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Cameron: "I Have Christ's Coffin"


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Film-Maker: 'I Have Christ's Coffin'

Sunday February 25, 03:38 PM


Titanic director James Cameron's latest project has claimed that Jesus was not resurrected - and he says he has the coffins to prove it. Time Magazine's website said that the Canadian film-maker will unveil three coffins he claims are those of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene at a press conference in New York on Monday. It said that Cameron and colleague Simcha Jacobovici use evidence from DNA tests, archaeological surveys and biblical studies, to back up their claims.


They will say the evidence shows that 10 stone coffins discovered in a Jerusalem suburb in 1980 by Israeli construction workers belonged to Jesus and his family.


Some 20 years later archaeologists apparently deciphered some of the names on the tombs in the 2,000-year-old cave as Jesua, son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Mathew, Jofa and Judah, son of Jesua.


Cameron claims that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they had a son together.


Prominent Jerusalem archaeologist Amos Kloner, who officially oversaw the work at the tomb after it was discovered, dismissed the claims.


"It makes a great story for a TV film," the professor told The Jerusalem Post. "But it's impossible. It's nonsense."


Cameron is making a 90-minute documentary for the Discovery channel about the findings, and it will be shown in the UK on Channel 4.



Edited by GeordieMessiah
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I think its nonsense but love the way the Theists say "its impossible" so strongly without a shred of evidence for their version.


I saw Cameron on one of the documentary channels claiming some bollocks about Noah's ark - I couldn't work out whether he was just promoting a film idea or is another bible literalist moron - that and the above story supports either conclusion.

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I think its nonsense but love the way the Theists say "its impossible" so strongly without a shred of evidence for their version.


I saw Cameron on one of the documentary channels claiming some bollocks about Noah's ark - I couldn't work out whether he was just promoting a film idea or is another bible literalist moron - that and the above story supports either conclusion.

I love the way "the atheists" are so quick to rubbish people's religious beliefs and then whine about the intolerance and hypocrisy of religion.
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I think its nonsense but love the way the Theists say "its impossible" so strongly without a shred of evidence for their version.


I saw Cameron on one of the documentary channels claiming some bollocks about Noah's ark - I couldn't work out whether he was just promoting a film idea or is another bible literalist moron - that and the above story supports either conclusion.

I love the way "the atheists" are so quick to rubbish people's religious beliefs and then whine about the intolerance and hypocrisy of religion.


All he said was people rubbish stuff like this yet hold up their religious beliefs as fact without the slightest shred of evidence, which is a fair point. You can go around rubbishing things like this (even though it's a load of bollocks!) and then in the same breath say what really happened is he came back from the dead and is the son of god as if one is nonsense and the other fact!

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Utter rubbish!


Intensive research by Prof M.M Magler of University of Rome, in, er Rome, has proved that Jesus and Mary Magdelaine went to France to live.


Apparently the name Magler is a corruption of Magdelaine and persons of that name are quite probably a direct decendent of Mrs Jesus.


So he told me in a txt, anyway.

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I think its nonsense but love the way the Theists say "its impossible" so strongly without a shred of evidence for their version.


I saw Cameron on one of the documentary channels claiming some bollocks about Noah's ark - I couldn't work out whether he was just promoting a film idea or is another bible literalist moron - that and the above story supports either conclusion.

I love the way "the atheists" are so quick to rubbish people's religious beliefs and then whine about the intolerance and hypocrisy of religion.


I make no apology whatsoever for pointing out the sheer stupidity of "the bible says it therefore its true". Utter bollocks at that level needs rubbishing constantly while the irrationals have so much power.

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Any follower of the Bible shouldn't come out with statements to the tune of "Absolute rubbish, without a shred of evidence/Impossible nonsence" tbh.

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Hey I completely agree with you. Of course the person in question shouldn't say that. I myself have questioned the validity of the Bible a fair few times, though am reading a book about why we should trust the Bible and find it a very interesting read, with a lot of logic behind it.


I was merely giving my own opinion on the matter. Also saying I was disappointed "the theists" was used as if to make a sweeping generalisation, when the only person to publicly say that has been the professor. Interesting how people here have said it was nonsense too without backing that up.

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Hey I completely agree with you. Of course the person in question shouldn't say that. I myself have questioned the validity of the Bible a fair few times, though am reading a book about why we should trust the Bible and find it a very interesting read, with a lot of logic behind it.


I was merely giving my own opinion on the matter. Also saying I was disappointed "the theists" was used as if to make a sweeping generalisation, when the only person to publicly say that has been the professor. Interesting how people here have said it was nonsense too without backing that up.


Its just one person at the moment but you know it will "expand" - its the Da Vinci code all over again - "this novel is pure ficion - I know this to be true by reading the gospel".


Re-reading I realise he was probably speaking with his archealogy hat on (like Indy's?) rather than as a gospel believer so maybe I was too hasty but the overall point still stands.

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Utter rubbish!


Intensive research by Prof M.M Magler of University of Rome, in, er Rome, has proved that Jesus and Mary Magdelaine went to France to live.


Apparently the name Magler is a corruption of Magdelaine and persons of that name are quite probably a direct decendent of Mrs Jesus.


So he told me in a txt, anyway.



This is held as true in certain esoteric niches.

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Impossible to authenticate I would have thought.


Absolutely. Especially the DNA tests. Assuming there is osme DNA left after 2000 years (unlikely), who are you going to compare it to? There's no reference as far as I am aware, apart from that holy grail lass.

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