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Materialism: The "What have you bought?" Thread


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seeing sidestep switchblades, rise against and My chemical romance in the coming months, gonna cost me a fair wad :rolleyes:


need to buy some more jeans.


you need new jeans for each gig ??? :icon_lol:


:lol: i'll need new jeans anyway, but im anticipating spilling/ripping some at at least one gig, so i need some backups, Jeans are the only trou i wear, so they are needed in constant supply!

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You got a HDTV Richie lad because if so you're gonna be in for one hell of a treat.





Though god knows when I'll have time to play it. Seem to keep buying games yet very rarely have a shot of the things.

Aye same here with that, I remember the first time I saw the graphics on that when I went round me mates before I had a 360 and I was completely blown away.

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