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Yes - the Coastguard contract some of these big tugs that are on standby to avoid another Milford Haven problem - I think there are 3 or 4 - one at Sullom Voe, one at Milford Haven, one at Falmouth and maybe one near Glasgow


If the Govt landed her I'd guess its the same as the police taking your goods in


Doesn't matter where they land anyway - they always belong to the owner if they can prove it - British law is pretty solid on property rights

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from the beeb:-


Stephen Askins, a partner with maritime lawyers Ince and Co, on a right to salvage property. Someone could argue they are recovering goods from the beach to protect them, as they would be in a poorer state come four or five tides' time.


But, before they clear the car boot and head to the coast, they should be aware of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. It states clearly that if they try to conceal or keep the booty they are breaking the law.


If they ignore the advice to leave it alone and report it to the coastguard, they must fill in relevant paperwork. But that still doesn't allow them to keep it.


The goods still belong to their owners, whether they are stuck in containers on the stricken vessel, or washed up on the shore. Contractors have already been brought in to clean up the beach and return anything to its rightful home.


Flotsam and jetsam


But when Joe Public decides to "help", as seems to be the case all over Branscombe beach, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency's Receiver of Wrecks steps in. The job title goes back to the previous 1854 Merchant Shipping Act, which also set out rules on picking up flotsam and jetsam.


Salvage, and indeed deliberate wrecking of ships, around our island nation has a long history. The principles governing ownership and recovery go back at least to the 1300s says Alison Kentuck, the MCA's deputy receiver.


If people take the cargo, they fill in a "report of wreck and salvage" form, with their contact details, what they found, where and when. "It's available from pretty much anybody in uniform down on the beach", she says.


Her role is then to reunite owner and property. A reward to the finder could be offered, depending on the value of the goods, the condition they are in after rescue, and the effort involved in recovering them from the beach. Wheeling something home, she stresses, is "not classed as a huge amount of effort".


Hiding the goods and not giving them back is a criminal offence, with a possible fine of up to £2,500 per offence. Plus, the hot-fingered beach-comber, would waive their right to a salvage award, and have to pay the owner twice the good's value: "In the case of a BMW motorbike, it could be quite expensive".


As for paddling out to see what the remaining 2,000 containers may hold, it is of course highly dangerous. And, would-be pirates note, there are official salvors charged with recovering the cargo stuck at sea, and the damaged ship itself.

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from the beeb:-


Stephen Askins, a partner with maritime lawyers Ince and Co, on a right to salvage property. Someone could argue they are recovering goods from the beach to protect them, as they would be in a poorer state come four or five tides' time.


But, before they clear the car boot and head to the coast, they should be aware of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. It states clearly that if they try to conceal or keep the booty they are breaking the law.


If they ignore the advice to leave it alone and report it to the coastguard, they must fill in relevant paperwork. But that still doesn't allow them to keep it.


The goods still belong to their owners, whether they are stuck in containers on the stricken vessel, or washed up on the shore. Contractors have already been brought in to clean up the beach and return anything to its rightful home.


Flotsam and jetsam


But when Joe Public decides to "help", as seems to be the case all over Branscombe beach, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency's Receiver of Wrecks steps in. The job title goes back to the previous 1854 Merchant Shipping Act, which also set out rules on picking up flotsam and jetsam.


Salvage, and indeed deliberate wrecking of ships, around our island nation has a long history. The principles governing ownership and recovery go back at least to the 1300s says Alison Kentuck, the MCA's deputy receiver.


If people take the cargo, they fill in a "report of wreck and salvage" form, with their contact details, what they found, where and when. "It's available from pretty much anybody in uniform down on the beach", she says.


Her role is then to reunite owner and property. A reward to the finder could be offered, depending on the value of the goods, the condition they are in after rescue, and the effort involved in recovering them from the beach. Wheeling something home, she stresses, is "not classed as a huge amount of effort".


Hiding the goods and not giving them back is a criminal offence, with a possible fine of up to £2,500 per offence. Plus, the hot-fingered beach-comber, would waive their right to a salvage award, and have to pay the owner twice the good's value: "In the case of a BMW motorbike, it could be quite expensive".


As for paddling out to see what the remaining 2,000 containers may hold, it is of course highly dangerous. And, would-be pirates note, there are official salvors charged with recovering the cargo stuck at sea, and the damaged ship itself.

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Salving a ship at sea is different game - if its abandoned then the salvor can get 50% of the value


there was a case in the late 70's when BA had one of their oil field helicopters land on the water off Aberdeen - it was designed to float and it did. The RNLI saved the crew and passengers and then, because it was a flat calm, towed it into Aberdeen hharbour where it was recovered back to Dyce


After hearing nowt from BA the RNLI asked if there was any possibilty of a donation - BA sent them £ 100. They were so pissed off they promptly claimed salvage - the chopper was worth £ 10million


BA reached for their lawyers who told them to pay up pronto before it got near the courts as they hadn't a leg to stand on - I think they agreed on a £ 1 million............................

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Salving a ship at sea is different game - if its abandoned then the salvor can get 50% of the value


there was a case in the late 70's when BA had one of their oil field helicopters land on the water off Aberdeen - it was designed to float and it did. The RNLI saved the crew and passengers and then, because it was a flat calm, towed it into Aberdeen hharbour where it was recovered back to Dyce


After hearing nowt from BA the RNLI asked if there was any possibilty of a donation - BA sent them £ 100. They were so pissed off they promptly claimed salvage - the chopper was worth £ 10million


BA reached for their lawyers who told them to pay up pronto before it got near the courts as they hadn't a leg to stand on - I think they agreed on a £ 1 million............................

:unsure: Good story. Serves the tightwads right.

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Rumours of the first arrests at Branscome last night. Two blokes were seen loading sand and gravel into a van labeled 'O'Malley & Sons, Builders Merchants'



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