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alright lads and lasses,


well basically im after a huge favour, could anybody who has facebook to join the 'kieran dyer is my hero group'.

The problem is what started as a bit of banter by my group and a marcus bent group has ended up in a war and basically all numbers are needed. So if anybody could please spare the few seconds on facebook to add my group it would be much appreciated. (also get everybody you know to join)


thanks alot



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well being at uni i have alot of spare time, so as a joke i set up a group (kieran dyer is my hero) and as some of my mates from a flat upstairs were jealous that i was in charge of something they set up marcus bent group. This was all light hearted but then it started getting personal with jibes about each others mothers, this led to the intense rivalry. Basically there is no prize or winning target, my sole aim is to get so many members that their group looks pathetic and they have to concede that Kieran dyer is much more loved than marcus bent.


At the end of the day it could end up being quite a good group anyway with lots of members, there is always alot of funny discussion surrounding kieran dyer. so i recomend that anybody on facebook to join and spread the word, if not in facebook join up and spread the word anyway.

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well being at uni i have alot of spare time, so as a joke i set up a group (kieran dyer is my hero) and as some of my mates from a flat upstairs were jealous that i was in charge of something they set up marcus bent group. This was all light hearted but then it started getting personal with jibes about each others mothers, this led to the intense rivalry. Basically there is no prize or winning target, my sole aim is to get so many members that their group looks pathetic and they have to concede that Kieran dyer is much more loved than marcus bent.


At the end of the day it could end up being quite a good group anyway with lots of members, there is always alot of funny discussion surrounding kieran dyer. so i recomend that anybody on facebook to join and spread the word, if not in facebook join up and spread the word anyway.


I've given it some serious thought mate, but I'm gonna have to give it a miss.

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well being at uni i have alot of spare time, so as a joke i set up a group (kieran dyer is my hero) and as some of my mates from a flat upstairs were jealous that i was in charge of something they set up marcus bent group. This was all light hearted but then it started getting personal with jibes about each others mothers, this led to the intense rivalry. Basically there is no prize or winning target, my sole aim is to get so many members that their group looks pathetic and they have to concede that Kieran dyer is much more loved than marcus bent.


At the end of the day it could end up being quite a good group anyway with lots of members, there is always alot of funny discussion surrounding kieran dyer. so i recomend that anybody on facebook to join and spread the word, if not in facebook join up and spread the word anyway.


I've given it some serious thought mate, but I'm gonna have to give it a miss.


Go on, just think what a Hoot it will be...

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Honestly don't know what to say... If it this isn't a wind up, then it just makes me sad :lol:


If he has so much time on his hands, maybe he should learn how to spell his hero's first name.

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hes not my hero, i couldnt really give a fuck about him. it started off as a joke but got serious, all im saying is if your on facebook to join it. you dont even have to read it or post on it, its just about getting the most members.

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well being at uni i have alot of spare time, so as a joke i set up a group (kieran dyer is my hero) and as some of my mates from a flat upstairs were jealous that i was in charge of something they set up marcus bent group. This was all light hearted but then it started getting personal with jibes about each others mothers, this led to the intense rivalry. Basically there is no prize or winning target, my sole aim is to get so many members that their group looks pathetic and they have to concede that Kieran dyer is much more loved than marcus bent.


At the end of the day it could end up being quite a good group anyway with lots of members, there is always alot of funny discussion surrounding kieran dyer. so i recomend that anybody on facebook to join and spread the word, if not in facebook join up and spread the word anyway.


I was 100% behind you right up until the moment I read that bit then I thought "useless scrounging lazy dirty pikey student bastards"



As we speak someone is writing the following post on CharltonFCtastic.net...


The arsehole downstairs set up a Keiron Dyer fan club and well being the mentalists we are we decided to show him so we're setting up the Marcus Bent fanclub. Please join us because he said nasty stuff about our mum and the like.


And a dozen CFC fans are replying with "what? eh? fuck off!"

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ok then, im guessing most of probably wont be joining then.


If things get any more serious, give us a holla. Toontastic posse got yo back.


It'll be like in a film when the goodies are getting a kicking and all of a sudden the ones who you thought were sort of semi-baddies turn up like the cavalry and whoop some ass.

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