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Latin Tatoo help


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Firstly everyone who thinks tatoos are for twats or could find great hilarity in me spelling this fucker wrong, please fuck off :lol: .


Now heres the thing, for the anniversary of my 40th year on the planet i have decided to get my first non Toon based tattoo for years. What I am going to get is a phrase I've used, given to me by a long lost girlfriends dad, "don't let the bastards grind you down". Now I've always thought, as he told me, the latin for this was "Illegitimi Non Carborundum". However i've since learnt that the actual latin is"Noli nothis permittere te terere"


Now where latin is concerned i'm screwed. So my question to all you intellectual types out there is which of the two phrases would be the correct and most importantly the most clever one to use.


Help, help I've only got a week to work it out and to make the appointment.



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Firstly everyone who thinks tatoos are for twats or could find great hilarity in me spelling this fucker wrong, please fuck off :lol: .


Now heres the thing, for the anniversary of my 40th year on the planet i have decided to get my first non Toon based tattoo for years. What I am going to get is a phrase I've used, given to me by a long lost girlfriends dad, "don't let the bastards grind you down". Now I've always thought, as he told me, the latin for this was "Illegitimi Non Carborundum". However i've since learnt that the actual latin is"Noli nothis permittere te terere"


Now where latin is concerned i'm screwed. So my question to all you intellectual types out there is which of the two phrases would be the correct and most importantly the most clever one to use.


Help, help I've only got a week to work it out and to make the appointment.





I'd take a bit more time than a week about this.


Latin is a funny language and you'll often get two experts (and by that I mean both "experts" and genuine experts) giving two very different things for the same meaning.


Last thing you want with a tattoo is to do a Beckham.

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I did Latin a loooong time ago but would be no use to you whatsoever unless you wanted phrases such as 'Caecilius est in hortus' or 'canis est in via' somewhere about your person :lol:

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After a bit of research and speaking to the Latin professor at the local teaching college i have found that the first of the translation is not actually latin and the actual correct translation is the one beginning "Noli Nothis....."


So I'm off to tattoo land again.

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don't let the bastards grind you down


Howay man, you wouldnt get that tattooed on your arm in english!


Get something along the lines of ''they may bend me, but not break me''. Something that was actually a proverb once upon a time.

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I did Latin a loooong time ago but would be no use to you whatsoever unless you wanted phrases such as 'Caecilius est in hortus' or 'canis est in via' somewhere about your person :lol:


in horto! :icon_lol:




As for micktoon's question: Both are dog latin and I would go for neither, even though the latter looks slightly more "intellectual". If you really want a latin phrase I rather would go for some well known (or even less well known) quote from some philosopher, could spare you some embarrassment.

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I did Latin a loooong time ago but would be no use to you whatsoever unless you wanted phrases such as 'Caecilius est in hortus' or 'canis est in via' somewhere about your person :lol:


Cerberus est canis!


Metella est mater!


Caecilius est pater!

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How about?


Noli simul flare sobereque - Dont whistle and drink at the same time


or one for half of this place...Non omnes qui habemt citharam sunt citharoedi - Not all those who own a musical instrument are musicians.


Now this ones definitely not for Brock.....Non vereor ne illam me amare hic potuerit resciscere; quippe haud etiam quicquam inepte feci - I don't think anyone knows I love the girl; I haven't done anything really silly yet


Handy one at the local gay sauna....Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? - Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?


Feles mala! - Bad kitty!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Translates as : Anyone who wants to kick my backdoors in, meet me in the central station toilets at 2:30pm before the next home game, bring your own lube :baby:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Translates as : Anyone who wants to kick my backdoors in, meet me in the central station toilets at 2:30pm before the next home game, bring your own lube :lol:


And still get to the ground for kick-off? Where's the romance? :baby:

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