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National No Smoking Day is...


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16 years and 5 months since me last taaab :lol::(


Started smoking at an early age, started inhaling at 12.


Apart from marrying Mrs hips, it's probably the only thing I've done that I'm really proud of.


Give it up, folks.

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Isn't 20 about a fiver? Imagine that man - even if you're on 10 a day that's £3650 a year. It's just as well they kill you or these people would be bankrupt.


:lol::(:D:D:D:unsure::unsure: FIVE FUCKIN' QUID????!!!!!!! (111) :D:D


No wonder they all buy them from 'friends' who have recently been 'abroad'!

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Isn't 20 about a fiver? Imagine that man - even if you're on 10 a day that's £3650 a year. It's just as well they kill you or these people would be bankrupt.


Glad you're not my accountant tbh


20 for £5


£5x365 = £1825


Divide by half seen as only 10 a day = £912.50

Edited by Sima
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Isn't 20 about a fiver? Imagine that man - even if you're on 10 a day that's £3650 a year. It's just as well they kill you or these people would be bankrupt.


Glad you're not my accountant tbh


I was going to say... :lol:

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I was saying to my mate the other night when we first got in a nightclub, and we seen this guy walking past us who was smoking, that it's the smokers that really look out place these days. You see it a lot less in nightclubs and bars, and I know I'm constantly in student venues, so that might be a reason, skint and all that, but I really do think it's on the decline.



About fuckin' time too tbh.

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I was saying to my mate the other night when we first got in a nightclub, and we seen this guy walking past us who was smoking, that it's the smokers that really look out place these days. You see it a lot less in nightclubs and bars, and I know I'm constantly in student venues, so that might be a reason, skint and all that, but I really do think it's on the decline.



About fuckin' time too tbh.

I went to a gig at a non-smoking venue recently, it was a bloody revelation. Although I do take the point about how cigarette smoke masks other odours, such as smelly students.

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Gordon Brown take note. Tax the fuckers TO DEATH!


He already is tbh. Or do you want your NHS revenue to come from somewhere else?


Smoking related ilnesses cost £1.5bn, Tax on cigarettes generates £7bn, good luck finding that missing £5.5bn Gordy.

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the sooner the ban comes in, the better.


tax the crap out of them too

The same should apply to drinkers then imo.

The taxation bit btw :lol:

Got mixed feelings about the ban but overall I think it's a good thing.

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