Monkeys Fist 45120 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Its beside me on the coffee table, as it happens. You know exactly what I mean. Stomach muscles, abs, washboard etc. Have you ever had one? Aye, many many burgers ago. There's the difference between thee and me. I love a burger. Emphasis on the singular. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Jesus wept, i'm paying out because that fat cunt has no willpower, not only with his smoking previously but his fucking eating habbits.How hard is it not to buy a donut ffs. and he has the gaul to compare it to someone having an accident? seriously... "hey me getting free weight watchers is the same as you getting kemo, least all the puking keeps you thin" wish i couldn't see his quoted posts and all the man's a spanner. And I've paid for years to keep you fuckers from blowing each other up you ungrateful little twat. Away and fuck yourself you fat ignorant bastard, there's many many distinct differences in every thread where you come off with tripe like above and that has got to be one of the fucking worst. The influence of other ill informed moronic pricks on innocent people is in no way comparable as the same as paying for some fat cunt who can't keep his mouth shut either in general or to stop food going into it, and frankly for a comment like you came off with if you'd said that in my vacinity i'd have broken your fucking jaw seeing as i had friends killed by spackers like that. Hope to fuck you fail miserably with your diet, have a coronary frankly sooner than later so the less time you can influence any kids you've got the better. In fact whats your paypal i'll lob you the cost of a fryup tomorrow morning. You're apparently well off and educated, but you're saying it's perfectly fine for you to claim for free weight loss lessons? it's not like you're a fucking drug addict and need outside help, "i'm addicted to cakes" that'd be some claim. Drive less, eat less shit, do more Not me thick Cunt, the government, a Labour one at that If somethings free on the NHS, its free. who are you to say who should decide to go private or not. Suppose you fuck your knee playing 5 a side, why the fuck should you get it free when you can pay for it. The comparisons are fucking endless you gimp. I've private healthcare went to it when i broke my arm playing 5a-side..paid for while working in tesco Theres a difference once again between someone injuring themselves in an accident, and someone who just eats a pile of shite like a lazy fucking glutton and then claiming off the state. Let alone the fucking irony of you posting about the restaurants you've eaten in of high quality and expense and then effectively having us pay for it because you've turned into a fat bastard doing it. so no we shouldn't be paying to help you slim down, you didn't get there by accident, you didn't get there because of some addiction and you didn't get there because of some fucking health problem. You got there by being an ignorant lazy fucker Make your fucking mind up Ignore or not Ignore You are just simply to thick to get it. The government elected by the good people of the UK, decided that this "treatment / education" should be free. I couldnt give two flying fucks whether you approve or not. Some people dont approve of smokers being given oxygen to breathe or obese fuckers given free mobility scooters or rich cunts like you child benefit that you dont need.......If thats the rules, thats the rules. To thick to get it? Says the man who was supposedly in 4 different careers who now drives a cab and has to goto free weight-watchers to grasp not how to be unhealthy, fucking do one you mess. Who fucking compares it to accidents, people with illnesses, or people with addictions. They're not "rules" no one is forcing you to be a sponge, or lob the pies down your throat are they, "please please take the hand out honestly have it", "nono it doesn't matter that you've been posting all summer about having fish n chips at the bar in the sunshine and don't actually do any exercise" Bet if someone bumped into the back of you there would be an instant crippling case of whiplash on the cards and all. I'll assume the "rich cunts like you" was a typo "You are just simply to thick to get it. " < knows to play football 3-4 times a week, not have chips with everything, so not quite as simple as you. One day we may all evolve to be as perfect and holy as you. Now back on Ignore if you dont mind and this time try and have the "willpower" to keep it on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Going to NHS diet classes is not claiming a benefit. The most cost-effective pounds spent by the NHS are smoking cessation clinics. People who go there are on and off the tabs all the time. No difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Going to NHS diet classes is not claiming a benefit. The most cost-effective pounds spent by the NHS are smoking cessation clinics. People who go there are on and off the tabs all the time. No difference. except nicotine is an addictive substance, pies are not. Its not their 'addictiveness' which will cost money, its their 'harm'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 You're still on it fasto, you get an option to view single posts if you like. I'm not perfect I'm just not a total spastic where i realise if I eat crap that's bad for me do fuck all about it I'll be unhealthy. I'm also not hypocritical enough to rant in politics threads about helping the little man, then post in the materialism thread about some new expensive item I've purchased, the holiday thread for the trip I've just taken and the fancy restaurant I've just been to in the "where to eat" thread to swiftly then move on to posting about how I'm claiming a "benefit" for the lack of being able to control my weight that I've gained from my relaxing holiday while letting the rich food i've eaten settle, playing with whatever the fck it was I just bought from the comfort of my living room chair where the weight has created a recess likening to the grand canyon. all threads which you've featured in to that extent, Your hypocritical enough to make a big show of having someone on ignore and then decide to provoke them by calling them a cunt from behind your safety blanket. Im 14 stone and 5-8 not exactly a slobbering mass but nice to know that the great Ant judges all of us on Toontastic with a few extra pounds, "total spastics". And for the last time, because I sense your a little bit slow, its a free service on the NHS and you should be commending the fact that Im doing something about those extra pounds, buying a treadmill, trying to move to a healthy diet and therefore not becoming a drain on the taxpayer in years to come. You will find no evidence on this website of me attacking anyone without provocation. You however seem quite at home with it and I can only assume you are a sad little man with nothing else of interest to offer. Now fuck off back under your rock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Going to NHS diet classes is not claiming a benefit. The most cost-effective pounds spent by the NHS are smoking cessation clinics. People who go there are on and off the tabs all the time. No difference. I used them for a few weeks to kick start my break from cigarettes. Tried for years to do it on my own, but the fact that once a week a nurse was going to "test" me and make me blow into a machine helped me kick the habit, hopefully saving the NHS thousands in years to come. Personally I think these sort of schemes are fantastic and take great vision to put into place (even if it was a Labour government). Much better to tackle the cause, rather than the symptoms. As Ive said a few times tonight (and the economics argument is proven), much better to pay £50 or £60 quid and get people to change their ways than do nowt and in a few years time give them disability allowance, free scooters etc etc. It really is a no brainer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45120 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Cooking thread- to boil an egg, 1. Remove from chicken 2. Place in boiling water 3. Remove after some time 5. Eat 6. Wait an hour, have two cheezburgahs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brock Manson 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Is this your stint cheffing at the Veggy place? Dare you to slip some meaty bits in! Aye. Lucky enough to be trained by a chef whose been there, done it all. I already had a food hygeine certificate so I can work in a kitchen, so this is just good experience (just sorted out the pay as well)! Hoping to pursue this line of work as a career...perhaps. Some of the stuff would be delish with some meaty bits in. I appreciate bacon sarnies a lot more now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Is this your stint cheffing at the Veggy place? Dare you to slip some meaty bits in! Aye. Lucky enough to be trained by a chef whose been there, done it all. I already had a food hygeine certificate so I can work in a kitchen, so this is just good experience (just sorted out the pay as well)! Hoping to pursue this line of work as a career...perhaps. Some of the stuff would be delish with some meaty bits in. I appreciate bacon sarnies a lot more now. I know a few ex chefs / trainee chefs. Its a very tough game to be in as the hours can go on all day with prep during the day and service on an evening. The ones I know all left mainly due to the unsociable hours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brock Manson 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Is this your stint cheffing at the Veggy place? Dare you to slip some meaty bits in! Aye. Lucky enough to be trained by a chef whose been there, done it all. I already had a food hygeine certificate so I can work in a kitchen, so this is just good experience (just sorted out the pay as well)! Hoping to pursue this line of work as a career...perhaps. Some of the stuff would be delish with some meaty bits in. I appreciate bacon sarnies a lot more now. I know a few ex chefs / trainee chefs. Its a very tough game to be in as the hours can go on all day with prep during the day and service on an evening. The ones I know all left mainly due to the unsociable hours. It's something I've always enjoyed doing so at the moment I'm focussing on this line of work. It's a lot of graft and aye, the hours aren't the best, but you have to put them in regardless of what job you have. It's a damn sight better than turning up to work for a 7am start and not going home until dark like at M&S. Never seen myself working 9 to 5 in an office or wearing a suit to work either, and I can't make a living playing ice hockey or writing. I'm still a nipper so if cheffing isn't actually for me, I'll still have plenty of options available. At the very least, I'm learning how to cook some awesome stuff, and subsequently my vegetarian girlfriend is very appreciative. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23620 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Going to NHS diet classes is not claiming a benefit. The most cost-effective pounds spent by the NHS are smoking cessation clinics. People who go there are on and off the tabs all the time. No difference. I used them for a few weeks to kick start my break from cigarettes. Tried for years to do it on my own, but the fact that once a week a nurse was going to "test" me and make me blow into a machine helped me kick the habit, hopefully saving the NHS thousands in years to come. Personally I think these sort of schemes are fantastic and take great vision to put into place (even if it was a Labour government). Much better to tackle the cause, rather than the symptoms. As Ive said a few times tonight (and the economics argument is proven), much better to pay £50 or £60 quid and get people to change their ways than do nowt and in a few years time give them disability allowance, free scooters etc etc. It really is a no brainer. You could afford to pay for your lessons yourself though, which is my point. It seems completely at odds to me that you support the Conservative government in cutting school dinners to needy kids yet are happy to be subsidised to go to WW when the saving on food alone would pay for it. Same for smokers - I don't see why they shouldn't pay for their prescriptions when they should be saving ten times that by not smoking. You also claimed that the policy was introduced by NICE. I'm the monkey boy of NICE, not the organ grinder, but I haven't read all their guidance, and haven't read the obesity one, which I don't think you'd qualify for anyway (are you actually clinically obese?). You should know though that NICE is independent of the government before you start praising Labour for saving you a few quid which could be better spent elsewhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16416 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Is this your stint cheffing at the Veggy place? Dare you to slip some meaty bits in! Aye. Lucky enough to be trained by a chef whose been there, done it all. I already had a food hygeine certificate so I can work in a kitchen, so this is just good experience (just sorted out the pay as well)! Hoping to pursue this line of work as a career...perhaps. Some of the stuff would be delish with some meaty bits in. I appreciate bacon sarnies a lot more now. I told the mad Bavarian vegan girl from work about the place, by the way, so if you're out back and suddenly hear loudness, you'll know what's happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonraider 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Aw come on you lot, aren't you all being a little harsh on CT?? He's barely obese at 14 stone for a man is he? And in whatever way he does it, he is trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle. People keep saying overeating isnt an addiction, but it can be. With smoking you can completely cut it out of your life, but we all need to eat. I gave up smoking with no help, I just stopped and found it easier than I expected. But I find it harder to lose weight! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Think I'll do another Ruby tonight. The chilli masala was lush, even if I do say so myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Aw come on you lot, aren't you all being a little harsh on CT?? He's barely obese at 14 stone for a man is he? And in whatever way he does it, he is trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle. People keep saying overeating isnt an addiction, but it can be. With smoking you can completely cut it out of your life, but we all need to eat. I gave up smoking with no help, I just stopped and found it easier than I expected. But I find it harder to lose weight! Fuck em, bunch of hypocrites Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayatollah Hermione 14663 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Tbf, I'll probably eat something shite today like Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23606 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Think I'll do another Ruby tonight. The chilli masala was lush, even if I do say so myself. i love making curry but i never get it quite as tasty as a proper curry house. probably because i use olive oil instead of ghee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Think I'll do another Ruby tonight. The chilli masala was lush, even if I do say so myself. i love making curry but i never get it quite as tasty as a proper curry house. probably because i use olive oil instead of ghee Aye, I don't use ghee and I think that's the main difference. I actually discussed it with wor lass but decided not to bother trying it as it's a much healthier alternative if you don't. I use groundnut or sunflower oil though as olive oil has a bit of a taste that doesn't really go in a curry iyam. I still have the odd gut-buster from the takeaway or go out for a curry though which is fine once in a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23606 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Think I'll do another Ruby tonight. The chilli masala was lush, even if I do say so myself. i love making curry but i never get it quite as tasty as a proper curry house. probably because i use olive oil instead of ghee Aye, I don't use ghee and I think that's the main difference. I actually discussed it with wor lass but decided not to bother trying it as it's a much healthier alternative if you don't. I use groundnut or sunflower oil though as olive oil has a bit of a taste that doesn't really go in a curry iyam. I still have the odd gut-buster from the takeaway or go out for a curry though which is fine once in a while. absolutely; it's definitely my weakness when it comes to fast food. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23620 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Never even heard of ghee but it sounds like it could be the reason restaurant curries don't agree with me and I prefer my own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23606 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 (edited) Never even heard of ghee but it sounds like it could be the reason restaurant curries don't agree with me and I prefer my own. doesn't look the most appetising does it? Edited March 4, 2011 by Dr Gloom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45120 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Never even heard of ghee but it sounds like it could be the reason restaurant curries don't agree with me and I prefer my own. Its clarified butter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
manc-mag 1 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Never even heard of ghee but it sounds like it could be the reason restaurant curries don't agree with me and I prefer my own. doesn't look the most appetising does it? It's basically one of the reasons theres such a high incidence of heart disease amongst Southern Asian Briton's. Well according to whichever report you want to believe, no doubt theres one which says the opposite too. I can just imagine the "discussion" round at Alex's though. No doubt on the back of him buying a different margarine or some such without getting the green light "Don't you think you should have discussed it with me first?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Gewurztraminer goes lovely with a curry btw. (That's a wine, Renton). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23620 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Never even heard of ghee but it sounds like it could be the reason restaurant curries don't agree with me and I prefer my own. Its clarified butter Thanks for clarifying it's butter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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