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Have just got in to the Lee Child's 'Jack Reacher' novels.


Not exactly high brow, but very easy to read and not easy to put down.


Went through 'one shot' in a fortnight (very quick for me).


Read a few of those. Found they can get a bit too samey if you don't space them out a bit though. One Shot was pretty good, also The Enemy I liked, which goes back in time a bit to when he was still an MP.

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  • 1 month later...

After taking the piss out of the Shades of Grey book without reading it, one of my friends insisted that I at least read the 1st 4 chapters and I have to say, it's possibly the worst writing I've seen in print (outside of the Chronicle's sport section). My friend insisted that it's a good book and all men should read it. I'd go the other way, I'd say this is one of the few books I'd advocate burning every copy.


So far it reads like a bored housewife who has written her perfect romance, in her own ham fisted way. The "plot" so far is this average, bumbling girl meets a young wealthy handsome man who instantly falls for her (despite her being clumsy, truculent and frankly unappealing), this multi-millionaire business tycoon then pursues his infatuation. Oh she also lives with a wealthy friend who loans her a nice car and lets her live in a nice place for fuck all (permitting the author to live the fantasy of a privileged life through her character while still living a sufficiently similar life to herself). This useless lass also has two other apparently good looking blokes swooning after her, (one in the armed forces or something, the other an arty photographer who is also muscular...ffs) despite her not being interested in them.


It's fucking ridiculous. :lol:


The author drops brands into the conversation because (imo) she doesn't have faith in her writing to make a connection with the reader, so she shoehorns in something that the middle aged cow reading it will say "Eeee Twinings, I've heard of them, me and her are the same!".


it's honestly shit and reading those first few chapters has just made me want to mock it more.


Worse than Dan Brown.

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Mrs PL got some Waterstones vouchers for her birthday and appeared grinning from said book sellers last Sunday with a copy in her hand....her verdict after reading about a third of it: "its alright...not very well written"...asked if it had turned her on..."not really no"..."the writer could write about anything and you get the feeling it would be shite too.."


So after this damning criticism from one of the countries most forthright and influential critics it begs the question why the fuck has this bag of crap been hyped up beyond all recognition by the media?

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Yep. :lol:


Plus any bloke reading this book of his own accord will no doubt be called a misogynist. ;)


Or a fucking hommer! What the fuck are you doing ready shite like that Fish? And don't give me the whole 'my friend told me to' shite :lol:

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Yes, we're well known for our desire to read about lady parts in intimate detail. :razz:


Hommer in the 14year old schoolboy slur sense of the word. Ie. Someone who partakes in lasses hobbies. Such as drinking cocktails with dinner and reading 50 shades of grey ;)

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Someone who partakes in lasses hobbies. Such as drinking cocktails with dinner and reading 50 shades of grey ;)


To be fair, that is a perfect description of Dave.

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I've read the first few chapters, I'll not be reading any more. That would eat into the time I set aside for telling everyone else how uncool they are, all the while having nothing but shit hobbies of my own. :cuppa:


Seriously though, any lasses who've been told it's a good book have been sold a fucking lie.

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