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Have you got this?




Want to know if it's any good.


I haven't, but iirc Fist has a lot of these recipes on his PC and PM'd them around a year or two ago.


Their range of sauces and marinades I guess makes a lot of the recipes redundant.


The teriyaki one was truly wonderful.

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I have the original Wagamama Cookbook but have never really tried anything from it. Shameful tbh. :lol:


Must say I'm godawful at trying to replicate chinese recipes - whenever I've tried Ching He Huang's ( :wank: ) stuff it's never ended brilliantly.

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I have the original Wagamama Cookbook but have never really tried anything from it. Shameful tbh. :lol:


Must say I'm godawful at trying to replicate chinese recipes - whenever I've tried Ching He Huang's ( :wank: ) stuff it's never ended brilliantly.


i don't midn cooking asian stuff. all you really need for a decent chinese is soy sauce, rice wine, garlic, chili, ginger and fresh coriander. the only tricky bit is balancing the flavours. you don't need many more ingredients though.

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i don't get it, won't it just be ultra soggy now/start to leak?

who wants to eat soggy bread.


How long before he creates a bowl from a bap and fills it with beans, and starts using his spare slice of toast as a napkin.

Like this? Called Trenchers/Dredgers aren't they?

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i don't get it, won't it just be ultra soggy now/start to leak?

who wants to eat soggy bread.


How long before he creates a bowl from a bap and fills it with beans, and starts using his spare slice of toast as a napkin.


Not really bread though is it?

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i don't midn cooking asian stuff. all you really need for a decent chinese is soy sauce, rice wine, garlic, chili, ginger and fresh coriander. the only tricky bit is balancing the flavours. you don't need many more ingredients though.


Aye that sort of thing is grand, I just have never been able to produce a proper sweet and sour sauce. Can never get the bastard cornflour to work. :lol:


I once hoyed some into a thai curry i'd made from scratch (ie the curry paste which was lush) and it ended up like wallpaper paste!

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Like this? Called Trenchers/Dredgers aren't they?


Encountered them (in their most notable form) in Prague. Massive bread bowl filled with chunky veggie soup, could hardly move afterwards. And that was on the menu as a starter. :lol: Brilliant hangover fix though.

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Just made a chili for tea using this recipe from the Beeb.




Not that I particularly like Chili but it keeps the wife happy.


Love Chilli me


My Mrs makes a belter.


My brother in law made one for us when he was last over from the US, for the meat he used a whole chicken and a huge joint of beef, was amazing, crazy yanks.

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