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xbox 360

Scottish Mag

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:quotes: I can't be far off. There's a fucking stupid amount of technology sat in front of me, and what am I doing with it? Posting on Toontastic.
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Right, I want to order 2 games today for the 360, one of them is pretty much certain to be Battlefield 2 and maybe Perfect Dark, and I already own Call of Duty 2 and PGR3. I don't want another racing game and I think another shooter might be overkill, I'm really only interested in the multiplayer aspect and I'm not sure about the fighting games...suggestions?


I'm off to download a couple of demos to see of anything appeals.

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I bought Call of Duty on Ebay on Sunday for a tenner, was convinced something must be dodgy as they did not even charge me postage for it either, but it has arrived this morning and appears to be fine.


Just need to finish this essay, before I can check it out properly though.

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I bought Call of Duty on Ebay on Sunday for a tenner, was convinced something must be dodgy as they did not even charge me postage for it either, but it has arrived this morning and appears to be fine.


Just need to finish this essay, before I can check it out properly though.


Me mate's got it, tis quality, funny as fuck as well when you put the headsets on and play live with all these American goons
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Right, I want to order 2 games today for the 360, one of them is pretty much certain to be Battlefield 2 and maybe Perfect Dark, and I already own Call of Duty 2 and PGR3.  I don't want another racing game and I think another shooter might be overkill, I'm really only interested in the multiplayer aspect and I'm not sure about the fighting games...suggestions?


I'm off to download a couple of demos to see of anything appeals.



BF is really good while Perfect Dark is a steaming pile of shit. You playing online then Dotbum? Send us a friend request, you too SM. The single player in BF isnt up to much like, but theres nowt like it online. As everything the only problem is t the annoying yanks.


As for other games Kameo isnt bad, DOA4 is OK, Fight Night is very good.


EDIT: Forgot about Recon. If you want to show off your new HDTV you have to get Ghost Recon.

Edited by luckypierre
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Right, I want to order 2 games today for the 360, one of them is pretty much certain to be Battlefield 2 and maybe Perfect Dark, and I already own Call of Duty 2 and PGR3.  I don't want another racing game and I think another shooter might be overkill, I'm really only interested in the multiplayer aspect and I'm not sure about the fighting games...suggestions?


I'm off to download a couple of demos to see of anything appeals.



BF is really good while Perfect Dark is a steaming pile of shit. You playing online then Dotbum? Send us a friend request, you too SM. The single player in BF isnt up to much like, but theres nowt like it online. As everything the only problem is t the annoying yanks.


As for other games Kameo isnt bad, DOA4 is OK, Fight Night is very good.



I'm not online yet but will do once I am.. :razz:

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BF is really good while Perfect Dark is a steaming pile of shit. You playing online then Dotbum? Send us a friend request, you too SM. The single player in BF isnt up to much like, but theres nowt like it online. As everything the only problem is t the annoying yanks.


As for other games Kameo isnt bad, DOA4 is OK, Fight Night is very good.


EDIT: Forgot about Recon. If you want to show off your new HDTV you have to get Ghost Recon.



Played both the online and offline demos of Ghost Recon last night. The graphics truly are stunning, couldn't get to grips with the online version at all. I think for now I'm going to get Battlefield and a steering wheel for PGR3. The MC2 appears to be the best available, although there are apparently some issues with not being able to change sensitivity. What I really need is a Fanatec, but as far as I can tell they've not produced one for the 360 yet; anyone got any experience with these?


EDIT: Will send you a friend request today.

Edited by DotBum
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Right, I want to order 2 games today for the 360, one of them is pretty much certain to be Battlefield 2 and maybe Perfect Dark, and I already own Call of Duty 2 and PGR3.  I don't want another racing game and I think another shooter might be overkill, I'm really only interested in the multiplayer aspect and I'm not sure about the fighting games...suggestions?


I'm off to download a couple of demos to see of anything appeals.



BF is really good while Perfect Dark is a steaming pile of shit. You playing online then Dotbum? Send us a friend request, you too SM. The single player in BF isnt up to much like, but theres nowt like it online. As everything the only problem is t the annoying yanks.


As for other games Kameo isnt bad, DOA4 is OK, Fight Night is very good.


EDIT: Forgot about Recon. If you want to show off your new HDTV you have to get Ghost Recon.



:razz: Oooh oooh, can I send you a friend request? I'm a billy no mates on live at the moment! :razz:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just when you thought you could escape the biggest TV show on the planet with a spot of gaming, Ubisoft have today announced a deal in conjunction with Touchstone Television to bring the the Emmy Award-winning series to home consoles.


But will you find out what it is picking off the islanders like a disgruntled T-rex? Probably not. But not to worry, you can look at Jack's tattoo instead.


No gameplay details or indeed formats have yet to be announced, although the Xbox 360 will no doubt be in line for some Lost loving. Commenting at the announcement, CEO of Ubisoft Yves Guillemot said "We are delighted to work with Bryan Burk, one of the biggest producers in Hollywood and with Touchstone Television - that they have chosen us for the adaptation of the cult series ‘Lost’ is the best homage that a producer can make to the creativity of Ubisoft.”


"Many of us on ‘Lost’ have been hardcore gamers for years and the chance to work with Ubisoft, a company behind some of our favourite titles, has excited us to no end," said ‘Lost’ producer Bryan Burk.  "With the ability to tell new interactive stories within the ‘Lost’ universe, we’re giddy to be developing a game that, once completed, will be as engaging and fun to play as it is to create."


Lost the TV series follows the survivors of a downed passenger jet as they fight to survive in the aftermath of the crash. But soon enough they realise that the island itself is not deserted and a shady group of 'others' threaten their lives. Couple that with a seemingly abandoned underground facility and the odd Polar bear running amok, and Lost certainly has enough scope to be converted into an entertaining title.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone got any tips for table tennis? Great simulation but I may bring it back as I really can't get to grips with it!

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Cheers, Sima. Will take a look later. I haven't been matching spin, but I've been over-using focus - I think I need to get more tactical with it.


I can't match spin with Jurgen as he always tops it, and it's suicide to try and beat him there.

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I saw that there was a Parkour game in development...


so instead of running around your local area, free of constraints and rules and regulations, you take control of people running about there local area conforming to game rules and regultaions....


I can't be the only person who sees the insanity of this?

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A table tennis simulator?


Jesus wept, we really have gone full circle.  :(



It's a brilliant simulation, but all it really makes me want to do is play the real thing. Plus I really don't find it very enjoyable, for some reason.

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  • 6 months later...

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