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What's the most drug addled - hiding behind the sofa shit...

Park Life

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After a rather savage acid trip (many years ago) I couldn't count money for about three days and childrens telly scared the shit out of me. ;)

Edited by Parky
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No matter what I was on, I never had a shit behind the sofa.



It's very liberating you know. :D

You dirty bastard :D



....not when you're hallucinating you're in the rainforest... ;)

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Well, I rather have Parky shitting behind the sofa than posting shit on internet forums as it looks like he is used to do normally when he is on drugs...



I am the William Burroughs of internet forums I'll have you know. ;)

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Well, I rather have Parky shitting behind the sofa than posting shit on internet forums as it looks like he is used to do normally when he is on drugs...



I am the William Burroughs of internet forums I'll have you know. ;)

Timothy Leary / Terry Thomas you mean. :D

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first time I ever took acid and I was already nervous and afraid before I started seeing stuff.


Sat in a mates house and ended up curled up on the sofa befcause the carpet was a sea of hands clawing at me. Also saw those faces made of hands from Labrynth and I swear they were calling for me. :D;)



second time I took acid I was far more happy and relaxed. I saw lines coming out of the stereo dancing in time to Pinball Wizard :D

Edited by The Fish
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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.

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first time I ever took acid and I was already nervous and afraid before I started seeing stuff.


Sat in a mates house and ended up curled up on the sofa befcause the carpet was a sea of hands clawing at me. Also saw those faces made of hands from Labrynth and I swear they were calling for me. :D;)



second time I took acid I was far more happy and relaxed. I saw lines coming out of the stereo dancing in time to Pinball Wizard :D


I used to love those moments. Remember in the garden once talking to a tree for some time and the branches coming down and offering me some kind of ride.

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.


Thats tetris that, man.

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.


Thats tetris that, man.

;) It wasn't really like Tetris tbh. And it's not a game I've played that much either.

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.



They say this kind of stuff is like a race memory of old information, not sure where it is stored mind. Some South American Shamen's see 'a snake that talks' often before revelations. A modern interpretation of this and discussed in some studies is that 'the snake' is your dna.

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.



They say this kind of stuff is like a race memory of old information, not sure where it is stored mind. Some South American Shamen's see 'a snake that talks' often before revelations. A modern interpretation of this and discussed in some studies is that 'the snake' is your dna.

It first happened when I had a particularly strong microdot. It has happened a few times since. Weird.

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One of my mates cooked up a pizza once and laced one half of it with a bag of weed he had. Guess who got that half to eat?? ;)


Ended up climbing inside a suitcase and zipping it shut for some reason...

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One of my mates cooked up a pizza once and laced one half of it with a bag of weed he had. Guess who got that half to eat?? :D


Ended up climbing inside a suitcase and zipping it shut for some reason...

;) Sorry Craig, I think spiking people is out of order but that did make me laugh.

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One of my mates cooked up a pizza once and laced one half of it with a bag of weed he had. Guess who got that half to eat?? :D


Ended up climbing inside a suitcase and zipping it shut for some reason...

;) Sorry Craig, I think spiking people is out of order but that did make me laugh.


It did them as well, and I can see the funny side of it now :D


At the time I was absolutely fucking wasted though so I have no recollection.

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One of my mates cooked up a pizza once and laced one half of it with a bag of weed he had. Guess who got that half to eat?? :D


Ended up climbing inside a suitcase and zipping it shut for some reason...

;) Sorry Craig, I think spiking people is out of order but that did make me laugh.


It did them as well, and I can see the funny side of it now :D


At the time I was absolutely fucking wasted though so I have no recollection.


Craig to his mates: Spiking is bang out of order, lads. Case closed!

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.


Been there, done that. Microdots were always the daddy for tripping. Couldn't think of nothing worse than taking an acid these days. It's alright when your younger with no responsibilities but the come down would be horrific I reckon now I'm older

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One of my mates cooked up a pizza once and laced one half of it with a bag of weed he had. Guess who got that half to eat?? :nufc:


Ended up climbing inside a suitcase and zipping it shut for some reason...

;) Sorry Craig, I think spiking people is out of order but that did make me laugh.


It did them as well, and I can see the funny side of it now :D


At the time I was absolutely fucking wasted though so I have no recollection.


Craig to his mates: Spiking is bang out of order, lads. Case closed!


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One of my mates cooked up a pizza once and laced one half of it with a bag of weed he had. Guess who got that half to eat?? :icon_lol:


Ended up climbing inside a suitcase and zipping it shut for some reason...

;) Sorry Craig, I think spiking people is out of order but that did make me laugh.


It did them as well, and I can see the funny side of it now :D


At the time I was absolutely fucking wasted though so I have no recollection.


Craig to his mates: Spiking is bang out of order, lads. Case closed!





Mates? They're no fucking mates, shower of bastids the lot of them :icon_lol:

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.


Been there, done that. Microdots were always the daddy for tripping. Couldn't think of nothing worse than taking an acid these days. It's alright when your younger with no responsibilities but the come down would be horrific I reckon now I'm older


This is the thing. Would never touch acid type thngs now I'm a bit older and realise I'm more vulernable than I thought.

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My recurring hallucination was (on LSD) a mosaic that appeared to be floating about an inch above the carpet (this seemed to appear more on carpeted floors). It was comprised of thin strips of light (with a sort of greeny/blue luminescence about them) that moved in a jerky manner all at once about every 5 seconds or so. Every time they moved the mosaic changed slightly so that after a few movements it was completely different. The shapes in the mosaic tended to be interlocking patterns of what I would describe (at a guess) as Mayan/Aztec origin with stylised lizards and stuff like that. I don't know where the fuck that comes from as it's not something I have a particular interest in. You'd probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes tiresome.



They say this kind of stuff is like a race memory of old information, not sure where it is stored mind. Some South American Shamen's see 'a snake that talks' often before revelations. A modern interpretation of this and discussed in some studies is that 'the snake' is your dna.


That "modern interpretation" is utter horse ploppings like.

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