee idea Rob_W - old but useful robchester -no real opinion sammynb - taaks shite, he's one of them where if he's started a thread I genuinely refuse to read it Scottish Mag - I've got a better opinion of him than he has of me, which isn't saying much Shearergol - areet Sicklee Sausage Roll-no real opinion Sima - an absolute dick, knows FUCK AAL aboot footbaal, he'll be playing computer games in his council flat when he's 70 old and lonely Skol - one of the most classic examples of a student nobhead you will ever find, taaks shite, boring, argumentative, scruffy and he even looks like a student nobhead, sort it out smoggeordie - I like him, good lad Smooth Operator - nee idea smudger - canny lad for a cockney snakehips - contributes Southern Geordie - seems areet spongebob_toonpants - no real opinion Steve- areet stevieintoon - I've been on a lot of internet nufc message boards on maybe three of them this lad posts, and quite simply I've yet to find a better toon poster on the net, the epitome of a geordie toon fan sweetleftpeg -no real opinion Swindon Mag -no real opinion anymore T-Keith -no real opinion Taylor27 - absolute gimp The Fish - bald, specky etc.. The Mighty Hog -no real opinion TheInspiration -no real opinion themags -no real opinion Thompson - nobhead Tom_NUFC - absolutely sound lad, interesting posts Toonpack - yank Toonraider - GILF Toplass-101 - MILF TOPTOON -no real opinion Ugly Mackems -no real opinion Wacky Jnr - you can take the man out of Byker but you can't take Byker out of the man walkinthedog -no real opinion Walliver - is helpful wellsy -no real opinion about this aussie... other than he's an aussie and therefore must not be trusted Woodgate27 -no real opinion WubbleUC - nice enough Wullie - harmless wykikitoon - Zathras - Yank, talks shite on bigsoccer zico martin -no real opinion Fucking Hell Some great ones mind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 The accuracy of all his other ones has me worried he must be right about me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 Done everyone I recognise alex - Uses his obvious intelligence to ostracise posters rather than welcome them. Ally - Milk box kid right? Canny enough alreetlike - Irregular Asprilla's foreskin - Proper tit bobbyshinton - Joke for the day robot. Starts entire threads on what Magma would question using as one of his 5 facts. Bombadil - I know the name. Bridget - There's 3 women. She is one of them. Brock Manson - Angry teenager. canofbeans - I know the name. catmag - Nurse ChezGiven - pre-dater, right? Canny lad. Craig - Got owned on Pitonheads. David Kelly - fine taste in classic films, needs to watch more foreign. Django Reinhardt - My hero. ewerk - I confuse him with Fish Gejon - I confuse him with 2J, is it both of them that whore themselves to Adidas? Gemmill - The sad clown. Dead on the inside. gram - I listened to Gram Parsons once. Not my bag. Hatful Of Hollow - HOH, SKOL, KHAY, TKeith, Rikko etc. they're all the same to me. indigo - legend J69 - Not so angry teenager Jimbo - I guess he's named after the Simpsons bully, so I picture him. Jonny2J - The Good The Bad and The Ugly Lazarus - Seems to love DVD's but not that big a fan of films, which is odd. LeazesMag - Old and stuck in his ways Magma - Happy go lucky teenager. manc-mag - That's the fella who thinks Gateshead is North of the river, right? Meenzer - Lovely bloke if a bit too kitsch. NJS - don't like his avatar. Papa Lazaru - Always confused with Jimbo Parky - Thoroughly nice fella. Overly concerned by the thought police but his tinfoil hat will save him. Patrokles - Very serious gentlemen indeed. I'd love to see his face if someone got him the best one hit wonders compilation cd. I can't imagine him having a singalong to Shaddapayaface. Peasepud - Budding Viz advertisement creator. Radgina - There's 3 women. She is another one. Renton - Lentil eating guardian reader. rikko - HOH, SKOL, KHAY, TKeith, Rikko etc. they're all the same to me. Rob_W - Spongelike in his ability to soak up new stuff and leak old stuff. sammynb - add Sammy to the HOH, Skol etc group above. Scottish Mag - Scottish Shearergol - Lampard lover Sima - a husk. Skol - HOH, SKOL, KHAY, TKeith, Rikko etc. they're all the same to me. Smooth Operator - Disco Stu style 35 year old living on past glories (which are also questionable) The Fish - Confuse him with Ewerk. Seems to get most shit for being fat. Feel sorry for him about that. Ya bunch of bastards.. Toonraider - Board mum....or was that Mandy? Toplass-101 - There's 3 women. She is the last one. Wacky Jnr - See Smooth Operator. Still don't know which is which to be honest. Wullie - I know of him Jesus, what a stupid fucking prick I am. See where Stevie was coming from. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16448 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I wouldn't worry, nobody ever comes out of threads like this particularly well. Which is why they're brilliant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36663 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 Needs updated. Sniff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7645 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I'm particularly well thought of I see Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gejon 2 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 Stevie seems a lot less racist these days tbf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McFaul 35 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I'm embarrassed reading mine tbf Especially the Meenzer one. Young and Daft then. Old and not quite as daft now. I stand by a few though, especially The Fish and ewerk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McFaul 35 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 The Taylor27 one absolutely spot on too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
catmag 337 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 God, there's some blasts from the past on that list! Albert Kirkey anyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gejon 2 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 God, there's some blasts from the past on that list! Albert Kirkey anyone? Had a right go at me once when I said I couldn't afford to go to a game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jill 0 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I still keep in contact with Kirkey regularly. He's not changed much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gejon 2 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I think it was you that actually stood up for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
catmag 337 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I still keep in contact with Kirkey regularly. He's not changed much. Really? What's he up to? I think Matt is still in touch with Lou aswell. Anyone else? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jill 0 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 Probably. I've been known to reign him in a few times. Good mate though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jill 0 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 Cath he's fine - back living in Newcastle these days, for a year or two now. Still getting to matches but not all the time due to work, general apathy, etc. We were going to catch up the other day but he wasn't well so had to cancel, should do soon though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23652 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 God, there's some blasts from the past on that list! Albert Kirkey anyone? Blue Star too. Plenty of old household names there you don't see these days. Love the three comments about me like: grumpy Bit of a cock (thanks Stevie) ... and gets confused with the other Dan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
catmag 337 Posted January 4, 2013 Share Posted January 4, 2013 I'm just a reserved nurse apparently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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