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No wonder this country's lost it's own culture, I don't advocate abusing people but the mountains that are made out of mole hills these days is astounding :o


......you mean the bits of culture it didn't plunder from other countries? :unsure:



Slightly off topic but it amuses me how it's okay for Scotland to be patriotic, Wales, any other country but if you say I'm proud to be English it's seen that you're probably racist and you have to have everyone else's cultures forced down your neck or risk being racist about that as well. I'm just curious really but I wonder how many English designed, Church of England churches have been built in countries like Pakistan? It's interesting that this country is apparently based on racism but yet some would have you believe others are not.


Try India it's full of English, French and Italian churches. With huge congragartions of Catholics etc..

One of the main reasons why England is so economically strong is due to our immigration policy. Many of the companies that contribute to this started in the 80's and 90's and are run by immigrants of various backgrounds.

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So will ROeder be his usual hypocrite self and back his man even though he tore into players making racist comments. I think so because he is a cock.


The point is whether or not the comments were racist.


Well IMHO calling someone a Negro out of anger is racist. It is a comment meant to hurt.


It's not nigger, though, which has definite negative connotation. It'd be the difference between Pakistani and Paki, I guess.



So where is Negro then. I know calling someone a Pakistani is saying where they come from. How does that equate to Negro?


Negro essentially means the same as black. It's in no way derogatory.



Paki means someone from pakistan so I am assuming you dont think that is racist either? Negro is neither Turkish nor English for black so why use it. It was a stattement based on someones race intended to cause emotional distress.



Its like saying Brit or Pom reallly?


Not racist at all


but the PC brigade get off on turning England into a police state where even a slip of the tongue can fuck you up :o



Here you imply that calling somebody Negro is the same as saying Brit or Pom.



No i dont.

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Totally not what i was talking about

What were you talking about then? If it's all just busy-bodies who complain about this sort of thing then how come these players did complain? Also, in the same way, would you say 'paki' in front of an Asian person, seen as by your reckoning they aren't the ones offended by it (which I know for a fact is bollocks).




Thats tottally not what i was saying....


Your just putting words in my mouth or post even :o


It's EXACTLY what you were fucking saying. Either that or you can't write down what you mean in words that anyone other than you can understand!


Is it fuck.


Ok here goes...


Saying Paki in front of an asian is soun in my book

saying nigger to a black man is fine in a derogatory manner


There you fucking go, want a daily mail with that?



So you are saying it's ok to say Paki in an abusive way to an asian. That they will be ok with that?


I didnt say that at all you did


ANd here you say I said that calling a Paki in front of an asian would be ok and you didnt.


Would you like me to quote more mr Moron. Do I have to go back any further sir shitforbrains. Do I have to write anymore about your confusion Duke of dork.

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So will ROeder be his usual hypocrite self and back his man even though he tore into players making racist comments. I think so because he is a cock.


The point is whether or not the comments were racist.


Well IMHO calling someone a Negro out of anger is racist. It is a comment meant to hurt.


It's not nigger, though, which has definite negative connotation. It'd be the difference between Pakistani and Paki, I guess.



So where is Negro then. I know calling someone a Pakistani is saying where they come from. How does that equate to Negro?


Negro essentially means the same as black. It's in no way derogatory.



Paki means someone from pakistan so I am assuming you dont think that is racist either? Negro is neither Turkish nor English for black so why use it. It was a stattement based on someones race intended to cause emotional distress.


Can you prove that?


Besides, calling a Scottish person a Scot isn't racist so how is calling some from Pakistan a Paki? Just an excuse for people to whinge or get sympathy imo. What about calling a Welsh person Taff? Or and Irishman Paddy? I don't these folks getting a stress on about it. The problem is all the lefty do-gooders that jump on the bandwagon to say "Oh you can't say that about this person it'll offend them" when the actual people involved don't give a sh*t. The leftys just wind people up and cause the conflict.





Here you say that these words wont cause offence to the people they are directed at.


No i dont

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Totally not what i was talking about

What were you talking about then? If it's all just busy-bodies who complain about this sort of thing then how come these players did complain? Also, in the same way, would you say 'paki' in front of an Asian person, seen as by your reckoning they aren't the ones offended by it (which I know for a fact is bollocks).




Thats tottally not what i was saying....


Your just putting words in my mouth or post even :o


It's EXACTLY what you were fucking saying. Either that or you can't write down what you mean in words that anyone other than you can understand!


Is it fuck.


Ok here goes...


Saying Paki in front of an asian is soun in my book

saying nigger to a black man is fine in a derogatory manner


There you fucking go, want a daily mail with that?



So you are saying it's ok to say Paki in an abusive way to an asian. That they will be ok with that?


I didnt say that at all you did


ANd here you say I said that calling a Paki in front of an asian would be ok and you didnt.


Would you like me to quote more mr Moron. Do I have to go back any further sir shitforbrains. Do I have to write anymore about your confusion Duke of dork.


This was an example of how words were being fed in my direction and how people were simply assuming that they were there in order to create a stronger arguement.


I thought i would write it myself.


It's called sarcasm


So again.


No i dont

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So will ROeder be his usual hypocrite self and back his man even though he tore into players making racist comments. I think so because he is a cock.


The point is whether or not the comments were racist.


Well IMHO calling someone a Negro out of anger is racist. It is a comment meant to hurt.


It's not nigger, though, which has definite negative connotation. It'd be the difference between Pakistani and Paki, I guess.



So where is Negro then. I know calling someone a Pakistani is saying where they come from. How does that equate to Negro?


Negro essentially means the same as black. It's in no way derogatory.



Paki means someone from pakistan so I am assuming you dont think that is racist either? Negro is neither Turkish nor English for black so why use it. It was a stattement based on someones race intended to cause emotional distress.


Can you prove that?


Besides, calling a Scottish person a Scot isn't racist so how is calling some from Pakistan a Paki? Just an excuse for people to whinge or get sympathy imo. What about calling a Welsh person Taff? Or and Irishman Paddy? I don't these folks getting a stress on about it. The problem is all the lefty do-gooders that jump on the bandwagon to say "Oh you can't say that about this person it'll offend them" when the actual people involved don't give a sh*t. The leftys just wind people up and cause the conflict.





Here you say that these words wont cause offence to the people they are directed at.


No i dont




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ANd here you say I said that calling a Paki in front of an asian would be ok and you didnt.


Would you like me to quote more mr Moron. Do I have to go back any further sir shitforbrains. Do I have to write anymore about your confusion Duke of dork.




And you criticise my grammar.

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No wonder this country's lost it's own culture, I don't advocate abusing people but the mountains that are made out of mole hills these days is astounding :o


......you mean the bits of culture it didn't plunder from other countries? :o



Slightly off topic but it amuses me how it's okay for Scotland to be patriotic, Wales, any other country but if you say I'm proud to be English it's seen that you're probably racist and you have to have everyone else's cultures forced down your neck or risk being racist about that as well. I'm just curious really but I wonder how many English designed, Church of England churches have been built in countries like Pakistan? It's interesting that this country is apparently based on racism but yet some would have you believe others are not.

It is ok to be patriotic and English imo. Saying it isn't is just a myth perpetuated by the right-wing bad-dooers.


Huzzah! :unsure:

Joke with a serious point though.

People say you can't be patriotic yet at every World Cup/Euro Championship the St. George flags are everywhere. Ok, so you might get the odd council stupidly trying to ban this but that's often made up by the likes of the Daily Mail and when it's not it's condemned in all quarters (by patriotic people, surely). Also, look at the reaction (on the very rare occasion) we win something - the Rugby World Cup, the Ashes. We're dead patriotic in England and those who say we aren't allowed to be now tend to be kidding themselves that white, working class English people are somehow oppressed in their own country.

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ANd here you say I said that calling a Paki in front of an asian would be ok and you didnt.


Would you like me to quote more mr Moron. Do I have to go back any further sir shitforbrains. Do I have to write anymore about your confusion Duke of dork.




And you criticise my grammar.


No I didn't

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So will ROeder be his usual hypocrite self and back his man even though he tore into players making racist comments. I think so because he is a cock.


The point is whether or not the comments were racist.


Well IMHO calling someone a Negro out of anger is racist. It is a comment meant to hurt.


It's not nigger, though, which has definite negative connotation. It'd be the difference between Pakistani and Paki, I guess.



So where is Negro then. I know calling someone a Pakistani is saying where they come from. How does that equate to Negro?


Negro essentially means the same as black. It's in no way derogatory.



Paki means someone from pakistan so I am assuming you dont think that is racist either? Negro is neither Turkish nor English for black so why use it. It was a stattement based on someones race intended to cause emotional distress.


Can you prove that?


Besides, calling a Scottish person a Scot isn't racist so how is calling some from Pakistan a Paki? Just an excuse for people to whinge or get sympathy imo. What about calling a Welsh person Taff? Or and Irishman Paddy? I don't these folks getting a stress on about it. The problem is all the lefty do-gooders that jump on the bandwagon to say "Oh you can't say that about this person it'll offend them" when the actual people involved don't give a sh*t. The leftys just wind people up and cause the conflict.





Here you say that these words wont cause offence to the people they are directed at.


No i dont





And you criticise my ''wit''.


So now you're a hypocrit. Keep it coming.

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I think Newcastle is one of the few places that people don't get particularly as offended by racist language, or language in general tbh compared to other PC hotspots like London. The tone of the accent makes it far less offensive then, for example, cockneys saying it.


I'm still pretty sure " ye daft c unt" is a term of endearment in Newcastle.

Edited by Glen
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ANd here you say I said that calling a Paki in front of an asian would be ok and you didnt.


Would you like me to quote more mr Moron. Do I have to go back any further sir shitforbrains. Do I have to write anymore about your confusion Duke of dork.




And you criticise my grammar.


No I didn't



I think Newcastle is one of the few places that people don't get particularly as offended by racist language, or language in general tbh compared to other PC hotspots like London. The tone of the accent makes it far less offensive then, for example, cockneys saying it.


I'm still pretty sure " ye daft twat" is a term of endearment in Newcastle.


Mostly among compadre's


or if you're KCG its probably racist. :o

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I think Newcastle is one of the few places that people don't get particularly as offended by racist language, or language in general tbh compared to other PC hotspots like London. The tone of the accent makes it far less offensive then, for example, cockneys saying it.


I'm still pretty sure " ye daft c unt" is a term of endearment in Newcastle.








Emre: "It's my accent your honour when I say Fcuk off you black cnut it somehow sounds clownly, no offence intended".

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No wonder this country's lost it's own culture, I don't advocate abusing people but the mountains that are made out of mole hills these days is astounding :unsure:


......you mean the bits of culture it didn't plunder from other countries? :suicide:



Slightly off topic but it amuses me how it's okay for Scotland to be patriotic, Wales, any other country but if you say I'm proud to be English it's seen that you're probably racist and you have to have everyone else's cultures forced down your neck or risk being racist about that as well. I'm just curious really but I wonder how many English designed, Church of England churches have been built in countries like Pakistan? It's interesting that this country is apparently based on racism but yet some would have you believe others are not.

It is ok to be patriotic and English imo. Saying it isn't is just a myth perpetuated by the right-wing bad-dooers.


Huzzah! :o

Joke with a serious point though.

People say you can't be patriotic yet at every World Cup/Euro Championship the St. George flags are everywhere. Ok, so you might get the odd council stupidly trying to ban this but that's often made up by the likes of the Daily Mail and when it's not it's condemned in all quarters (by patriotic people, surely). Also, look at the reaction (on the very rare occasion) we win something - the Rugby World Cup, the Ashes. We're dead patriotic in England and those who say we aren't allowed to be now tend to be kidding themselves that white, working class English people are somehow oppressed in their own country.


You mean we're not?! :o

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