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File listings

Rob W

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we have a numberof add-on USB discs scattered around the company with lotsof duplicate filels on them


is there a piece of software that will give me a searchable file listing?

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Not sure what you mean, are you saying that you want to catalogue whats on each drive? So that you can search a single place to find which USB drive a file is on?


If so, then it would be straight forward to create something using php and mySQL although Im sure something like that is probably already out there.


Alternatively, you could just copy all the contents onto one hard drive B)

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pHp and SQL are dark arts to us


and the Disk drive would be bloody enormous - we're talking about 10 TB of data - it would take ages just to copy it and then we'd lose the information as to where the original data was stored................


Karen's Tools can do it drive by drive but the output format is grim .............

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php and mySQL would be the easiest and could therefore be stored on the net or an intranet. As long as your hosting contains mySQL and PHP (most do).


Run the following mySQL command to create the database and table:


create database files;

CREATE TABLE file_list
id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
file_name varchar(100),
drive_name varchar(50),
file_size varchar(20),
file_modified varchar(20)


The PHP code which can then be ran on any machine is as follows:



//----This bit would be best put into a form but I couldnt be arsed to do one;) -----
//define the path to find the files
$path = "eg D:/";
//give the drive a name, anything you like as long as each ones unique
$drive = "Give the drive a name ie the big yellow USB drive or summit";

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");

echo "Directory Listing of $path<br/>";
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) 
  if($file!="." && $file!="..")
  echo "<a href='$file'>$file</a><br/>";
  $sql = "INSERT INTO `file_list` (`id`, `file_name`, `drive_name`, `file_size`, `file_modified`) VALUES ('','$file', '$drive','$size','$mod')";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Bad query: " . mysql_error());



et voila, an online directory structure for your 10Tb of data showing the filename, which drive it is on, its size and last modified date, you can then run SQL queries to find things, highlight duplicates etc.


Now then thats 30 minutes PHP consultancy at an extortionate fee, just bung a cheque in the post.



pHp and SQL are dark arts to us


and the Disk drive would be bloody enormous - we're talking about 10 TB of data - it would take ages just to copy it and then we'd lose the information as to where the original data was stored................


Karen's Tools can do it drive by drive but the output format is grim .............

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