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The Rambo Philosophy


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just watching Rambo II now,... think I've got the over-arching theme of the trilogy pegged down


basically, once a fighter, can you ever escape your war? Can you ever opt out? Have you ever done your time?



that's some deep shit there. Luque take note

Edited by Invicta_Toon
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The americans must be cringing about the line that went something like "The afganistanis are freedom-fighters, you'll never defeat these proud people, they'd rather die than be beaten. We know, we've already had our Vietnam"

Strange how thing have come full circle.

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The americans must be cringing about the line that went something like "The afganistanis are freedom-fighters, you'll never defeat these proud people, they'd rather die than be beaten. We know, we've already had our Vietnam"

Strange how thing have come full circle.


Funny thing was, after portraying the Taliban as brave freedom fighters and his bestest marras in the last film, Sly's original premise for Rambo four was for him to go and take out Bin Laden.

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The americans must be cringing about the line that went something like "The afganistanis are freedom-fighters, you'll never defeat these proud people, they'd rather die than be beaten. We know, we've already had our Vietnam"

Strange how thing have come full circle.


Funny thing was, after portraying the Taliban as brave freedom fighters and his bestest marras in the last film, Sly's original premise for Rambo four was for him to go and take out Bin Laden.


It wasn't the Taliban in Rambo 3, it was the Mujahadeen and other afghan warlords (some of which did later ally with the Taliban, but many did not), the Taliban formed in Pakistan in the early 90's and moved into Afgahnistan in the early days of independance post-USSR pull out, but they didn't really gain power till 1996/1997.


Actually much of the Mujahadeen and warlords were part of the Afgahn Northern Alliance forces that actually kicked the Tabliban out of most of Afghanistan (with US and UK air support but no real US or UK ground support - it's a common misconception that Western troops went into Afghanistan in large numbers as combat troops as the latter did in Iraq, in reality they only arrived intially to secure key objectives and only in numbers as more peacekeeping role, which has since developed into a more anti-insergent role).





Afghanistan isn't really a new Vietnam (or even another Afghanistan in the context of the USSR's occupation there), although it's far from a nice place.



Now Iraq.... THAT is like Vietnam combinded with the worst of Northern Ireland (only with 3 factions instead of 2). The only way Saddam kept the "peace" there was with a police terror state (with an informer on every streets) and by killing 100,000's of peopl.


How Bush and Blair thought they could remove Saddam without allowing a civil war to start (which is effectively what is happening there now) is beyond me.

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