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Flemish beef stew tonight.


I've just bought some shin beef from the local butcher - they restock on thursdays so it's still mooing. :shifty:


Also got some sussex porter, plum and ale chutney to stir in too. Might add in some lentils to thicken it a little. I'm also going to try adding some brown bread with mustard spread on to thicken it further.


Can't wait for this. :D

That sounds absolutely delicious.

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Turned out really well! I scribbled down the recipe:


400g shin beef

2 onions

3 carrots

4 desert spoons of red lentils (no idea how much this is)

250ml beef stock

250ml porter

1 desert spoon of plum and ale chutney (spose you could use any chutney but i was in a farm shop today fer gawd sake)

1 desert spoon fresh chopped basil

1 bay leaf

1 tsp mixed 'erbs

1/2 tsp allspice

1/2 tsp marmite


1 slice of bread with mustard. - Could leave this bit out but I wanted a thicker stew.


Soften the onion in butter.

Roll the beef in flour and brown...in butter (I would've added more butter to CT it up a bit but thought against it)

Add beef in with onions, add in herbs, lentils and carrots too.

Pour in the warm stock, beer and marmite all stirred together.

Covered and slow cooked for about 3 hours.

2.5 hours in, stir in the chutney.

15 mins before serving, spread mustard on a slice of bread, chop it up really small then stir in and through until it thickens the sauce.


Served it with some broccoli and papardelle. Absolutely awesome. :thumbup:

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That Nigella pasta was nice. Dead easy to make as well which is the whole point in pasta imo.


Can't remember exact measurements, but you stick your pasta on to cook and the sauce is all made after that and consists of:



Cherry tomatoes



Olive oil



All that goes in the food processor and you just mix it into the pasta once it's cooked/drained.


Can provide measurements later if anyone plans to make it.

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That Nigella pasta was nice. Dead easy to make as well which is the whole point in pasta imo.


Can't remember exact measurements, but you stick your pasta on to cook and the sauce is all made after that and consists of:



Cherry tomatoes



Olive oil



All that goes in the food processor and you just mix it into the pasta once it's cooked/drained.


Can provide measurements later if anyone plans to make it.

Aye, I saw that one. Sicilian Pasta or something. Thought I might make it without the anchovies and with some olives / tapenade instead. The recipe's on the Beeb's site.

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That Nigella pasta was nice. Dead easy to make as well which is the whole point in pasta imo.


Can't remember exact measurements, but you stick your pasta on to cook and the sauce is all made after that and consists of:



Cherry tomatoes



Olive oil



All that goes in the food processor and you just mix it into the pasta once it's cooked/drained.


Can provide measurements later if anyone plans to make it.

Capers and Anchovies not make it really salty?

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Nah, I thought that but it's not. It's only 6anchovy fillets and two tablespoons of capers, so not loads.


Forgot to mention there's 2 cloves of garlic in there too, and if anything garlic is the main flavour.

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I do a pasta sauce which is basically Arrabbiata but with fried aubergine, lemon zest / juice and olives which is canny. I think classic Arrabbiata is my favourite pasta sauce though.

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I do a pasta sauce which is basically Arrabbiata but with fried aubergine, lemon zest / juice and olives which is canny. I think classic Arrabbiata is my favourite pasta sauce though.

Do you have it with peas?

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