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This word filter thing


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Seeing as we have a word filter that changes cunt to twat, I want to propose that we add another. All over this board there are morons that can't spell the word 'definitely' correctly. It amazes me how often we see the abortion of 'definately' appearing in its place. I don't know what it is, but seeing that 'a' in there drives me to the point of homicide. It's almost, almost as annoying as the Down's Syndrome smiley of :crylaughin:. I mean look at that thing, it's just got this retarded quivering lip thing happening.


Anyway, that's off the point. Seeing as for some reason on the uncensored internet where you can stumble across things ten thousands more times offensive than a four letter word, we have the word filter, I propose we have a filter for identifying those that routinely misspell 'definitely'.


That is all.

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Seeing as we have a word filter that changes cunt to twat, I want to propose that we add another. All over this board there are morons that can't spell the word 'definitely' correctly. It amazes me how often we see the abortion of 'definately' appearing in its place. I don't know what it is, but seeing that 'a' in there drives me to the point of homicide. It's almost, almost as annoying as the Down's Syndrome smiley of :crylaughin:. I mean look at that thing, it's just got this retarded quivering lip thing happening.


Anyway, that's off the point. Seeing as for some reason on the uncensored internet where you can stumble across things ten thousands more times offensive than a four letter word, we have the word filter, I propose we have a filter for identifying those that routinely misspell 'definitely'.


That is all.



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Seeing as we have a word filter that changes cunt to twat, I want to propose that we add another. All over this board there are morons that can't spell the word 'definitely' correctly. It amazes me how often we see the abortion of 'definately' appearing in its place. I don't know what it is, but seeing that 'a' in there drives me to the point of homicide. It's almost, almost as annoying as the Down's Syndrome smiley of :crylaughin:. I mean look at that thing, it's just got this retarded quivering lip thing happening.


Anyway, that's off the point. Seeing as for some reason on the uncensored internet where you can stumble across things ten thousands more times offensive than a four letter word, we have the word filter, I propose we have a filter for identifying those that routinely misspell 'definitely'.


That is all.


I agree we definately need one of these twats :lol:

Edited by skhwoody
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I object, it's already a very useful mong-filter.


Please don't auto correct their spelling, so I have to go to the trouble of actually reading what they have to say, to realise what fucking mongs they are! :lol:



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'Your' and 'you're' is also frequently abused. Sort it out.


I agree. I say anyone that is too stupid to know the difference between them gets banned for life automatically. That's why we need to make me an admin, I'd clean this place up.

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I'd like to filter out all the pedantic grammar pricks tbh.


I wouldn't call myself a grammar prick, just someone that finds it almost hilarious that grown adults are struggling with the basics of the English language and I want to make fun of them as much as I possibly can. Stupid people are funny.


So maybe take the 'grammar' away from 'grammar prick' and you've got me dead on. :crylaughin:

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I'd like to filter out all the pedantic grammar pricks tbh.


I wouldn't call myself a grammar prick, just someone that finds it almost hilarious that grown adults are struggling with the basics of the English language and I want to make fun of them as much as I possibly can. Stupid people are funny.


So maybe take the 'grammar' away from 'grammar prick' and you've got me dead on. :crylaughin:



How can you take the piss out of them if you get your wish and they change the filter so it corrects them?

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I'd like to filter out all the pedantic grammar pricks tbh.


Go have a wank and calm down.



Sorry, I forgot my Safety wink :crylaughin:

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I'd like it if each day/week the admins randomly put a word in the filter and changed if for something irrelevant.


Obviously each time a new word is added the last one is taken away otherwise it just gets silly. Unless you have a circle effect. For example the first day you change 'dog' to appear as 'hammer' every time it's used. Next you add 'nose' to appear as 'dog' so pretty soon you have to type a complete message of random words to get what you actually want to say to appear.



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I'd like it if each day/week the admins randomly put a word in the filter and changed if for something irrelevant.


Obviously each time a new word is added the last one is taken away otherwise it just gets silly. Unless you have a circle effect. For example the first day you change 'dog' to appear as 'hammer' every time it's used. Next you add 'nose' to appear as 'dog' so pretty soon you have to type a complete message of random words to get what you actually want to say to appear.




People would still spell them wrong. :crylaughin:

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If we're naming names, can I report Wacky Jnr for persistent their/they're abuse. It goes way beyond the more common their/there misdemeanour.


Question mark motherfucker!



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Guest stevieintoon

Seeing as we have a word filter that changes cunt to twat, I want to propose that we add another. All over this board there are morons that can't spell the word 'definitely' correctly. It amazes me how often we see the abortion of 'definately' appearing in its place. I don't know what it is, but seeing that 'a' in there drives me to the point of homicide. It's almost, almost as annoying as the Down's Syndrome smiley of :crylaughin:. I mean look at that thing, it's just got this retarded quivering lip thing happening.


Anyway, that's off the point. Seeing as for some reason on the uncensored internet where you can stumble across things ten thousands more times offensive than a four letter word, we have the word filter, I propose we have a filter for identifying those that routinely misspell 'definitely'.


That is all.

The word that people constantly spell incorrectly which totally gets on my tits is QUIET.


They either get them mixed up, like SJP is "quiet quite", or are just think the spelling of quiet is quite.


Sort it aaht.

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If we're naming names, can I report Wacky Jnr for persistent their/they're abuse. It goes way beyond the more common their/there misdemeanour.


Go and lick yourself out you sad fuck. Their i hope that helps.


Can't believe they're's actually a thread on it tbh

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I'm with the pettifoggers.


Poor grammar should be punished, because then the offenders will learn.


I'd like to put forward for consideration the following;


"For Free"...it's either free or for nothing, it's not "For Free"


"New and Improved" this is also bollocks, it's either a new product... an innovation, or it's an improvement on an existing product. It can't be both.

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Go and lick yourself out you sad fuck. Their i hope that helps.


Can't believe they're's actually a thread on it tbh


For some reason I get feeling you're not smart enough for this to be ironic. Oh well, it made me laugh anyway.

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I'm with the pettifoggers.


Poor grammar should be punished, because then the offenders will learn.


I'd like to put forward for consideration the following;


"For Free"...it's either free or for nothing, it's not "For Free"


"New and Improved" this is also bollocks, it's either a new product... an innovation, or it's an improvement on an existing product. It can't be both.


Say I had a product that was quite good but not brilliant - like Shreddies. I then covered it in sugar and made it better. Surely it's a new product - Frosted Shreddies - and an improvement - because it's just Shreddies that have been modified slightly? No?

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