Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Jesus wept, i'm paying out because that fat cunt has no willpower, not only with his smoking previously but his fucking eating habbits.How hard is it not to buy a donut ffs. and he has the gaul to compare it to someone having an accident? seriously... "hey me getting free weight watchers is the same as you getting kemo, least all the puking keeps you thin" wish i couldn't see his quoted posts and all the man's a spanner. And I've paid for years to keep you fuckers from blowing each other up you ungrateful little twat. Oooooooo! Whereas no-one can stop you blowing yourself up. :cheeseburger: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23623 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Nah CT said himself that he stopped going before cos of the cost, but now you get the first 26 weeks free through the NHS. And he repays the taxpayer by eating 2 cheeseburgers in an hour. He is a lard slurping, cake dribbling fraud of a benefits cheat. Fixed and the bolded bit- I'd want it made compulsory that for the next 5 years, any bloater claiming that has to submit to random ,public weigh-ins. any gain of 1lb or more is a day in the stocks, re-pay the 26 week fat- fee, and a good fucking shoeing. You're fucking kidding? Weight Watchers is on the NHS? Honestly, if you didn't laugh, you'd cry. Seriously, you should all be applauding Labour initiatives like this. Much better the NHS pay out 50 or 60 squid to cheaply deal with obesity rather than doing nothing to tackle the cause and instead spending thousands on healthcare, expensive medicines and Mobility scooters (which are all still currently given out free). Same logic as free patches for smokers. (which I also used successfully four years ago, potentially saving the NHS thousands. A no brainer tbf. Maybe so, but you can afford to pay it so you should feel a bit embarassed by this imo. The money you save on your food should pay for it even. As for free patches for smokers, I never understood this policy. Patches are cheaper than cigarettes, much cheaper in fact. If you choose to continue smoking you will die young and save the NHS money in the long run any way. Do you pay for your medical treatment? If you fall off your climbing wall and break a leg will you be getting a taxi or calling an ambulance? You're making a comparison for people getting injured exercising to people who become obese through over eating? Interesting. I think there is a fundamental difference between accidental injury in sport and shitty lifestyle choices. Also, as I said, why don't you use the money you save on cream cakes to fund your 'treatment', why do you expect the tax payer to do it? I have to pay for my climbing after all. It's the type of nanny state intervention I would have thought you'd be dead against as well. The arguments already being fought and won at the top of government. (Labour and Tory) The figures set out the cost of diseases related to being overweight or obese in 2007 and how much it will cost at local level in 2015 if we take no action. It is estimated that the cost to the NHS in England of obesity in 2007 was £4.2 billion and would rise to £6.3 billion in 2015. The PCT figures are set out in a new ‘Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives toolkit: A Toolkit for Developing Local Strategies’. It gives advice on how professionals can support and help people in their areas to eat more healthily and be more active. The economic argument might have been won. The moral argument hasn't. Iirc you supported the tories in stopping impoverished children getting free school dinners. Shame on you CT, you're quite literally stealing the food from their mouths with your podgy fingers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Tory ethos isn't it- Every man cake for themselves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckyluke 2 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 I know everyone thinks their chilli is the best, but, seriously, my chilli would kick the shit out of your chilli, take its money then go home with its girlfriend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Idioteque 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Chilli is rank just polished off pork steak, sausage, new potatoes, carrot and turnip, gravy and smothered in brown sauce out of this world Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 I'll bet the wallpaper is curling at the edges in your shithouse Idioteque Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Idioteque 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 nah mate, decorated last year Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Jesus wept, i'm paying out because that fat cunt has no willpower, not only with his smoking previously but his fucking eating habbits.How hard is it not to buy a donut ffs. and he has the gaul to compare it to someone having an accident? seriously... "hey me getting free weight watchers is the same as you getting kemo, least all the puking keeps you thin" wish i couldn't see his quoted posts and all the man's a spanner. And I've paid for years to keep you fuckers from blowing each other up you ungrateful little twat. Away and fuck yourself you fat ignorant bastard, there's many many distinct differences in every thread where you come off with tripe like above and that has got to be one of the fucking worst. The influence of other ill informed moronic pricks on innocent people is in no way comparable as the same as paying for some fat cunt who can't keep his mouth shut either in general or to stop food going into it, and frankly for a comment like you came off with if you'd said that in my vacinity i'd have broken your fucking jaw seeing as i had friends killed by spackers like that. Hope to fuck you fail miserably with your diet, have a coronary frankly sooner than later so the less time you can influence any kids you've got the better. In fact whats your paypal i'll lob you the cost of a fryup tomorrow morning. You're apparently well off and educated, but you're saying it's perfectly fine for you to claim for free weight loss lessons? it's not like you're a fucking drug addict and need outside help, "i'm addicted to cakes" that'd be some claim. Drive less, eat less shit, do more Not me thick Cunt, the government, a Labour one at that If somethings free on the NHS, its free. who are you to say who should decide to go private or not. Suppose you fuck your knee playing 5 a side, why the fuck should you get it free when you can pay for it. The comparisons are fucking endless you gimp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fish 11313 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Maybe if you didn't buy 2 Cheeseburgers at the match you could afford Weight Watchers your fucking self. Jesus body-popping Christ. Instead of giving them free Weight Watchers, they should apply a levy to clothes over a certain size, stick a tax on Big Macs, ban them from parking within a mile of their house... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Nah CT said himself that he stopped going before cos of the cost, but now you get the first 26 weeks free through the NHS. And he repays the taxpayer by eating 2 cheeseburgers in an hour. He is a lard slurping, cake dribbling fraud of a benefits cheat. Fixed and the bolded bit- I'd want it made compulsory that for the next 5 years, any bloater claiming that has to submit to random ,public weigh-ins. any gain of 1lb or more is a day in the stocks, re-pay the 26 week fat- fee, and a good fucking shoeing. You're fucking kidding? Weight Watchers is on the NHS? Honestly, if you didn't laugh, you'd cry. Seriously, you should all be applauding Labour initiatives like this. Much better the NHS pay out 50 or 60 squid to cheaply deal with obesity rather than doing nothing to tackle the cause and instead spending thousands on healthcare, expensive medicines and Mobility scooters (which are all still currently given out free). Same logic as free patches for smokers. (which I also used successfully four years ago, potentially saving the NHS thousands. A no brainer tbf. Maybe so, but you can afford to pay it so you should feel a bit embarassed by this imo. The money you save on your food should pay for it even. As for free patches for smokers, I never understood this policy. Patches are cheaper than cigarettes, much cheaper in fact. If you choose to continue smoking you will die young and save the NHS money in the long run any way. Do you pay for your medical treatment? If you fall off your climbing wall and break a leg will you be getting a taxi or calling an ambulance? You're making a comparison for people getting injured exercising to people who become obese through over eating? Interesting. I think there is a fundamental difference between accidental injury in sport and shitty lifestyle choices. Also, as I said, why don't you use the money you save on cream cakes to fund your 'treatment', why do you expect the tax payer to do it? I have to pay for my climbing after all. It's the type of nanny state intervention I would have thought you'd be dead against as well. The arguments already being fought and won at the top of government. (Labour and Tory) The figures set out the cost of diseases related to being overweight or obese in 2007 and how much it will cost at local level in 2015 if we take no action. It is estimated that the cost to the NHS in England of obesity in 2007 was £4.2 billion and would rise to £6.3 billion in 2015. The PCT figures are set out in a new ‘Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives toolkit: A Toolkit for Developing Local Strategies’. It gives advice on how professionals can support and help people in their areas to eat more healthily and be more active. The economic argument might have been won. The moral argument hasn't. Iirc you supported the tories in stopping impoverished children getting free school dinners. Shame on you CT, you're quite literally stealing the food from their mouths with your podgy fingers. Im afraid it is. Thats why we elect governments and yours has decided its morally correct. See, I've been telling you for ages about all the hand outs that were brought in under Labour but you just wouldnt listen. No good bleating about it now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, needs some junk, suffering…… ……going bad, needs junk…… must have lard…… Here you go Bunter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Idioteque 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Fucks sake man, don't give him ideas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Renton you should be ashamed not knowing about all of this, especially considering WW are working to NICE guidelines!!!! You probably ok'd the scheme There are currently 30 million adults in the UK who need access to weight management services, but the capacity of the NHS is limited. In contrast to intrinsic limitations in NHS provision, Weight Watchers has the operational infrastructure to provide the ‘industrial scale’ of services recommended by the Darzi Report: Weight Watchers offers over 6,000 weekly meetings; 7 days a week, morning, afternoon and evenings, in accessible community venues across the UK. While standard treatment packages like this do not suit the needs of all patients, especially those with complex needs, Weight Watchers meets NICE best practice standards and is underpinned by a robust level of research and evaluative data – so is well placed to support the NHS in managing the scale of services required. Such an approach spares the very skilled input which qualified health professionals can provide for those who most need it and means that the NHS does not have to invest in the development of their own group interventions, helping to maximise the cost effectiveness of obesity strategies at PCT / LHB / HB level. The scheme is proven to be both effective and cost effective. The initial audit of the scheme1 was based on over 1058 patients and indicated an average weight loss of 5.2kg over 12 weeks and found that 55.5% of patients attended every single meeting. The headline results from this initial audit were presented at the European Congress of Obesity in 2008 and an abstract published in the International Journal of Obesity2. The cost effectiveness of the scheme was evaluated by the Health Economics Consortium at York University for the prevention of obesity3, the findings of which are presented in the form of an incremental cost per QALY. The NICE4 guidelines on obesity estimate the cost effectiveness of surgery for obesity to be in the range of £6,300 to £8,500 per QALY, while drugs used to suppress diet range from £3,200 to £24,000 a year. By comparison, the cost effectiveness of a weight management programme with Weight Watchers is around £1,000 per QALY. This evaluation concluded that; ‘Weight Watchers appears to be offer a cost effective means of providing weight management services for NHS patients’. Paul Trueman, author of the study said: ‘One of the key elements in the cost effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent obesity is that they produce a lasting effect, with weight loss being maintained over time. The advantage of Weight Watchers over other similar commercial organisations and services provided by the NHS, where people receive dietary guidance, is that Weight Watchers have conducted trials involving two year follow-up studies5 which prove the long term effectiveness of their methods’. These observations are supported by additional studies looking at weight loss maintenance after 5 years 6,7. To date almost two thirds of PCTs across England are engaged with the scheme, patients of which having being referred by a variety of NHS professionals usually working in a primary care setting, including; GPs, practice nurses and registered dietitians. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. He'd cause death by a million shards if he did that man Chez. Heavyweight turds at hypersonic speeds into glass- :ouch: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Maybe if you didn't buy 2 Cheeseburgers at the match you could afford Weight Watchers your fucking self. Jesus body-popping Christ. Instead of giving them free Weight Watchers, they should apply a levy to clothes over a certain size, stick a tax on Big Macs, ban them from parking within a mile of their house... Another fucker who's fatter than me, last we heard.......Get yersell joined up or they'll be cutting my pension down to pay for your mobility scooter in a few years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Shocking mate. I had seeds for my dinner tonight, did 400 pull-ups and then stared at myself in the mirror for half and hour until i realised i hated myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Its beside me on the coffee table, as it happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Shocking mate. I had seeds for my dinner tonight, did 400 pull-ups and then stared at myself in the mirror for half and hour until i realised i hated myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 Jesus wept, i'm paying out because that fat cunt has no willpower, not only with his smoking previously but his fucking eating habbits.How hard is it not to buy a donut ffs. and he has the gaul to compare it to someone having an accident? seriously... "hey me getting free weight watchers is the same as you getting kemo, least all the puking keeps you thin" wish i couldn't see his quoted posts and all the man's a spanner. And I've paid for years to keep you fuckers from blowing each other up you ungrateful little twat. Away and fuck yourself you fat ignorant bastard, there's many many distinct differences in every thread where you come off with tripe like above and that has got to be one of the fucking worst. The influence of other ill informed moronic pricks on innocent people is in no way comparable as the same as paying for some fat cunt who can't keep his mouth shut either in general or to stop food going into it, and frankly for a comment like you came off with if you'd said that in my vacinity i'd have broken your fucking jaw seeing as i had friends killed by spackers like that. Hope to fuck you fail miserably with your diet, have a coronary frankly sooner than later so the less time you can influence any kids you've got the better. In fact whats your paypal i'll lob you the cost of a fryup tomorrow morning. You're apparently well off and educated, but you're saying it's perfectly fine for you to claim for free weight loss lessons? it's not like you're a fucking drug addict and need outside help, "i'm addicted to cakes" that'd be some claim. Drive less, eat less shit, do more Not me thick Cunt, the government, a Labour one at that If somethings free on the NHS, its free. who are you to say who should decide to go private or not. Suppose you fuck your knee playing 5 a side, why the fuck should you get it free when you can pay for it. The comparisons are fucking endless you gimp. I've private healthcare went to it when i broke my arm playing 5a-side..paid for while working in tesco Theres a difference once again between someone injuring themselves in an accident, and someone who just eats a pile of shite like a lazy fucking glutton and then claiming off the state. Let alone the fucking irony of you posting about the restaurants you've eaten in of high quality and expense and then effectively having us pay for it because you've turned into a fat bastard doing it. so no we shouldn't be paying to help you slim down, you didn't get there by accident, you didn't get there because of some addiction and you didn't get there because of some fucking health problem. You got there by being an ignorant lazy fucker Make your fucking mind up Ignore or not Ignore You are just simply to thick to get it. The government elected by the good people of the UK, decided that this "treatment / education" should be free. I couldnt give two flying fucks whether you approve or not. Some people dont approve of smokers being given oxygen to breathe or obese fuckers given free mobility scooters or rich cunts like you child benefit that you dont need.......If thats the rules, thats the rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45124 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Its beside me on the coffee table, as it happens. You know exactly what I mean. Stomach muscles, abs, washboard etc. Have you ever had one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 3, 2011 Share Posted March 3, 2011 CT in aggressive combatative mood, He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Its beside me on the coffee table, as it happens. You know exactly what I mean. Stomach muscles, abs, washboard etc. Have you ever had one? Aye, many many burgers ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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