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The Smoking Room

Hatful Of Hollow

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Anybody watch this?


Tonight's episode was quality, an 'anti-smoking seminar' was held in the smoking room, the bloke hosting it was overly cheerful and patronising, and dressed as a giant cigarette.


Robert Webb from Peep Show stars in it, and like his character in Peep Show is very funny.


Oh, and carrying on the theme of BBC3 comedy, The Mighty Boosh was funny as fook tonight, they got stranded on a desert island and went "coc0loco" after eating rancid coconuts.

Edited by Hatful Of Hollow
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The Smoking Room is alright, has it's moments but not must see. I hated the first series of The Mighty Boosh, but I gave the second series a chance and it's been very funny.


The best comedy on TV at the minute is Arrested Development, which is on BBC4 and BBC2 at random un-godly hours. Well worth staying up for though.

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I like The Smoking Room, think it's decent enough. Brock knows nowt about comedy, he thinks 2 Pints of Lager is great :razz:


I see Early Doors is getting another run, on BBC 1, great stuff.



I never said I thought 2 pints was great :fuk: Marginally entertaining.


What the fuck is funny about a bunch of people smoking? FFS I could stand in a room with my trousers pulled down and talk about London Bridge and that could be classed as comical. :P (I just sniggered at that thought B) )


It's shit and doesn't deserve a thread due to it's shitness.

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I like The Smoking Room, think it's decent enough. Brock knows nowt about comedy, he thinks 2 Pints of Lager is great :razz:


I see Early Doors is getting another run, on BBC 1, great stuff.



I never said I thought 2 pints was great :fuk: Marginally entertaining.


What the fuck is funny about a bunch of people smoking? FFS I could stand in a room with my trousers pulled down and talk about London Bridge and that could be classed as comical. B) (I just sniggered at that thought :) )


It's shit and doesn't deserve a thread due to it's shitness.




Bollocks, you had a whole thread devoted to voting on whether one of the characters should be killed off! :P Hardly the actions of someone finds something "barely entertaining"


There's nothing funny about the smoking, it the conversation. The characters coming and going. Little lines dropped in here and there. I'm not saying it's a top draw comedy show but it's half decent.

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I think Brock is a fart joke man. Each to their own, he does go to watch Bracknell every week, must have a sense of humour.  :fuk:



Oh that was so low! B)


Who won the winter cup 8-1 over 2 games eh? :razz:


Coming down to Basingstoke SLP? I'll be there to wave at Matty :)


And I only posted the save Johnny thread because it was possibly the worst writing-out I have ever seen and was so incensed I wanted people to save him. :P

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I think Brock is a fart joke man. Each to their own, he does go to watch Bracknell every week, must have a sense of humour.  :razz:



Oh that was so low! :crylaughin:


Who won the winter cup 8-1 over 2 games eh? :P


Coming down to Basingstoke SLP? I'll be there to wave at Matty :crylaughin:


And I only posted the save Johnny thread because it was possibly the worst writing-out I have ever seen and was so incensed I wanted people to save him. B)



I was only joking, we got bored with winning the Winter Cup so we gave someone else a shot. :fuk:


I might come down for the Basingstoke game. Correction, I might get dragged down for the Basingstoke game. You dividing your loyalties this season? EPL not good enough for you? :)

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The first series of The Smoking Room was decent enough at times, its gentle comedy and every so often drops in a really good line or two and some good interaction between the characters.


From what i've seen of the second series it seems as though they may have run out of steam a little and maybe one series was enough, but i haven't watched enough of it to really comment.

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