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The bloke who died in the floods.......

Smooth Operator

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....the one that got his foot caught in the drain he was trying to clear.


I've been thinking this one over all morning and I can't get my head round it, they say they had divers there and weer giving him oxygen, assuming it was from a tank that the divers use.


So how did he/would he die then? Exhaustion?


Read they were gonna amputate but he died before they could, tragic.

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  • 5 years later...

Another poor fella died today


I hope everyone's loved ones are home safe now.


Few of my mates on facebook still missing family members, most who had to travel more than a Couple of miles just getting home from work now.

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flooding over there as well?


been heavy rains and a slow melt of the snow has made for a soggy couple of months the picture is the revelstoke damn (first time its had its flood gates open since 1997)




was at a football tourney this past weekend and some poor fucker got washed away on the bridge out in front of his house were S.A.R. units all along the river on the way home from the first day....(it rained 65mm in 6 hours that day)

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How long was he down there for?

Immersion Hypothermia is a bit different to that which you get from wandering round the Cheviots in a boob tube and hotpants.

If he was completely submerged he did well to survive an hour, regardless of having an air supply.




Poor man, what an awful way to die.

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