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Do you feel safe?


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When drinking in the Town (or where you live)


It seems there are more and more stabbings and murders occurring. Cases like Caths' brother seem to be common. Woor youngen is out all hours and touch wood to my knowledge has had no bother.

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My town is ace, everyone is so friendly and i never see any violence past fisticuffs, lol


I had never heard of a killing in out town until about 6 months ago, but two have happened since, it's a worrying trend.

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I like to think I'm clever/paranoid enough to be able to keep my head down and myself out of trouble on a night out, but like you say with Cath's brother and all, these things can happen to the best of us. I suppose it falls into the "you could get hit by a bus tomorrow" category of occupational hazards, but I do find myself increasingly getting into Jeremy Hardy-style grumpy old man territory and grumbling about the way the world's going to hell in a handbasket. :D

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Most of the tales you hear of stabbings and shootings and whatnot the victims seem to be involved with their murderers (through drugs or whatever) so I'm not too concerned.


For instance, I went back home to Nottingham last weekend and my mum told me some men had chased somebody else down our road, into one of our neighbour's gardens and stabbed him. As disturbing as this is (my parents live in a quiet, nice part of Nottingham - not St Anns where all the gangs are) I can't see why anyone would do that to me.

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Anyone see the photos of the (predominantly) random stabbings in Glasgow in the Sunday Times Magazine the other week? Fucking hell!

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I like to think I'm clever/paranoid enough to be able to keep my head down and myself out of trouble on a night out, but like you say with Cath's brother and all, these things can happen to the best of us.


Aye, it's clear from some of the CCTV stuff you see on telly of people getting kickings/stabbed, that the "if you don't look for bother, you won't find any" stuff is a thing of the past. So many dickheads knocking about these days, it's not even funny.

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I usually feel pretty safe, mainly because I don't tend to drink in town and choose to stay local, and it's generally the same crowd in the pub - there can be one or two trouble makers get in but I'm familiar with most of the staff and they're usually spot on at sorting problems and it's been ages since I saw any trouble.


That said it doesn't always follow these days that if you try and keep your head down you won't be affected, but I don't tend to worry about it too much on a night out.

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I knew that lad who was killed in Byker very well. Was sitting with his dad having a pint on Thursday when he got the phone call. Was a lovely kid, just a normal 19 year old tbh







Im sure if you had been there you wouldnt have got involved though. Turn the other cheek an all that

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I like to think I'm clever/paranoid enough to be able to keep my head down and myself out of trouble on a night out, but like you say with Cath's brother and all, these things can happen to the best of us.


Aye, it's clear from some of the CCTV stuff you see on telly of people getting kickings/stabbed, that the "if you don't look for bother, you won't find any" stuff is a thing of the past. So many dickheads knocking about these days, it's not even funny.




a lot of people go out of their way thesedays,


Even in our own street we got a attacked,


and my mate Rob got assualted from BEHIND :panic:


2 on 1, they drove by on their bikes, beat him up a bit and drove off,


He gave me the phone call so i ran to him from home,


he was sprawled out on the floor in a garage forcourt,


7 hours waiting in A & E,


yay :D

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I knew that lad who was killed in Byker very well. Was sitting with his dad having a pint on Thursday when he got the phone call. Was a lovely kid, just a normal 19 year old tbh







Im sure if you had been there you wouldnt have got involved though. Turn the other cheek an all that


Go and fuck your mother



I would have got involved you pric, I knew the lad

Edited by Wacky Jnr
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When I first started going out it used to be a bit of a worry but now it doesn't bother me.


The only time i've been part of any trouble was in Sunderland when I started singing Blaydon Races at the top of my voice and then squared up to some scruffy, sovereign wearing Charva who took offence. I got a punch for my troubles and I dropped my Kebab.

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I knew that lad who was killed in Byker very well. Was sitting with his dad having a pint on Thursday when he got the phone call. Was a lovely kid, just a normal 19 year old tbh







Im sure if you had been there you wouldnt have got involved though. Turn the other cheek an all that

And you wonder why people think you're a prick?

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I knew that lad who was killed in Byker very well. Was sitting with his dad having a pint on Thursday when he got the phone call. Was a lovely kid, just a normal 19 year old tbh







Im sure if you had been there you wouldnt have got involved though. Turn the other cheek an all that


J69, there's a time to be an arse and then there's a time to not be an arse. This is the latter so shut the fuck up and stop being such a moron.

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Plenty of people never see bother apparently!


I still stand by my statement that their are too many bell ends around these days. It doesnt help that we seem to have the mentality that its not a good night out unless you need to be carried home at the end of it

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I know I shouldn't, but there's something funny about your mate lying on a garage forecourt having to ring you for help. Were people just stepping over him to pay for their petrol? :D



It was closed like,



I was bad laughin too like,


There was nowt wrong with him man hes just soft,


I thought that because he was ringing there would be more of them ]


i was ready for a fight and when i got there he was just sprawled out,



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when i went out drinking in my local town i felt canny safe i knew who most the arseholes were and who to avoid, also knew most of the door staff


still had my fair share of trouble and got started on while dj'ing

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