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We had Confit of Duck yesterday for lunch, its probably my favourite. Served it with Salardaises potatoes (fried in duck fat and garlic) and green beans with shallots (you boil the beans for 2 or 3 mins then add them to frying shallots for 2 minutes). What made it extra special was the 2009 Pomerol which was lush. She'd been swimming and i'd been running in the morning so we felt justified in having the whole bottle with lunch. Fell asleep on the couch whilst the little one had her nap, perfect.

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The brand is irrelevant. There is no appropriate way to eat beans and pizza. Just having them on the same plate is gonna mean the pizza crust soaking up the bean sauce, which is unforgivable. And if you're eating it with a knife and fork and heaping beans ONTO pizza, then God forgive you, cos I can't.

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The brand is irrelevant. There is no appropriate way to eat beans and pizza. Just having them on the same plate is gonna mean the pizza crust soaking up the bean sauce, which is unforgivable. And if you're eating it with a knife and fork and heaping beans ONTO pizza, then God forgive you, cos I can't.


The beans will not be on the pizza, they'll be to the side. Perfect for dipping ;)


And no Ant - that is just wrong!

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hmmmm. mexican.


my obsession at the moment is jalapeno salsa.


anyone tried this stuff? it's the real deal, not like that tomato crap you get with nachos in most places. my mouth waters just thinking about it.



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Belfasts burrito place is quality!


http://www.boojummex.com/ :munch:

Is that the place near Queen's on Botanic Avenue? Went there a few times. Basic / canteen-style inside but really nice food? Think the only booze they do is Mex lagers and frozen Margaritas out of a Slush Puppy machine if it's the same one. I really liked the place. Cheap as well.

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