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Materialism: The "What have you bought?" Thread


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I just bought a marine fish tank :loser:


I've been contemplating purchasing one for a while now but have been put off with starting one from scratch, however I went in to the aquatics centre today and they were getting rid of their display Red Sea Max model with clownfish, starfish and a few others.




Were you being followed on the way home by a taxi?

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joking aside I would have recommended you continued with your current bike for several months after the test. This is a bit like passing a test in a Micra and then jumping into a Porshe.


If you must risk your neck by doing this, try to resist the temptation to let your wife on the back for a good few months.

Edited by Christmas Tree
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After passing my CBT, my theory test and my Mod 1 test I'm 3/4 of the way to having my full bike licence.


Blew my savings on a bike today so fingers crossed I actually pass the thing next month!






( don't forget to take the stabilisers off ;) )

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joking aside I would have recommended you continued with your current bike for several months after the test. This is a bit like passing a test in a Micra and then jumping into a Porshe.


If you must risk your neck by doing this, try to resist the temptation to let your wife on the back for a good few months.


Alreet Carl Fogarty :lol:

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I have seen some right cath words on motor bikes recently, the worse was yesterday.


Coming back from Reeth, we were joining the A1 at Catterick, 6 bikes come flying down the slip road, undertake us whilst crossing the solid white line, i.e off the road and then undertook a car towing a caravan in exactly the same way, i.e off the road, just as they were about to join the motorway, idiots man.


Nice bike though J69.

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Any reccomendations for a small TV around £100-150 - I'm mainly going to use it as a second monitor so it doesn't have to be brilliant. (well second monitor for streaming football/little bedroom tv)



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