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Materialism: The "What have you bought?" Thread


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Can anyone recommend a usb hard drive I can plug into the telly?


Looking at this one at the moment...




Ugly as sin, but cheap.




Thought I had bookmarked something similar the other week but can't find it.


Whats this?





Hmm, looks canny. No hard drive included though.

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Or you could just use that TVersity thing people were raving about in the xBox 360 thread. Basically stream your stuff from PC to just about anykind of media device (wii, PS3, xBox, iPhone etc etc).


That looks great, I'll have to get it downloaded soon.


Unfortunately this is going to be me mams christmas box though, and she doesn't have a wii, PS3, xBox, iPhone etc etc.

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2 England shirts.


One for my brother, one for me. (£5 on ebay for the two still packaged :jesuswept:)


Something to kick about it I suppose and it's the current shirt till march I think.

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Hmm i wonder what the quality of the kids shirts is?


I have some cousins that would probably appreciate them.





Well the badges on some of them aren't exactly perfect. The Ac Milan and Liverpool were two that I had a look at, they still look very good though.

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