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Soccer AM


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Do many of you watch it?


Seems to be the same gags over and over now, but I still have to say I love it, even though I'm too bloody lazy to get up and just watch the best bits on Monday nights :o


My local team was on the crossbar challenge earlier in the season, one of the lads managed to hit the bar, quality.

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It stopped being funny about four years ago. Like you said now every joke is repeated time and time again (Dance Off, Tubes' Question, Topless Weather, 'Local' News, Boston Goals etc.). It needs to go back to the days of the Wenger Boys, Steve and Jonty's Sunday League Soccer and get guest on that actually matter. It's became everything that it was against in the early days.


Oh, and Lovejoy has always been and always will be a nonce of the highest order.


EDIT: Is it me or is Barry the most unfunny thing on tele? The character was mildly amusing when he was throwing insults at the fans but this little sitcom is just rubbish.

Edited by Skol
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Yep same gags again and again, and Lovejoy loves himself more that Brock Manson.


Still the best thing on a Saturday morning though.

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Fuck knows how they've managed to string it out for so long tbh. Easiest job in the world - the jokes and features have barely changed since it started. I catch the odd bit from time to time if I'm wandering about the house doing stuff on a Saturday morning, but I would never sit and watch it.

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How the fuck does Tubes explain what his job is if someone asks him? Is he sposed to be funny with his rap and his interview question?


I like it when Fenners does his London Marathon fancy dress runner bit and then starts 'doing Gervais'.

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